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Perceptions of Sheldon


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Sorry for the length, I haven't posted in a while.

I think a lot of people have the wrong perception of what kind of player Sheldon is, or maybe a lot of people agree with me but I just don't know it. As a lifer UNC fan I have the same awful mix of hate/inferiority complex/respect that all UNC fans have for Dook, and all Dook fans have for UNC. I'm jaded, but at the same time I watch a LOT of Dook hoops, and somehow I simultaneaously despise and admire their program and many of their players (i have NO admiration for the likes of Lee Melcionni).

People are pegging Sheldon as a great defender and a raw offensive player. I think he's simply good all around. I think people will be surprised by his offensive play, and if they get their hopes up, I think they'll be disappointed by his defensive presence.

Coach K has gone away from the big man game the last several years (pretty much since he first got burned by the draft when Brand, Avery and Maggette all took off - not sure if there's any connection, but that was when it happened) and his teams now live and die by the three and guard play. I believe that this is not out of necessity, its strictly by choice. Because of it potential stars like Michael Thompson and Shavlik Randolph disappear forever. They have no interior depth because he lets guys like Eric Boateng suffer at the end of the bench when he could at least be playing major minutes anywhere else.

Sheldon rarely got the ball for set plays because his name was not JJ Redick. He cleaned up the mess when a guard would shoot an errant shot or let a defender blow by them, but K didn't force the ball in the post. I personally believe they would have won the NCAA championship had K pounded it inside. Sheldon could have gotten opposing post players into foul trouble early, opened up the inside, and JJ still would have gotten PLENTY of looks off kickouts from double teams. JJ wouldn't have had to run like Rip Hamilton in order to get shots. Yada yada yada, point is that we don't have proof that Sheldon can be more than a garbage player because he never got the chance, and he rarely had enough bigs getting major minutes around him.

I think Sheldon is a better offensive player than he's given credit for. He doesn't force things, knows how to pass, hangs onto the ball, has solid fundamentals, has a nice touch and isn't afraid of contact at all.

On the other hand, I don't think he's a shutdown defender. He's a great shotblocker, and a very good defensive player, but too many times I saw opposing team's interior players have field days against Dook while Sheldon was there.

Some will say its because of the reasons I mentioned above, there was no interior help. That has a lot of merit to it.

But still, a true shutdown defender, defensive player of the year kind of guy doesn't give up the numbers he's given up in big matchups. That kind of guy dominates and intimidates and the opposing player ends up in single digits as a non-factor.

If we end up with Sheldon (at #5, I think its a terrible move, at #10 or higher, I dig it, even though it makes me nauseous to admit that) the fans who expect him to be a dominant defensive presence will be disappointed. He will block shots, but he won't completely shut down interior players. Its similar to a guy who has a knack for getting steals but still gets scored on. I'm not saying he's another Josh Smith (our best example of a guy who gets blocks but gives up points), he is more dependable than that, but he's not going to save the franchise with his defense. He's a step in the right direction to build up the inside and he's a far better defender right now than Harrington, Marvin or Smith.

On a happy note, I think fans will be surprised with his offensive production (assuming he plays PF...if we put him at Center, he gets dominated at both ends of the court all day long). He has plenty of skills to have plays run through him, he's a true post player, and he's capable of more than picking up garbage buckets. He's no gazelle, but he can run with a fast paced team and bang with a slow-down kind of team.

In a draft apparently devoid of sure thing all stars, he is at least a sure-thing NBA pro. Maybe that's a smart move on a team that needs depth everywhere. I'll get sick if we don't get another piece along with Sheldon and just simply take him at 5, but if we can make something happen in additioon to Sheldon, even as a serious Dook hater, I think he'll be a good selection.

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Being a big GT fan, I too am quite the Dookie hater. Shelden Williams was fantastic during his time with Duke. He was much more intimidating, to me, than JJ Redick when Tech had to play Duke. I never thought of him as a shut-down defender but just a solid defender which is more than I can say for most of our team right now. Smart, solid defenders can play good team defense. He is a good rebounder which is part of the defense he brings.

On another note, I don't think we can trade down to get him. If the Iverson to Boston for Wally/#7 goes down, you can bet your arse that Philly would look strongly at Shelden with the #7.

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I agree that his offense is underrated. I also think he will struggle a little defensively due to his limited (8'8") reach, which may explain why talented post players were able to score on him.

However one thing i know for sure is that he isn't going to let guys get to the baskets for layups. He is going to make them shoot over him, and if they get hot then he may need help. But he won't let people waltz down the lane for layups the way Al (good riddance) and Zaza did.

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Exactly. Which is why although I would prefer to get Foye or to move down, I will at least take comfort in the fact that Al is gone (hooray Defense!) and the fact that we've added a tough defensive presence, albeit a small one.

All I know is I would pay good money to see Shelden and Este go at it in practice

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Exactly. Which is why although I would prefer to get Foye or to move down, I will at least take comfort in the fact that Al is gone (hooray Defense!) and the fact that we've added a tough defensive presence, albeit a small one.

All I know is I would pay good money to see Shelden and Este go at it in practice

I've been interested in a guard all along, for the simple reason that I believe we can acquire a big via other means. Drafting small usually has a better return.

That being said, I think Foye is a better fit for us than Roy, as Roy duplicates JJ. What I'd love to see is drafting Roy and trading him to HOU for Foye + ???, but I think Foye will be gone before #8.

I do have concerns over Foye's shooting %, and hope he can improve his shot selection significantly if he becomes a Hawk.

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Sorry, I just think he is not that good. Had he gone somewhere else a lot of us might not know who he is. Since he went to Duke, we all know him. It's not like Duke is putting out class after class of NBA players that make you salivate watching their games (Brand and...?)

Plus...I can't root for a guy who looks like a mix between Ronnie DeVoe and the Master System from Tron.

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Key words here:

"he's a true post player."

There are very few guys who come out of college now that are post players. Everyone wants to shoot the three. This skill has become a lost art.

"he's capable of more than picking up garbage buckets. He's no gazelle, but he can run with a fast paced team and bang with a slow-down kind of team."

With teams going small he can play up tempo or half court.

I also will be very interest in seeing him play defense with the Joshes, JJ and ZaZa. I think there exist the possibility for a TEAM defense (like Detroit) that we hav e been promised but have not seem.

I think he is the best player for us, not the best player available. If we got Head or someone else in the deal that would make it very sweet.

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If Shelden Williams is Carlos Boozer with better D and no monstrous contract then we need to go with him.

You mean a guy who had one monster year then stabbd a blind man in the back for a huge contract and has since been injured? Sweet!

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  • 1 year later...
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In recent days, Traceman has said


Shelden SUCKS and he was always going to suck as an NBA player. It was as sure as the sun coming up tomorrow.

However, back during draft time 2006, this is what Traceman felt about Shelden.


right on. Shelden is not going to be a Ben Wallace quality defender but he will not be the black hole that Ben is on offense either.
I think he is a lot closer to Carlos Boozer (with more D and not quite the O) than Wallace.

Makes you wonder...

IS the sun coming up tomorrow?

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