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BK has fooled you all!


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Well, I'm OK with Shelden (notice, some of you, how his name is spelled), maybe not thrilled, but here's the deal. I think any of the top players in this draft, once rumored to be going to the Hawks, would be heavily scrutinized and all would fail at point. Size, upside, athleticism, commitment, whatever. Shelden has been predicted by many to be a 12/8 guy. Really, not so bad is it? Where in the rotation? Doesn't matter so much, really. A good test of BK's versatility theory for sure. Those who say he can't guard in the post need to step back and re-evaluate the game. As the article posted earlier this week indicated, the prototypical hulker down under just isn't the norm anymore. Have to build another way. Also, I think that it's important to consider Shelden in the bigger picture. His role will be more defined after we draft in the second round and go through free agency. Although they are clearly different types of players, I remember much of the same rhetoric lobbed at Luol Deng. Drafting Shelden won't keep us from getting some more bigs and a PG. Maybe it comes down to the "Church of Now" vs. the "Church of Potential." For me, I've currently had enough of the former. By the way, if you were in BK's shoes are you gonna draft for now or later?

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Billy won't be the GM next year so it won't matter if his player is a now or later. Belkin will fire him and if the Spirit win they will let him go after another lottery pick proves to be another redundancy. They are listening to him now but he is on a shorter leash than you think.

Woody will be fired before the season finishes. We really have no need for Shelden if were supposed to play the fast paced modern game that some on here talk about. We need more athleticism not less...despite KB's bogus garbage about Shelden's supposed athleticism. Shelden won't end up even starting for the Hawks. He will start every game next to BK's high lottery choice of 2 years ago. Yeah, BK sure can pick'em.

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Guest Walter


Phoenix went to the Western Conference Finals with two 6'8" guys playing the majority of the time at center. Detroit has won a championship with a 6'7" center in Ben Wallace.

Why is it so hard to see that the game is changing, and that there are simply very few seven footers who will make a major impact in the NBA these days?

Your idiotic master plan supporting anything remotely BK is doomed to fail (wicked laughter).

And while Ben keeps getting shorter in your book, you manage a weak attempt at arguing for Shelden without even mentioning his name.

I know you don't like the idea of SW with our #5 pick, but you just can't manage to say it. Instead you argue for ANOTHER PLAYER that is similar in height yet remains a rare exception in the NBA rather than FOR Shelden Williams.

If BK makes this pick it is by far the worst anti-potential, anti-BPA pick I have seen in years.

People, you weigh both sides. When there isn't a clear BPA you weigh "need" more heavily than "potential". The MW pick didn't get us a superstar so we still lack that component. SW still doesn't fill our most glaring postional needs at Pg and C. This draft definately offers us more potential and/or the ability to fill a need than SW.


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Im just curious for all the Lanlord Haters out there:

Who the hell else do you want to play big man for this team?

Do you want Patrick O'Bryant? Oh yeah he sure was prouctive in that terrible conference. You want to wait to the 2nd round and get Kevin freakin Pittsnogle?

Bottomline is that Shelden Williams is one of the most polished players in this draft. Some of you are so caught up in this "potential" deal. Every player you draft can't have Superstar potential. Sometimes you just gotta get a meat and potatoes guy that will just flat out get the job done. If Shelden Williams averages the numbers he averaged for Duke his Senior year in the prime of his career here, that would not be bad at all.

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  • Premium Member

Dr. Reality is really Amy Belkin.. and she will always argue these points:

Belkin is right.

BK's moves Suck

BK sucks.

Woody Sucks

Atlanta Spirit sucks.

And the team should move to Las vegas.

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Amy Belkin sounds like a smart girl...to busboy: If there is no center on the board why do you insist on trying to jam a square peg into a round hole? Most reasonable basketball people realize that Shelden is no post player. Every team ahead of us needs a big in the middle (Bobcats maybe exception)...why are they not tripping over themselves to draft Shelden? When Shelden is mentioned to the top teams you hear crickets. This drafting another forward who is also not an athlete is silly.

If you want a 5 then trade for one. Don't draft a 4 and say that that he is your 5. This Ben Wallace crap is sickening...if Ben Wallace was available, or his clone, in THIS draft he would be a lock for the top 3 or 4. Shelden is not Ben Wallace.

Shelden will be a foolish decision, not the best we can do...but BK has done this to us before. People need to stop believing that Shelden Williams is our interior answer. You will be wrong and disappointed.

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Tell me Amy, what have you called me on?? You seem quite defensive...

But let's take some of the things that I have argued... and you see if you have ever called me on them...

Surely not that Marvin would not be better than Deron or Chris Paul or Smoove?

Surely not that without Al we lack a Pf??

Surely not that our greatest need is at PF and not PG?

Surely not that We should consider trading one of our redundant Sfs if we can get equal value at a position of need?

Surely not that AI could be the answer for the hawks both on the court and in the ticket booth?

Tell you what. ...

Just keep on marking down your fictional points against Diesel.. and I will keep telling truth...

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