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Meeting With Bernie And BK


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....Billy is hinting that maybe the "big men" are getting weighted a little more when it comes to forming his "top six"?

It's going to be interesting, because I believe that one guy who will probably be in everyone's top six but Billy's is Adam Morrison. Adam just doesn't seem to have the qualities that Billy looks for in a player.

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definitely. I didn't realize that the buyout documents were new documents drafted when Belkin agreed to sell, which seems to be what you're saying. I assumed that it was in the original agreement. However, what you're saying might make more sense, I probably just misunderstood. In which case the bad ownership with Belkin is partly explained by the 10 day limit, but there is no excuse for the crappy buyout documents.

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definitely. I didn't realize that the buyout documents were new documents drafted when Belkin agreed to sell, which seems to be what you're saying. I assumed that it was in the original agreement. However, what you're saying might make more sense, I probably just misunderstood. In which case the bad ownership with Belkin is partly explained by the 10 day limit, but there is no excuse for the crappy buyout documents.

I haven't seen the documents but that is the only sequence that makes sense to me. It was certainly reported in the press that the buyout was negotiated when the ruling came down in favor of the AS.

See e.g., http://www.usatoday.com/sports/basketball/...a-roundup_x.htm

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I can't really answer that, sorry. I will say this:

-BK has said for a while that he sees lack of big men as our biggest problem

-BK is looking to adress need, but is not afraid to take BPA even if he doesn't fit the need.

Also, I just remembered another funny moment, a fan thanked him for at least being a much better GM than Pete Babcock... grin.gif

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AOL didn't have to sell the Hawks. They CHOSE to do so. If this group hadn't gotten their offer on the table at that point, AOL would have just moved on. Plus, there are no reports that there were no other bidders. Bernie and Billy have no reason to tell loyal season ticket holders a lie about this.

Um, AOL wanted to sell and quite frankly the team would be better off if AOL did move on to another bidder. Bernie and Billy are trying to cover the owners asses by attributing the confusion to the compressed time frame involved in the purchase of the franchise.

Seriously, it appears these guys have screwed up several times already.

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Plus, there are no reports that there were no other bidders.

True there were no reports that there were no other bidders, but that doesn't mean that there were other bidders.


Bernie and Billy have no reason to tell loyal season ticket holders a lie about this.

Don't be niave, there could be plenty of reasons for them to lie.

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Thanks for the info..

A couple of points..

This is 3 or 4 times the Hawks management has mentioned the language barrier that holds Esteban back..Why the hell don't they spring 50 grand for a damn translator????? No excuse there.

They know we don't have a starting caliber point, but will get one only if they find one?..What the hell does that mean?..Isn't it their job to find one?

The thing about Belkin "not having the funds to buy the Bobcats" is total BS..The Belkin/Bird group had plenty of investors and funding but the NBA was heavily lobbied to go with a minority owner in Robert Johnson and the fact he is mega-rich didn't hurt.

As for Johnny Bravo's wet dream of Iverson, he is not a free agent of the fine wouldnt apply there..

Did anyone ask why the Hawks are being so lazy about having workouts??..Only the Hawks, the Spurs and the Mavs has so few workouts scheduled(2)..I think the other 2 teams get a pass but we still need help.

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just because AOL didn't necessarily have other buyers at that point in time doesn't mean they didn't get tired of the McDavid mess and tell the Spirit that if they got it done in 10 days they could swoop in and take it. You have to remember the McDavid mess had been going on for a while.

Also, I think that if a president is going to deceive his fans to make the owners look good, I don't think that's how you go about it. You don't make up a specific deadline out of the blue if it didn't exist.

Now if you were to say that Belkin isn't as cheap as they say he is, I still don't believe that, but it certainly would be possible for the owners / bernie to lie or exaggerate on that. But I just can't see them just making up a deadline that wasn't there.

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This just reinforces why I like Billy Knight. He gets the shaft in the media but I personally love how he treats the media considering the way the AJC is. Being a big Georgia Tech fan, it is amazing to see how the b*ttsniffers (UGA grads) find anything and everything to talk negatively about GT. I wouldn't tell them anything other than MAYBE things that are 180 degrees from the truth just to watch them have a field day with it. Billy Knight owes me nothing as a fan b/c I will be watching the Draft and following Free Agency. That is when, like everyone else, I will get to see what he wants to do. Here's a list of players I'd like to see workout:

Marcus Williams vs. Rajon Rondo vs. Brandon Roy

- I want to see if Roy can guard the smaller quicker players and if Rondo has truly improved that shot. I'd also be for bringing in Farmar, Washington, Gibson to see if they are close to the others and we can get them with a late 1st or our early 2nd

Shelden Williams vs. Patrick O'Bryant vs. Lamarcus Aldridge vs. Tyrus Thomas vs. Cedric Simmons vs. Alexander Johnson

- I want to see these 6 go at it in practice. I would like to maybe see Sene here, too, just to get a closer look at him.

