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The more I look at Fosters numbers


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Even if Al was not the consensus 2nd best FA on the market behind Ben Wallace and ahead of JT, Stojokovic, Nene and Bonzi Wells, he is DEFINITELY starter quality on virtually any team. If he were coming back here, he would STILL be starting.

That said, you are right that starting Centers are generally more valuable than starting forwards. The reason that I proposed a trade for Magloire is PRECISELY because MIL has already indicated that they want to move him. Their situation with Bogut and Magloire is virtually identical to our situation with Smoove and Marvin. Magloire is better than Bogut NOW, they are just betting that Bogut will be better in the future. In our situation, Al is better than Smoove and Marvin NOW, we are just betting that Smoove and Marvin will be better in the future.

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I think that Indy is going to suck next year...a #1 from them may hit the jackpot. Look at how many brittle guys they have...and not that much depth. The Hawks were 4-0 against them last year. Harrington is fools gold and he doesn't do a lot of the little things that make players effective...like play defense. They just lost Peja...the East is getting better and they are getting worse.

I'd love a #1 from Indy. I'd like Foster as well...a blue collar rebounder who plays defense. He would be excellent off the bench.

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I don't understand why some of us want to get an injury prone, 29-year-old backup center with 3 years 17 millions left on his contract. Plus he has a TRADE KICKER on his contract!


I want to sign and trade Al, but if we trade him for Foster that will limit us to resign with Joshes. Does Foster worth it? NO!

I like Foster's rebounding ability and his hustle. However, I don't want an injury prone backup center to be paid more than our starter! No way!

Except us, there were four teams under the cap a month ago. Hornets spent well, Bulls got Big Ben, Toronto is not looking for another tweener...

Only Charlotte can give Al his desired contract. And I don't think they will give Al Harrington zillions of dollars.

So, the other teams can only offer mid-level, which Harrington won't accept. We can look for a better s&t option or we can resign with Al at a reasonable price.

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Except us, there were four teams under the cap a month ago. Hornets spent well

You were already shaky when you reveal your lack of knowledge of how the NBA works complaining about Foster's salary being higher that our start see Dallas' payroll. But you really lost all respect when you revealed that you felt that the Hornets spent their money well. $60 mil on an injury prone one dementional Sm forward who is on the decline and doesn't even shoot a high percentage any more. $56 mil on a 5 & 9 center that didn't even start on a team without another center on the team. The team perferred to start a Journeyman out of shape powerforward. $17 mil on a 33 year old combo guard that can't shoot or pass and you say that is money well spent! Keep your day job.

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Except us, there were four teams under the cap a month ago. Hornets spent well

You were already shaky when you reveal your lack of knowledge of how the NBA works complaining about Foster's salary being higher that our start see Dallas' payroll. But you really lost all respect when you revealed that you felt that the Hornets spent their money well. $60 mil on an injury prone one dementional Sm forward who is on the decline and doesn't even shoot a high percentage any more. $56 mil on a 5 & 9 center that didn't even start on a team without another center on the team. The team perferred to start a Journeyman out of shape powerforward. $17 mil on a 33 year old combo guard that can't shoot or pass and you say that is money well spent! Keep your day job.

With "well spent money", i tried to say they spent all of their money, not "they spent in a good way". Maybe it is because of my English. Sometimes I make mistakes since it is not my native language. I agree with you, they overpaid both Jackson and Peja.

And also while comparing Dallas and our payrolls, don't forget the Cuban factor. Do you really think we can be over cap like Dallas?

Starting thing is not important to me. In the same roster Foster will get less minutes than Zaza. So, he's the backup for me. For example, I don't think Lue is our backup pg, Ivey is. We shouldn't pay Ivey more than Lue. As long as we care about luxury tax thing, we shouldn't pay a backup more than a starter in my opinion.

You said I lost all respect in my post, but since you are so busy to try to find some mistakes you don't see the big picture in it. Al doesn't have too many options right now, and we got the control in an unrestricted free agent. If we don't have a good call for Al, we can resign him at a reasonable price or one year contract. We don't have to get Foster! That was the point in that post. I think you are obsessed with details.

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I for one appreciate your perspective and opinion with your awareness of Euro ball and seeing the NBA from afar. I think we do get very narrow minded and it is good to have a different point of view to keep us open minded.

Glad to have you on the board. Peace

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Sorry about that 23. Didn't mean to jump on you like that. Some of these post are making me a little crazy. Especially the Marvin is a bust post. As far as Al is concern, I am just tired of his brand of basketball and I think that it is time for the Hawks to move forward. He is an inefficient volume shooting no defense playing no rebounding creeky kneed turn-over prone player that holds back the development of our core. Al is not apart of the future so let him be a part of our past. Al must go!

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