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How would this same team do next year?


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I disagree. We would still be a sub .500 team...just not by as much. Maybe 30 wins but that is it. You have to remember that the main reason we lost so many games last year was due to lack of interior defense. Zaza isn't going to all of a sudden next year know how to play that much better D. He is a guy who needs help. That is why I won't cry if we get Sheldon. With Sheldon , I think we become close to a five-hundred ballclub.

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I would expect we'd improve somewhat substantially just due to players maturing and getting more experience, and more time spent practicing and playing together. If everything goes according to Hoyle, all of these young guys should still be trending upward, some of them dramatically so (but the kicker of course being that very rarely in life does everything go perfectly as it could or you wish it would).

But at any rate, I think we'd be better. Playoff caliber? Who knows, but a .500 record would most likely have us in contention for a spot in the postseason.

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If we fielded the exact same lineup next year I'd say we get in the 32-35 win region. One extra year for the players to get used to each other and their roles on defense alone should net a few more wins. Same thing goes for the offensive side too. Imagine if we didn't go 2-16 to open the season while everyone was getting used to their offensive and defensive roles.

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You'd think they learned from the slow start and finish to last season, not to mention all of the close losses. But without a big man and/or another guy who can consistently handle the ball and help JJ out in the backcourt (and nope, Royal Ivey doesn't count), I'd say 31-34 wins at best.

They have to get 'right now' impact with their draft pick as well as get value back for Harrington. In other words, NO MORE PROJECTS. We're waiting on Marvin Williams to turn into a player, which is a pain to many on this board as it is; you want to wait on O'Bryant, too? That's why I would suggest the Hawks trading down to get a vet and/or pick if someone like Roy isn't available.

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Why is it that we always have to start our season with what I called the West Coast trip of doom every season. Don't they ever change the damn scheldue. I know for a fact that we have been doing the road trip for at least the better part of the last decade.

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If we have the West coast swing to start the 06-07 season and play well and even win 2 out of 3 then I think that will be a good indicator of how we will do for the season. If we start out like that everyone will be euphoric--except Hotlanta.

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You can't look at just the close losses, you also have to look at the close victories. The Hawks won by 5 pts or fewer in 15 of their 26 wins.

If the Hawks had the same team next year they would still suck. The Hawks would still have the worst interior D in the league.

Keep in mind that the Hawks were one of the heathiest teams in the league for most of the season. JJ, Al, Smith and Zaza missed a total of only 12 games combined.

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