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Meeting With Bernie And BK


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Looks like maybe BK was talking about a specific player



NBA Source; Redick Out for Several Months with Back Injury

Duke senior J.J. Redick failed a physical at the NBA pre-draft camp in Orlando and will be out for an extended period with a back problem that may require surgery, according to a source with close NBA contacts.

A representative of Redick’s agent, Arn Tellem of Wasserman Media Group, returned a phone call from DraftExpress and read us the following statement made by Mr. Tellem: “I am confident his draft status is anywhere from 7-14. You can take that to the bank.” When asked whether Tellem is denying or confirming the rumors about Redick’s alleged back problem, the representative said that is all Arn Tellem has to say about the back issue.

A Wasserman Media Group official later denied that there are issues that might lead Redick to conduct surgery and sit out for four months. That official was not willing to deny any reports about complications with his back that may have come up during his examination in Orlando.

According to various national media reports, Redick recently cancelled a Wednesday workout with Orlando and a Saturday workout with Boston, citing a “sore back.” Redick was arrested Tuesday on charges of drunken driving, and according to one source, his infraction may have been a direct response to frustration over his possible health issues.

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Appreciate the info. It's what we all hope to find. It gave me reason to be hopeful on several counts:

Esteban and his game, David Andersen coming over, intention to make moves in FA, especially bigs, developing Salim and giving Chill and Marvin special attention to develop. thanks

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You can't let the feelings of the fans dictate what you do. The quick fix route is nothing more than a temporary appeaser for the fans. I've never seen a team take a quick fix approach and win a championship, and to me, winning a championship is the ultimate goal.

If you want to see the results of a quick fix, look at the Memphis Grizzlies. They were not a good team when Jerry West took over, but they did have some good young talent. Jerry West went the quick fix route and got them into the playoffs. They haven't won a single playoff game in three years though, because they are a tremendously flawed team. Their bell cows remain Pau Gasol and Shane Battier though.

Had Billy Knight gone the quick fix route, the fans on this board and other boards would probably be optimistic because the team is in the playoffs. A three year run like the Grizzlies have had would turn that optimism into venom though because you can't win in the playoffs. What good is the quick fix when in three to four years time, you have to blow that apart and start all over.

Rebuilding a basketball team is a damned if you do, damned of you don't situation. The quick fix will get you loved in the short term and hated in the long term, and doing it the right way will get you hated in the short term, but this one gets you loved in the long term if management has the patience to keep you on...which I believe the current management does have.

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Wow, major props to Lascar for that post. Great read. Burger King is the best GM in the history of the game (I exaggerate.)

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I guess all these playoff type teams that are working out 20 plus guys might start folowing the Hawks model of success of working out 2 players..You need to work out guys that you might think about for trade downs or 2nd rounders..What does not working out players have to do with playing things close to the vest?

read my sig. it has read "fire billy knight" for months. i'm trying to be positive and give him the benefit of the doubt.

if Billy can make 2 good moves this offseason the Hawks can go into next year expecting to make a playoff run. it's up to Billy to put up or shut up at this juncture. i wish him well.

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Lascar thanks for the info, but I had a question on the Jay Williams subject. When they said Jay had worked out with them was it this year or last year? The reason I ask is I remember someone posting last week that Jay himself had said he worked out for the Hawks last year and that was when they said he wasn't ready. I don't think Jay has worked out with the team in 2006. The articles from Draft Express say he looked great in a workout last week with Deron Williams. Could you clarify these things. I know I wasn't at the meeting, but I believe BK was talking about last year that Williams worked out for the team.

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First, thanks for all the information.

I actually don't get this language thing at all. I learned Spanish and Kichwa simultaniously a year and a half ago by living in the Ecuadorian Andes. I talked with people every day. When I got to Ecuador I took a six week instensive Spanish class and that laid the ground work. However, I just learned Kichwa by living with a family that was bilingual (Spanish/Kichwa). In my work I had to talk to people about family formation, raising children, economics, and politics. I got to the point where I didn't need my translator/assitant to run interviews. She was always with me to help, but I could run the interviews.

In as few as four months you can understand what people are saying to at a good level. In six you can be close to conversant. By a year in you should be darn close to fluent IF you are comitted to learning the language. Either, Estaban is not comitted to the language, or this is just an excuse that is pretty darn lame.

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Thanks for the info Lascar.


seriously. your old lady may like that mug but that shot is vicious. have some decency and change it pretty pretty please!

Hah! Be nice.

I applaud ATLBob for not hiding behind some nonsense avatar. I think we'd all be a lot more courteous to each other if we were all 'face-to-face' instead of name-to-name.

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Thanks for the info Lascar.


seriously. your old lady may like that mug but that shot is vicious. have some decency and change it pretty pretty please!

Hah! Be nice.

I applaud ATLBob for not hiding behind some nonsense avatar. I think we'd all be a lot more courteous to each other if we were all 'face-to-face' instead of name-to-name.

nobody is courteous to Diesel and CBAReject has a picture of him in his sig confused.gif

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Thanks for the info Lascar.


seriously. your old lady may like that mug but that shot is vicious. have some decency and change it pretty pretty please!

Hah! Be nice.

I applaud ATLBob for not hiding behind some nonsense avatar. I think we'd all be a lot more courteous to each other if we were all 'face-to-face' instead of name-to-name.

nobody is courteous to Diesel and CBAReject has a picture of him in his sig confused.gif

Oddly, Diesel says that isn't him. He also says that we will be meeting for a beer at the GSW game this upcoming season. We'll see who's right! smile.gif

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I think that he is very much a BK type of player; athletic and versatile.

I also feel this way. With those two criteria, how could Roy not be one of the 6 players they are looking at?

He could play 3 positions on the floor, rebound, pass, shoot. His only flaw is that no one is projecting him to be a superstar.

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I guess partial season ticket holders don't get these invites. I agree about Este. Watching him live made me appreciate how strong the guy he is. I remember watching him play against Magloire and Magloire getting frustrated because he could not get post position against him. Este has a very strong lower body and can maintain his position easily against 98% of the NBA's current post players. He is also fearless and fun to watch. I believe he could develop into a solid backup 5/4 combo. Can't the Hawks get some English as a second language intern from Ga. State, Oglethorpe, or Emory to help Este with the language barrier? This should not be such a serious problem.

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Thanks for the info Lascar.


seriously. your old lady may like that mug but that shot is vicious. have some decency and change it pretty pretty please!

Hah! Be nice.

I applaud ATLBob for not hiding behind some nonsense avatar. I think we'd all be a lot more courteous to each other if we were all 'face-to-face' instead of name-to-name.

not to mention, immune from the 'anonymous internet harrassing' law!

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