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Is Sheldon Williams this year Chris Paul?


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I don't think I need to explain but I will. The player who is small for his position. The player we as Hawks can find all the things in the world wrong with. Bash him to no end for no reason. Call him a bust. His game will never translate to the NBA. He will get destroyed by bigger players. Doesn't this sound like Chris Paul from last year around here?

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I don't think I need to explain but I will. The player who is small for his position. The player we as Hawks can find all the things in the world wrong with. Bash him to no end for no reason. Call him a bust. His game will never translate to the NBA. He will get destroyed by bigger players. Doesn't this sound like Chris Paul from last year around here?

You can say that about 10-15 players every year. I don't think there is any comparison between Paul and Williams...

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Sheldens only real problem is size. However assuming he plays center he is much more undersized for his position than Paul is at the point. And size is obviously a more important issue for a center/pf.

There is a 9" difference between the standing reach of Shelden and O'Bryant.

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Ok we draft Shelden Williams at 5 which is a reach and start him at PF. Now which of these 2 guys is coming off the bench? Josh Smith or Marvin Williams two guys many people feel are for sure starters next year. Our clearest needs are a Point guard and Center not an undersized 6'8 PF that move makes no sense wat so ever esp. staying at 5.

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Let Marvin and JSmoove fight it out for who should start.

I'm sure JSmoove will win.

But am I hearing that we as Hawks fans are:

1. Against Usuable depth.

2. For misplacing skillsets.

3. Ignoring redundancy..

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Thats the predicament BK has left us in since there is no clear cut player for point guard or center then you still draft the best player. Roy and SW are the most ready and the question is will someone drop to the 5th spot to take like Aldridge.If not and either Roy or Williams is on the board do you draft them over O Bryant who obviously fills a big void but will he turn out to impact the game as much as SW or Roy?

The only way we may fill our needs is either trade down and get 2 picks or trade the excess and fill the spots.It boils down I think to how these tryout come out.If SW outplays and is impressive then no doubt he probably would be the guy.If he doesn't and someone drops like Aldridge you take him.

I would be very interested to know how O Bryant is working out. I can't see other teams who draft ahead of us pass on him if his owrkouts are good. None of us really know how things are doing in these workouts.If we had gleeming reports on O Bryant and SW I would take the center.It will be a wait and see game till draft night.

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"Let Marvin and JSmoove fight it out for who should start.

I'm sure JSmoove will win. "

So is this all a hope that we get someone who can only play PF (if even that) so that Smoove and Marvin compete for time at SF? Is all this Shelden stuff just another jab at Marvin? Maybe the difference is that some of us want Marvin and Smoove to play together and still have confidence in both of them. So we are not so desperate to get a straight (but short) PF.

Wouldn't is make more sense to get someone who can play PF/C so he can push ZaZa and relieve him occasionally - or are you counting on Anderson to do that? I still want Aldridge or Roy - and I am waffling on which I'd rather have.

If we knew for sure Anderson was coming over, I'd drop all the big man talk and take the best guard (Roy).

We'd have:

G: JJ/Roy/Chill/Salim

Bigs: ZaZa/Batista/Anderson/Marvin/Smoove/Chill

I wouldn't mind seeing that group. That's not counting anything we work out in FAcy for AL.

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I like Zaza. He reminds me of a young Vlade. He needs to work on his FG% but he's getting better. I think if you place the right defensive big with Zaza then our frontcourt is set.

Now... Do I cater to the redundancy? OF course not. We need a real PF. Not a Sf who we can place at PF because of the redundancy. That won't take us far at all. We need a real PF with PF skills. A team full of slashers won't work. Especially in the absence of a true post presence.

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