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Potential Houston- Atltanta Deal!!!!


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I just the Houston boards and there is a lot of talk about an exchange of Stromile for Childress.

Something like Stromile and 8th pick for Childress and the 5th pick.

Sounds interesting!!!

I think I speak for most here in saying


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I just the Houston boards and there is a lot of talk about an exchange of Stromile for Childress.

Something like Stromile and 8th pick for Childress and the 5th pick.

Sounds interesting!!!

That does not sound interesting, it sounds stupid. We are giving up the best player and highest pick in that deal.

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acquiring Roy would probably make Chillz expendable in a trade (I'll talk more about that later).

Acquiring a shoot first PG could possibly hurt JJ because you would risk taking the ball out of his hands too often. If he is paired with Roy however and he gives it up, he is likely to get it back. I don't know where you get the idea that Roy is not a good passer - he is a TERRIFIC passer and ball handler which is why some people think he can play some PG in the NBA. He averaged over 4 apg last year from the SG position. Another thing I like about Roy is his underrated athleticism. He has the quickness and the vertical leap to at least challenge guys like D Wade and Gilber Arenas - the premier guards in our division. No one on our current roster has the tools to stay with either guy.

As for the possibility of trading Chillz - I love Chillz but I was thinking of a deal that makes sense for both teams last night. How about sign and trading Al along with Chillz to Milwaukee for Magloire and TJ Ford (Magloire/Ford for Harrington/Childress)? I have read a ton of reports that say the Bucks want to trade Magloire and they would trade Ford but they want a PF and a defense-minded swingman in return. If a deal could be made, we would line up:






I think that is an interesting/versatile lineup. We could go big in the frontcourt with Magloire and Zaza up front. We could also go with Ford at PG, Roy at SG and JJ at SF.

Even with all that, we'd still have the cap room to sign another good player. I'd shoot for a solid PF like Nene, Gooden, Wilcox or even Lo Wright.

That said, if we made the Roy for Shelden/Head deal, a lineup of:






would be VERY strong too.

For Milwaukee, Bogut moves to Center and they line up:






That is a solid, tough team with a nice mix of veterans and youth.

I would strongly consider that deal. It would give the Hawks alot of flexibility in terms of the different looks they could show teams. I don't really think the Bucks would do it though.

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They are CLEARLY trying to move Magloire who is in the last year of his deal and who plays the same position as Bogut. Their GM has gone on record saying that they want to move him but will only do so for a deal that makes sense. As for Ford, I think that they like Mo Williams just as much if not more. Heck, I'd probably take Mo Williams instead of Ford in the deal if they wanted to send him to us instead.

Another reason the Hawks might consider such a deal is if the rumors are true that we won't incur any additional longterm salary until the courts decide the ownership situation, we would only be committing to one year of Magloire's $8.3M salary. Ownership might do that in lieu of committing to a longterm deal to Nene, Ben Wallace or some other FA.

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The Bobcats will take a dump on this whole silly trade idea when they pick Roy 3rd overall.

Why do you think Roy rejected MJ's offer to work out for the Bobcats?

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he plays the same position as Tmac...

isnt it about time for houston to start thinking that Tmac, with all his back woes....might not be the answer for a championship or even be the man that can stand next to Yao in the long run?

perhaps this is the draft to start the replacment process?

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The Bobcats will take a dump on this whole silly trade idea when they pick Roy 3rd overall.

Why do you think Roy rejected MJ's offer to work out for the Bobcats?

Did he really? I must have missed this. If that's the case then we should definitely pick him.

Apparently, he did and he made a special trip to work out with Houston again. That was part of the reason for the Roy to Houston rumors.

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The Bobcats will take a dump on this whole silly trade idea when they pick Roy 3rd overall.

Word just came out that Roys physical didn't come back that clean. He still has problems with the knee he had surgery on and apparently has some arthritis in his foot.

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That does not sound interesting, it sounds stupid. We are giving up the best player and highest pick in that deal.

I didn't say I agreed with this. I just thought it was interesting that this is what they are talking about on their board.

They actually think Stromile is much better than Chillz to the point that we would give up our pick.

Interesting not agreeable!!! Too different meanings.

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