Brandon Roy vs. Adam Morrison vs. Rudy Gay

- I'd like to test Roy's versatility. Can he guard the bigger wings? Can he guard the quicker, longer wings?

I'm sure BK has done his time with Bargnani so I doubt he even brings him in if he is indeed considering him. I don't see him lasting, though.

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I feel sorry for Jay Williams. Dude pulled a Rothlesburger/Ron Gant and destroyed his future.

About the draft.

I can imagine the 6 players on the list. I think a name that pops up here a lot is not on it.

Lastly... Marvin's back pains. Is it similar to the Larry Bird thing? Will it require surgery? I think Physical therapy is good, but that's exactly the road that Larry Johnson took and it made Grandmama.. into Groundmama...

and that player would be Roy i bet.

i appreciate the optimism Lascar but i am still not a Billy Knight fan. but thanks for the post.

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This is 3 or 4 times the Hawks management has mentioned the language barrier that holds Esteban back..Why the hell don't they spring 50 grand for a damn translator????? No excuse there.

It's not that simple. I didn't ask, but he still has to understand what his teammates are telling him during the game. He has to understand what woody is yelling from the sidelines. He has to understand what the ref is saying. I'm sure they have a translator in practice and whatnot. Besides, let's be honest, his game isn't ready.


They know we don't have a starting caliber point, but will get one only if they find one?..What the hell does that mean?..Isn't it their job to find one?

Yeah I don't know what to tell you, this was a classic, frustrating, non-response by billy knight. If we find the perfect guy, we'll take him, NEXT QUESTION!


The thing about Belkin "not having the funds to buy the Bobcats" is total BS..The Belkin/Bird group had plenty of investors and funding but the NBA was heavily lobbied to go with a minority owner in Robert Johnson and the fact he is mega-rich didn't hurt.

I don't have the details, but if you're suggesting that Belkin and Bird had plenty of cash and decided to bring in Gearon and co. when they didn't know them well just for fun is not believable. Apparently, Gearon and co. were on the group, and the reason was that Belkin and company needed their cash.

Now I never said that cash was the reason that they lost it out to Bob Johnson. Just that cash is the reason that Belkin and Gearon first were partnered, on the charlotte deal.


As for Johnny Bravo's wet dream of Iverson, he is not a free agent of the fine wouldnt apply there..

Yeah I realize that but there were other non-mentions. In any event, he didn't name anyone. He just said as an example that certain eastern conference teams might have several highly paid stars and still failed to make the playoffs, and that we were not interested in taking on their players just because they would put a few fans in the seats ...


Did anyone ask why the Hawks are being so lazy about having workouts??..Only the Hawks, the Spurs and the Mavs has so few workouts scheduled(2)..I think the other 2 teams get a pass but we still need help.

No. I actually thought about that on the way home. They did go onand on about the hundreds of games that they've seen live and on tape for each prospect that they're considering taking, that they have their full medical info, that they put them all through psychological tests etc...

My personal guess is that they'll bring them in, but they feel that they already know who can do what anyhow.

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Did anyone ask why the Hawks are being so lazy about having workouts??..

Good question

this would make sense due to Billy's penchant for playing his cards close to the vest. a positive for sure.

you know what happens in these workouts, no need for you to have a "formal" one if you want to fly under the radar.

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If I read this right, it was Stern that recommended Belkin to the A.S.??? If that is the case, I wonder if Stern feels any sense of responsibility? And could this be a factor as things move forward?

not quite. I believe Stern recommended Gearon to Belkin on the charlotte deal. Stern recommended the washington group to gearon on the ATL deal. Gearon took it upon himself to return the favor to Belkin and invite him on the ATL deal.

I believe I have this right.

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Billy Knight owes me nothing as a fan b/c I will be watching the Draft and following Free Agency.

Just to clarify, they made a point of kind of adressing this tonight. I remember Bernie distinctly saying something like "you might botice we haven't used the word patience at all. We as a franchise are trying to show patience and build a winner. But we understand that as fans, you don't owe us patience, we know that you want a good product every night." That was a total paraphrase, but you get the idea. They get it that we're fans and we want a winner now. They're trying to do the right thing

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I guess all these playoff type teams that are working out 20 plus guys might start folowing the Hawks model of success of working out 2 players..You need to work out guys that you might think about for trade downs or 2nd rounders..What does not working out players have to do with playing things close to the vest?

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