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Why Doesn't Anyone Else Like Francis for Al?!!!!!!


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I can't understand why there is so much negativity towards trading Al in a S&T for Steve Francis. We would be getting an all-star, who can play the point, in exchange for an undersized, non rebounding or blocking pf.

First of all I want to say I would much rather have Frye in the deal instead of Francis, but if Francis is the only person they are willing to give up for AL I would take him.

Francis is not the cancer many say he is. At Houston Francis lead a squad of him, Mobley, Jim Jackson, Cato, and Yao Ming to the playoffs. Houston wanted T-Mac, so Francis goes to Orlando. In Orlando Steve Francis averages the most assists of his career helping Dwight Howard to become runner-up for ROY.

Since Francis' departure Houston made the playoffs once, and the following year got a top 10 lottery pick. Since Francis left Orlando they got the exact same record, which has to been seen as a failure for not improving.


Francis is a point guard and next to JJ can give the Hawks a great backcourt.

I remember past posts of people saying how Nique had a hunger for the game that made him great. Well Francis has that hunger too going from a community college, to Maryland, to the #2 pick overall.

Francis and JJ both have the ability to run the point, so neither being a true point guard would not be a problem. JJ can shoot lights out, Francis can drive and dunk on any defender,and Francis' agrressive tone along with JJ's soft tone would mesh well together.

I would much rather walk off with Francis than Mihm, Cook, and Mckie.

There were few games where we were not in the game, and having a player like Francis with the heart and passion to win close games would certainly help this team.

Why Francis over Iverson, Francis is younger, bigger, costs less, and is more likely to let JJ run the team(or at least from time to time).

The way Yao then Dwight Howard were set up for so many easy baskets b/c of Francis made me realize that Francis does make the players around him better.

He may just need some guidance in dribbling too much.

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Did you see ORL's record AFTER trading Francis? He couldn't be that good, or Jameer Nelson is that much better. More than likely though, he IS a whiner. He DOES need to dominate the ball to be effective. He CAN'T shoot from the perimeter.

If we're talking about trading for a point that needs the ball, let's get AI instead.

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I wouldn't shortchange Jameer Nelson. Much to Sportsguy's dislike, Nelson was the NCAA player of the year the year he came out. He has a trackrecord for being a good player.

I will give you that Francis has had some moments that make you wonder about him as a person... However, he's not Marbury.

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Did you see Orlando's record before McGrady left? Worst record in the league, after trading McGrady for Francis they were instantly a playoff challenger and improved by like 20 games. He's also really clutch. He used to make Cato look like an all-star with all the oops he threw him.

I agree he isn't Kidd or Nash, but he's definately not a proven cancer..

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It is ugly I have to admit, but we have to do a Wierd Al and "Eat it"

Francis is basically a superstar who has been sucked into the abyss that is the knick's roster. He is a big name. He is basically Iverson like, buzz wise. It is one of those moves that would electrify the fan base because it is a name that even casual fans will know.

I can see it now. I am in the barbershop on Saturday.

"Hey did you see that the Hawks got Franchise"

"Oh yeah?" "Damn that is alright there" "They are trying to make some moves...I will have to go check out a game this year"

Which as an owner is music to your ears.

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I can't see us absorbing that salary for a player like Franchise (i.e., someone who would have to be a totally different player than he has been in recent years to have a prayer at being an All-Star).

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I think that Francis would benefit from playing next to JJ. He really hasn't had a good backcourt mate since Mobley, and JJ is far and away a better player than Cuttino.

I think that we could be the first team in history to have two 20pt 6 assist guys. Francis would also improve our perimeter defense.

Francis is also a great player on the break, and if we want to run we need a player with Francis' imagination and creativity.

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