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Who does Hawksquawk want at #5.


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Shelden can't be a post presence because of his height? Tell that to the guy who just tied Mutombo for most DPOTY of all time.

You and who else thinks he is as good as Big Ben?

Yep I am saying, for a fact, Shelden is no Big Ben. And if you think he is (and BK thinks this also) we all wake up in the lottery next year and the next year. No Big Ben, No Sir Charles, No Bill Russell, No Okafur, No [censored] wink.gif

Lets just take best available and not reach for pipe dreams. Shelden may make a decent PF, (10 and 8-10)or(12 and 8-10)one day, but he is never going to be a all star.

There are at least 7 players in this draft that are better than Shelden. Just crazy reaching like this at #5. Crazy like the old Clips and Warriors.

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Shelden can't be a post presence because of his height? Tell that to the guy who just tied Mutombo for most DPOTY of all time.

You and who else thinks he is as good as Big Ben?

Yep I am saying, for a fact, Shelden is no Big Ben. And if you think he is (and BK thinks this also) we all wake up in the lottery next year and the next year. No Big Ben, No Sir Charles, No Bill Russell, No Okafur, No [censored] wink.gif

Lets just take best available and not reach for pipe dreams. Shelden may make a decent PF, (10 and 8-10)or(12 and 8-10)one day, but he is never going to be a all star.

There are at least 7 players in this draft that are better than Shelden. Just crazy reaching like this at #5. Crazy like the old Clips and Warriors.

I suppose you thought Big Ben would be a star when he came out of Virginia Union. Shelden Williams doesn't have the explosion of a Ben Wallace but my point is that seeing that there are several "undersized" big men that succeed in the league, you can't rule out the possibility of Shelden having success.

You don't stop people from scoring downlow with height. Ask Shawn Bradley. You stop people from scoring downlow by defensive positioning, good timing, instincts, and strength. Mr. Williams has all of those tools.

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I have tried to give BK the benefit of the doubt but I am starting to think he really is just an idiot.

What's so idiotic about addressing the most glaring weakness of the team? Anyone that actually follows the Hawks instead of the clueless media can see we need interior help more than we need a point guard. We didn't lose games because Joe Johnson turned the ball over more than he got assists. We lost games becaues we gave up too many points in the paint, too many 2nd chance points, and help defense constantly led to open kickouts for 3.

I don't think some of you understand that all 3 of those areas can be addressed with a defensive oriented big man. So many of you are looking at his height. He just so happens to be the same height as Elton Brand. You know the guy who finished right behind Josh Smith in BPG? Height has nothing to do with interior defense. Like I said ask Shawn Bradley or Manut Bol. You have to be able to stand your ground in the post and make good decisions as far as positioning and timing when you are trying to contest or block shots. Shelden excells at all of these things.

Just because he's not an offensive juggernaut doesn't mean he's not worth the pick. Great defensive players can change the game without even scoring.

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I suppose you thought Big Ben would be a star when he came out of Virginia Union.

I guess you and and the Virginia Union alumni association were all over him and had him pegged in the lottery huh?

What is your point? If you did not pick Ben for the lottery, we were both wrong? Think about it for just a second and you will see this as a seriously worthless point...smirk.gif

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I suppose you thought Big Ben would be a star when he came out of Virginia Union.

I guess you and and the Virginia Union alumni association were all over him and had him pegged in the lottery huh?

What is your point? If you did not pick Ben for the lottery, we were both wrong? Think about it for just a second and you will see this as a seriously worthless point...smirk.gif

The point (which you clearly missed) was that it was foolish to say that a certain player has no chance of excelling in the NBA. That's virtually what you and several others are doing. You guys are saying that there is no chance in hell Shelden Williams will ever amount to anything which is absurd.

You guys are hating on the guy because of his height which is just silly. For every inch he lacks in height he makes up for in heart. Oh and not to mention solid freaking muscle!

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What is your point? If you did not pick Ben for the lottery, we were both wrong? Think about it for just a second and you will see this as a seriously worthless point...

I think his point is that if you can't foresee the development of undrafted Ben Wallace into a stud then you shouldn't dismiss Shelden's upside given his much greater track record through college.

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Alridge and Randy Foye they both feel to of our biggest needs at the 1 and 5. Either of these guys can come in and start right away. Can you imagine if both of these guys are staring the Hawks in the Face and they take Shelden Gumby Williams. I will just be sick to my stomach that I probably wont be able to enjoy the rest of the draft.

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What is your point? If you did not pick Ben for the lottery, we were both wrong? Think about it for just a second and you will see this as a seriously worthless point...

I think his point is that if you can't foresee the development of undrafted Ben Wallace into a stud then you shouldn't dismiss Shelden's upside given his much greater track record through college.

Not really dismissing it. I just think we should play the odds. I cannot remember who made the post; but it was just a few days ago. The post showed clearly that all-star caliber players are selected between 1 and 5. Once you start trading down your odds of getting a player that just makes the all star team once are like 1 in 10 to 20 chances.

Shelden is projected as the 8th to 10th pick in this draft. His odds are definetely in that 1 in 10 range at best. I would prefer to stand pat and take BPA by educated people who do this for a living.

It is very likely we do not have a lotto pick next year. This is it for two years as far as I am concerned. BK wants to reach, its his job on the line. If it was mine, I would not reach for anyone not in my top 5 nor would I trade down for anyone not in my top five.

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You guys are saying that there is no chance in hell Shelden Williams will ever amount to anything which is absurd.

I said Shelden will get 10 to 12 pts and 8 to 10 boards. Not exactly nothing but not worth giving up a 5th pick for either.

Do me a favor and use quotes for things I supposedly said or do not quote me at all. Its like I am having to defend myself against a lie. Takes all the fun out of any aurgument or disscussion...

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A real PG or combo guard, or legit PF/C

We should have several of the above choices at 5 that are ranked ahead of Shelden.

If BK makes us better, he keeps his job with current owners. If he makes us better and Belkin cleans house, he will still be able to get another nice job somewhere else.

This is a make or break draft for BK as GM; now and for the future.

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So many of you are looking at his height. He just so happens to be the same height as Elton Brand.

Elton Brand has the reach of a 7 footer. Shelden has a reach 4" shorter than Marvin. That, along with his 33" vertical, limits his potential inside.

I have said many times that I like Sheldens game but drafting him leaves gaping holes at the 1 and 5 that will have to be filled through free agency and trades. Using 3 top 10 picks in a row on forwards really limits the hawks chances of fielding a complete team.

I just don't think he is a good pick at 5.

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Why are you so SURE that he will be better than Shelden? Aldridge is nowhere NEAR ready to be a starting Center in the NBA so if he starts, it will likely be at PF which is where Shelden would likely start.

The only real question about Shelden is his lack of height. Aldridge is relatively weak (8 reps of 185 versus 25 for Shelden), he has a long injury history (back) and his heart has consistently been questioned.

All that said, if his back checks out, I would go with Aldridge over Shelden at 5 as well but that doesn't mean he will be better. Shelden could easily end up being the better player. My point is that it is not cut and dried that Shelden would be a bad pick at 5. Any one of about 8 players actually make perfect sense for us at 5.

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I think that Thomas has the chance to be something special once he stops getting taller and grows into his body some. He is a physical freak and although some say he is a duplicate of Smoove, I strongly disagree as I think he is much, much more of a true post player that would be the ideal 5 for us with his ability to defend the post.

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