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What Do we really know about Belkin????


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I highly doubt Billy Knight is shaking in his boots. Billy knows that he will be able to get another job very easily, because despite what a few idiot fans on this board thinks, Billy Knight is very well respected in the NBA for his ability to evaluate talent.

He isn't going to get another GM job, it'll be as a scouting director or something like that. Anyone that thinks he is a good GM is an idiot.

If the Elgin Baylor can win GM of the year than anyone is capable of redemption.

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Makes me wonder if the Spirit partners would bring legal actions against their lawyers because they royally screwed the pooch on this one. gotta wonder about their malpractice insurance.

Re Belkin's intentions: if this goes his way, he's going to have a lot of money he COULD INVEST in the team. Cause he'll get the team for a bargain.

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