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Why did Smoove drop so far down in his draft??


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If my memory is right, it was something to do with his desire. Everyone knew about his incredible athleticism, but no one knew quite how that would translate. I remember reading something stating that he seemed disinterested in the game at times and that he lacked focus.

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Not only that but people weren't sure if he would ever develop NBA level skills. He was viewed as someone who dominated in high school athletically, but did not have sound fundamentals.

Remember his rookie year? For every amazing play he would also dribble the ball of his foot or pass the ball out of bounds.

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One big factor believe it or not was a documentary where they followed some of the top high schoolers, and in one of the all-star games, things weren't going his way and he basically quit and moped. People thought he was a quitter.

Also he was pretty much all athleticism, very little NBA-level skill.

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This is from DraftExpress, June 17, 2004:

"Josh Smith is someone that rises and falls every day depending on whom you are talking to. Sometimes he looks fantastic (like in Phoenix last week) and sometimes he is downright terrible, like he was today in Philly. His outside shot comes and goes, his ball-handling is not even close to being NBA caliber, and he is pretty clueless when it comes to playing defense. But once he starts throwing down dunks, you tend to forget about all of that. If he falls past #6, its concievable he slips all the way to #17."

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During that documentary, the player Josh seemed to be the most "at odds" with was Darius Washington. Before that particular game, those two were very close. During that documentary, Josh and Darius were always together it seemed, along with Dwight Howard. During the game, Josh seemed like he felt Darius was hogging the ball, and he really showed a poor attitude towards Darius after that.

The ironic twist is that Darius Washington might just be a strong option for the Hawks in the second round.

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This is from DraftExpress, June 17, 2004:

"Josh Smith is someone that rises and falls every day depending on whom you are talking to. Sometimes he looks fantastic (like in Phoenix last week) and sometimes he is downright terrible, like he was today in Philly. His outside shot comes and goes, his ball-handling is not even close to being NBA caliber, and he is pretty clueless when it comes to playing defense. But once he starts throwing down dunks, you tend to forget about all of that. If he falls past #6, its concievable he slips all the way to #17."

I remember that fox were following him and Dwight Howard....I wanted no part of Josh Smith. In fact I wanted J.R. Smith, because I remember him as the guy who was unstoppable at the McDonald's game.

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I have that draft on tape and I remember them saying he could be the biggest bust of the draft. He was all athlete and no bball skills yet. I know for me when I heard his name called my heart sunk cause when Stern spoke the name of the pick and he started with that J sound I swore it was gonna be Jameer Nelson. I'll have to say Billy made the right choice and I was wrong. Not that Jameer is a bad player cause he starting to break out but Smoove can be a superstar.

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Fun to watch and worst record in NBA history. Chill is better that JR and Iggy. Those guys are more athletic but Chill is a better basketball player. I bet you that either GM would trade those guys for CHill in a heartbeat.

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He was viewed as someone who dominated in high school athletically, but did not have sound fundamentals.

That about sums it up I think. Athleticism will only get you so far, especially once you're in the NBA and everyone is just as athletic or more athletic than you are.

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No disrespect to Chill but imagine if we drafted JR Smith/Iguodala along with J Smoove. Talk about fun to watch.

chill is MUCH better than jr AND is a better leader and isn't at odds with his team/coaches

iggy is a good player, but not statistically much different than chill and i like chill better personally

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