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Chad Ford Latest Mock "Preview"


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All he did was take the best player in the draft in the long term.

You say that as if it is a certainty. It doesn't work that way.

And when you consider the gaping whole that the Hawks had at the point (and still have) and the fact that all 3 pg are better than Marvin right now, obviously the Hawks would have been better off with one of the pgs.

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Well, unlike some of the thinking here, I think Marvin was the right pick at #2 last year. Doesn't mean we should have stayed there with our pressing needs, we probably could have parlayed that into something we needed (Paul, Williams, et.al), but I think long term Marvin will make us happy.

Now with regards to Shelden, I've come around on him a little bit. I don't want him at five because I think if Aldridge is there, he is what we need. Length and he can get up and down the floor which is what we need. I don't think Shelden is an up and down the floor player, but someone who likes him (Diesel) can tell me more about that.

I just think it's either Roy, Foye or Aldridge. If we got Shelden at 5 I would not be happy!

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Let me say this..

I like Roy.

Not so hot on Foye..

I like Aldridge too.

However, compared to Shelden.. I think Shelden fits our greatest need the best.

What it really comes down to me is Shelden vs. Aldridge vs. Simmons.

I like all three guys. I just think when you're talking about fit for the Hawks and ability.. Shelden measured the right height, size, and unsoftness so I would take Shelden. With Shelden, we know we're going to get a good player.

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What if you can't??

You assume that you can get him later... but what if you can't.

Many of you assumed he would be avaialble between picks 12-15... well guess what... He's probably top 10.

We still have about 2 more weeks. before the draft.

You must have some reason why you make your assumption??

Tell me what is it.

Is it the ever changing Mock Boards?

Surely it can't be Shelden's resume'!

Surely it can't be because you have watched Shelden and those others who you want to put in front of him?

The only wiggle room I would give you is between 5 and 7.

It may be possible to trade down with Boston and get Shelden...

But it's very possible that Boston or Minny might want Shelden.

So your assumption seems dead wrong to me.

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Another good reason to take Shelden is that he can be somewhat of an enforcer.

I don't mean on court...I mean 'intra-team'...like when one of the youngsters screws up and throws the ball away 3 times in a row in practice and gives it the old slump shoulder routine - he'll have the respect/experience to tell him to get his @ss in gear and make the play.

and if he gets a mean stare in return - he can just quietly say back "you don't REALLY want to fvck with me now do you boy".

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He sure can play as a 7'0.

I'm becoming more skeptical of this point of view. Look at Craig Smith from BC. He cleaned up in the ACC this year, and he's even shorter than Shelden. I think it's a big assumption to say he can play as a 7'0. Why isn't anyone lobbying to draft Craig Smith?

Does Shelden's game translate to the NBA as a 7'0? For every Chris Paul, that people doubt and are wrong about, there is a Marcus Fizer or Adam Keefe that fall flat. Even Pervis Ellison and Derrick Coleman, who dominated as big men in college, somehow didn't have games that translated to the pros, and these are guys who were thought of as a Tim Duncan can't miss picks.

The arguments for picking Shelden just got weaker today hearing his reach numbers. They basically can be summed up as that he was a "player" in college therefore he will be a "player" in the pros, throw all the measurements out the window.

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DC's game translated extremely well to the NBA. It was his attitude that stunk. If he would have had a better attitude he could have been a potential hall of famer, IMO. He was excellent in his prime.

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I think our frontcourt can be: JS, SW, and ZP...


I think on occassion we can see MW, JS, and SW...

but not as much as some here are saying. I think that's our small ball lineup. Ben Wallace is an exception to the rule..not the rule. Plus I think Zaza can play.

We'll be like those old Pacers with: Dutchman, DD, and AD.

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You told US?? Ha! You were one of the biggest haters of SW when people started talking about him being our pick. Dont even pretend for a second that you wanted him. I want to say that you even claimed he wasnt worthy of a first round pick, but I dont care enough to look it up.

