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Shelden Williams


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My retort to Shelden is that the NUMBER 5 pick is waaay to high for him. If we traded down and got him, I'd be more apt to like the pick, but I really don't even want him at 8. I may be the only one who steadfastly can't stand the guy..I'm not using my hatred of Duke either. I just don't like what I've seen (small sample size). Great college stuff...

If the scouts think he'd be advantageous to us and that he can rebound, block shots, clean up the mess down low....what could I say? I still think a O'Bryant (Long term?) if not Aldridge help this team more.

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Personaly, I liked Sean May in last year's draft a good bit more than I like Shelden Williams in this year's draft. Sean May wasn't really a great fit for the Hawks, but I liked him as a player more htan I like Shelden as a player.

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Personaly, I liked Sean May in last year's draft a good bit more than I like Shelden Williams in this year's draft. Sean May wasn't really a great fit for the Hawks, but I liked him as a player more htan I like Shelden as a player.

Shelden isn't a top 3 big man in this draft but he's definitely better than Sean May especially on the defensive side of the ball. The only question is will Shelden's defensive game translate to the next level. Will he be an undersized stiff or the next Carlos Boozer (before injury).

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So once again, you're on the side of taking a player and hoping he can turn out against taking a player with the pedigree and reputation to fill our need.

Look at this draft. All the players have deep question Marks. If you want the longterm make sense, you're taking Morrison.

It's not easy to find a player that provides what Shelden will give.. it's a little more than 12/8/2. I would suggest 16/9/2.5. If MW is the star you say he is, shouldn't he have a Shelden Williams who is solid... We don't need more hope players. We need players who bring something to the table sooner rather than Later in some distance galaxy...

Give me the guy with the Pedigree.

The guy who earned the nickname the Landlord.

The guy who was defensive player of the year for the last 2 years.

The guy who was the team USA University games MVP.

The guy who finished 3rd in the History of the NCAAs in Blocks behind Admiral and Bradley.

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also although i think that being a bit shorter will have it's disadvantages AT TIMES, if he is really really good as it appears, most of the time he will be able to limit that size disadvantage..

plus we also have to keep in mind that the center he's guarding has to not only be taller but also better. and there's not that many good taller centers out there....

i like him at a lower pick because also he can play many minutes at power forward to give our other forwards rest.

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I think the knock on him being short is over-rated.

i agree. Like ur Barkley example, Ben Wallace is the same. No one will complain about Big Ben playing center for any team. As long as u have game + skill, ur game.

people are acting as if hes a 6'4" PF. If he was 2 inches taller, there would be absolutely NO DISCUSSION once so ever and he'd be a top 5 pick easily.

whats JUST as important as height is your stretch. if he has long arms, he can make up for his lack of height.

im also not advocating that we pick him. however, i think he will make a great pro.

heres the formula i came up with for Williams.

Sheldon Williams = Carlos Boozer + more defense - "i screwed the cavs over" reputation = top 10 pick.

Exactly...you don't block shots with your forehead or grab rebounds with your eyebrows. Measuring from your head to your toes is kind of silly in that it doesn't matter much...what matter most is the standing reach and Shelden is MUCH like Ben Wallace in that his hands hang down to his knees.

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I don't see anybody where we will pick who will be a better fit NOR will be a better player now nor down the line than Shelden Williams. The only exception is Roy. I think Williams fit our most pressing need and he's a guy that will be very good for us now and down the line. We are sitting around waiting on a whole lot of potential. I prefer to have Williams as another one of those glue guys who just goes in and get the job done at PF.

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Not to long ago I was utterly against getting Sheldon Williams.

But if the rumors are true that he's been measuring in at 6'9 with a 7'3 wingspan, then I think he's just what the doctor ordered for this team. He's rugged, tough, experienced, and a shotblocker and rebounder who can also do a bit of scoring and make his free throws.

He's a little small at 6'9, but in today's NBA -- where Ben Wallace and (sigh) Boris Diaw are 2 of the most dominant centers around, both of whom are 6'9 -- I see no reason why he can't actually play CENTER for us as well as PF, especially because he's actually pretty thick and strong, too.

