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Jamaal Magloire on the blocks


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The thing about it is this... Oakley never progressed as a PF. I was a Oakley fan when he was with the Bulls.. As his career went on, he never got better.

Are you kidding me. You must be reading the stats. I followed NY closely until Ewing retired and Oakly was simply awesome and kept getting better until he became too old. You won't understand his contributions from stat books. The only thing I disliked about him was those long jumpers. I used to go: no no no...

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The truth of the matter is that the Bulls were taken to the cleaners on the Oakley for Cartwright trade. The Knicks got a good young Pf who could rebound, defend, and intimidate.

As Oak got older.. That's all he ever did. Rebound, defend, intimidate. In fact, watching the Knicks play became foul a mania because Oak felt that he just needed to intimidate everybody and they would just fall in line.

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to say we couldn't use an Oakley is ludicrous. actually that what we could use the most. and again, Magl isn't a thug. he just want a community service award..

if there's a trade we've discussed on here that i'd go after, it's Al for Jamaal.

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I would KILL for Oakley on this team right now. The NBA as a whole needs an Oakley right now.

However, I don't think Magloire is Oakley, but I would also love to get Magloire. He would make us so much better it's not even funny. He'll be hoping for the max on his next deal, but as far as basketball goes, he'd be a godsend for us

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The truth of the matter is that the Bulls were taken to the cleaners on the Oakley for Cartwright trade. The Knicks got a good young Pf who could rebound, defend, and intimidate.

Actually it was a great trade for both teams. Knicks had Ewing, and Cartright was getting old and still had trade value. Cartright was the starting center and a vital clog for the bulls championship run. He was so smart. Bulls had seen Horace Grant emarging and got rid of Oakly exactly at the right time.

So Chicago had Grant+ Cartright and NY had Ewing+Oakly. Not many trades are this perfect for both teams.

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I would take Al for Jamal in a heartbeat.

1. He + pg could make the playoff contender immediately.

2. Phoenix pick next year will be much worse.

3. His contract comes off the book next year and we'll be perfectly placed for the free agent bonanza of 2007.

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I agree all the way. I was pushing Al for Magloire or Al/Lue for Magloire/MoWilliams all season. I think that the problem now is that you have to convince Al that of all the places to go, he wants to go to Milwaukee, and you need Milwaukee to be willing to pay him big bucks.

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Agreed that JM would makeZaZa better immediately. I have to wonder that a change of scenery wouldn't do him good. If it doesn't he'll be here a year.

And as far as the swap with Seatle 5 and 10 for Petro . . . . HELL YES. Would love to have him play beside JS, JJ, et al

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