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Why is BK tipping his hat now when he has never done that in the past? That's the one consistent complaint about him, he never gives the media anything. And now he has all but come out and said Sheldon is his guy. Makes me think its a smoke screen. If not, why has he changed his M.O.?

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Why is BK tipping his hat now when he has never done that in the past? That's the one consistent complaint about him, he never gives the media anything. And now he has all but come out and said Sheldon is his guy. Makes me think its a smoke screen. If not, why has he changed his M.O.?

That is a good question. Plus, the guarantee makes no sense since no one in the top 4 was considering taking him and no one would feel compelled to move up and take him ahead of us unless they believed we were going to grab him first (or someone else was going to trade into the top 4 for him). When you are confident you can get someone, I don't see the point of a guarantee since it draws more attention to your pick (increasing the likelyhood of someone else taking him first, IMO) and limits your options (if someone falls you didn't expect to be available).

We'll see.

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Everyone take a deep breath % relax. We probably aren't taking Forehead @ 5. This is Billy Knight we're talking about. What does he like? Versatility. Long, athletic players that can play multiple positions, create mismatches, etc. Sheldon can only play PF. He cannot play SF. He is too short to play C, not to mention his 8'8 stand and reach.

Aldridge, meanwhile, can play C and PF. He is longer, more athletic, and able to create more mismatches. Roy can spell JJ at SG, he can play PG, he's an excellent defender, a solid rebounder, he might even be able to guard opposing SFs. Insert similar Foye analysis here. Whoever BK covets, and falls to us, BK does not want anyone trading up to snag him before us. Hell, BK may even covet Bargnani if he feels that the kid can learn a lick of defense.

What else does BK like? Mystery. He plays his cards close his vest. He probably genuinely likes Sheldon. He also probably doesn't want him.

BK will continue to build this team, for better of for worse, according to his original blueprint. Thus, @ 5 we also aren't taking a traditional PG, like Marcus Williams. BK brought JJ in to orchestrate the offense. He may bring in another hybrid guard to help as well, but the majority of the offense will continue to run through JJ. BK doesn't give a damn what any other analysts, including us, think. He said as much himself. The reason is that he truly believes that he has developed a unique and successful blueprint that transcends traditional roles. Hopefully the pieces he adds this off-season, via draft and poss free agency, will allow that plan to come closer to fruition. Then all that will be left to do is sit back and see if it works. If it doesn't, then at least we'll have some talented pieces when BK exits the picture ...

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I think sometimes GM's and "Fan GM's" ignore the obvious talents by trying to find diamonds in the rough. Sort of the "Olawakandi Syndrome". Instead of Shelden Willaims we salivate over Tyrus Thomas. Instead of Marcus Williams, we like Foye.

I think we have to step back sometimes and go after the obvious. Looking at it objectively, I think we should go after Shelden Williams. What do we need? A big man that can rebound and defend. Lets face it..our starting 5 is pretty much set.

FA pg





No draftee...not even a pointguard, is going to walk in and start. Because as much as we like Marcus Williams or Foye..he has to beat out a second year Salim, Lue, and Ivey(snickering) for the PG position. And unless he is Chris Paul, Jr. he probably won't beat any of those players out.

As far as big man, no one we draft will beat Marvin, Smoove or Zaza for a position either. So we are really drafting for backups, and Shelden fits that description perfectly. The more I think about it, the more I really like this lineup.

PG Gordon/Salim (SNT for Al)

SG JJ/J.R. Smith (Lue + second rounder)

SF Smoove/Childress

PF Marvin/Shelden Williams

C Zaza/Nene

The squirrly thing about this lineup is Gordon playing the point. But you could technically make JJ the point, but it doesn't really matter.

Why does NOK make the deal for Lue? They need a competent backup PG since Speedy will most certainly leave in FA. But to make it sweeter we throw in the second rounder for this year which will be a pretty high pick. J.R. will allow us to let JJ actually rest without worrying about scoring punch. J.R. could be our Stackhouse.

I think in the Al saga, we will have to deal with Chicago. And if Chicago wants all, they have to part with Gordon, who is their most expendable star player.

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