To me, my dream scenario for this draft is to take Randy Foye at number 5, then trade Childress to the Rockets for the 8 pick and take Sheldon Williams.

G: Randy Foye

G: Joe Johnson

F: Marvin Williams

F: Josh Smith

C: Sheldon Williams

That looks like a tough, athletic, versatile, defensive team that can run or play half-court. And Foye and Sheldon are 4 year seniors, so they ought to be able to step in and contribute right away.

Plus, from BK's perspective, it would be hard for opposing offenses to create mismatches against this team (unless you have Shaq), because everyone is relatively big, quick, strong, and athletic.

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I can very easily see Patrick O'Bryant and Cedric Simmons being better fits long term and better players within 3 years than Shelden Williams. Shelden isn't going to get any better than he is right now. Those two guys at least have an upside to their game.

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I'm not sold on Foye... But I would consider him if we have an answer for our PF situation..

Also... I'm not for trading Chillz.

How about this instead.

trade down with the Seattle for Petro/#10 (I still like this deal).

#10 = Shelden.

Then trade Al for Gordon.


I don't see Shelden as a C on this level. He's a powerful power forward.

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I like Simmons, but I don't think he's better than Sheldon. In fact, in the interview, Simmons said something to the effect of liking to play face up as a PF. That's alright, but I would love a guy with a real low post back to the basket game like Shelden..

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Cedric Simmons doesn't seem like the type of guy who has a real feel for the game despite being a bit of a physical freak, and O'Bryant has better size but is also rumored to be less than a hard worker. Both guys have more physical upside than Sheldon, but upside isn't everything.

Plus, I don't think Sheldon NEEDS to get any bigger. He's already a strong, thick, long-armed 6'9 with great timing. He works hard, rebounds, block shots...what's not to like other than that you don't think he has that magical "upside?"

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O'Bryant = Steven Hunter... or Jon Koncak. The rise of O'Bryant was out of nowhere. He didn't do well in his small conference. I think that's similar to the Jon Koncak story.. Proud graduate of SMU.

Moreover, I think Obryant is very similar to Hunter...

Listen to this quote:


After one passable season and one major disappointment at DePaul, Hunter crushed the competition in Chicago. He demonstrated the hunger and tenacity that were missing from his college play -- blocking shots and scoring often with a quick, hard-to-block jump hook. He'll be hard to keep out of the first round.

Anybody can get up for a spell. I think that's what we're seeing in OBryant now. Like Hunter, he has all the tools but he hasn't shown anything on the lower level except in one game vs. Pitt. I don't expect much from him on the next level.

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Cedric Simmons doesn't seem like the type of guy who has a real feel for the game despite being a bit of a physical freak, and O'Bryant has better size but is also rumored to be less than a hard worker. Both guys have more physical upside than Sheldon, but upside isn't everything.

Plus, I don't think Sheldon NEEDS to get any bigger. He's already a strong, thick, long-armed 6'9 with great timing. He works hard, rebounds, block shots...what's not to like other than that you don't think he has that magical "upside?"

Well said.

I do think Sheldon might be a reach at 5, but to completely dismiss him as an NBA player is comical.

It is almost as if production at the college level is unimportant these days as long as you are athletic and have some mythical "upside."

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Here is why he is what we need. He is a low-post scorer and is really tough around the basket, We have no one on this roster that has that type of game. We have some 6-9 guys that want to shoot jumpers all the way out to three point country. Sheldon is a tough low post scorer and rebounder. I would take him at #5 in a heartbeat.

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It is almost as if production at the college level is unimportant these days as long as you are athletic and have some mythical "upside."

It's been that way for awhile. Some people don't realize that basketball is a game of skill. it isn't just about length and athleticism. And most guys drafted on upside never come close to reaching their perceived potential.

The Hawks were lucky with Smith because he looks like he is well on his way to reaching his potential. However they picked him at 17, which is a good place to pick a project.

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