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What if....


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What if there is a trade with Seattle?

What if it doesn't involve whoever we pick at 5 nor any second rounders.

What if the trade is for Marvin?

Think about it. One thing that Seattle has need of is a Sf (after Lewis it traded). If they are truly in rebuilding mode, why not trade for Marvin? he's from Seattle. He would be an immediate marketable player there. he could become the face of Seattle.

Now just imagine what we could get for the hometown boy... #10 is automatic. But what if we could get Swift?

Swift is a big man who is young and will be good. I think he's the better between him and Petro.

#10 is that PG that we're working out now.

IN our last draft...

BK Seals up: C, PF, and PG for the future.

So let's say:


Damn... That team is so defensive that it knocks the taste out your mouth!!!

or if you want a little more speed...


or if you feel a little experimental...


Either way, that's a young team that grows together winning for the next 2.

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I think you have to question "Superstar".

BK has said of Marvin that he will be a 15-20 ppg player in his prime. That doesn't sound like a superstar to me. At least not from BK's perspective. Moreover, Swift has even more superstar Potential than Marvin. Rarely do you find 7 footers in this league.. especially a 7 footer who can play.

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At least not from BK's perspective.

Hmm, I never heard BK define the word superstar. Are you reading minds again Diesel? Or are you putting your words in BK's mouth? Probably a little of both.

I bet if you said 15 to 20pts, 9 to 10 boards and 1 block a game, that would be much closer to superstar than just average for the NBA. In fact, that would be pretty darn good and all-star caliber as well....

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Maybe not BK but this is Woody talking about what we have in Atlanta.


Q: What do you think teams will try to do after looking at what the Pistons did to be so successful?

Woodson: I think the fact that we did it through a total team effort. We didn’t have a big time superstar. Rasheed Wallace is a big name, but I thought we won a title with 12 guys that just played together on both ends of the floor, particularly the defensive end. And I think teams are going to start looking in that light in terms of trying to build a team. And I’m certainly trying to do that in Atlanta. I really don’t need superstars; I just need 12 guys on the same page that are all striving for the same thing. In doing that hopefully you’ll win your share of games and get in the playoffs. And once you get there anything is possible.

Maybe not from the horses mouth... But it's definitely something that the farmer said.

Point is You have to believe that BK is not challenging these guys to be superstars the way that we do here. So him saying that MW is a 15-20 ppg player in his prime is not surprising. For BK, MW may be just another cog...

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Maybe not from the horses mouth... But it's definitely something that the farmer said.

What he said is the politically correct team oriented thing to say; but what he had is a all-star team oriented thing. Wallace one and two, Billups, and Rip are at least all-stars if not superstars....and that is what we are trying to do. Draft allstar caliber players to form a top notch team...Anything less will not be a top notch team. Examples of the one superstar non championship contenders are abundant, here are just a few:

Kobe Lakers present

Garnet TWolves present and prior to Cassell

TMac (the healthy Orlando version)

TMac and Yao (still not enough to threaten the top three out west)

Vin Sanity in Toronto (healthy or not)

Kidd in Dallas

Francis in Houston (in his prime)

Now you may argue that these teams made the playoffs; and that is fine. But no way can you argue that they threatened for a conference championship; which is what the Pistons have been all about...

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If there's no "superstar" in Marvin... Then he can be traded for somebody else who is a potential "Allstar".

My thought is that if we traded him to Seattle for Swift/#10, we get a shot at 2 possible allstars.

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...My thought is that if we traded him to Seattle for Swift/#10, we get a shot at 2 possible allstars.

Makes sense to me (and I'm only a marginal Marvin hater)...plus, once the deal's over Marvin is way out there in Seattle so you don't have to face them much...the hoopla would blow over fairly quickly.

Whatever we do we better do something.

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...I could see: Swift/Shelden/JSmoove as being the frontcourt that is hardest to score against in the league.

Yeah...and if the AJC article is accurate, Rondo may be closer to the NBA starter level than we thought. Him driving to the hoop and sometimes finishing - sometimes dishing back to JJ could work out.

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If we came out of this draft with:

Swift/Rondo/and Shelden.

I could see: Swift/Shelden/JSmoove as being the frontcourt that is hardest to score against in the league.

That would be a dream draft for me too.

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You know I thought at first this was one of the stupidest things I've heard in a long time. But you are probably right, Marvin won't develop here - let's send him to Seattle. His personality seems to be more like Diaw, and Woody can't work with those players. Maybe if he goes to Seattle and does what he was drafted to do we can get rid of BK and Woody. Diaw, Terry, Marvin - three strikes and you're out.

"My thought is that if we traded him to Seattle for Swift/#10, we get a shot at 2 possible allstars." Not likely, but we might get a couple of solid role or bench players.

I think Seattle would do it in a heartbeat - Marvin would be the local hero there. And we wouldn't have to read all the "Marvin is a bum" posts anymore.

Separate subject - The hawks seem to be totally without leadership in the front office. That means setting a vision and how they are going to get there. Communicating it is a big part and BK gets an F- for communication. That's a big part of getting the town to support you - give us some hope! Not silence, owners tantrums, or minimal workouts with no comments. It's about time for the owners to put a leash on BK and drag him outside to some interviews again.

At least we aren't the Knicks.

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And we wouldn't have to read all the "Marvin is a bum" posts anymore.

No, you're right. But we'd be treated to about 10 years' worth of "OMG WHY DID WE GIVE UP ON MARVIN AFTER 1 YEAR" posts, just like all the Magic Diaw threads that have surfaced. That's no improvement

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