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Is this the team envisioned after the nuclear op?

Guest Walter

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bullshit. He wasn't given permission to rebuild until 2004.

So him trading away Glenn at the beginning of the year and Shareef and Theo during the year was forced by someone else?

This is year 4, its getting old.

The Robinson move was dictated solely by money, not talent. IMO, the ownership didn't want to take on the higher payroll. In hind sight, ditching Big Og's contract was brilliant.

Regardless, the 'Reef and Theo trade happened in February 2004. That puts the rebuilding at 27 months. Officially, though, the "new team" began with the drafting of Childress and Smith, as well as the hiring of Woodson.

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People don't like hearing the same thing over and over again, but that doesn't diminish the value of what is being said. We simply build up a certain level of immunity to the point being driven - whether good or bad.

I've been watching this game for as long as anyone in here, with the exception of the geezers that were old enough to curse at the television back in the early 80's/late 70's. I have been watching the draft very closely every year as well as free agency...watching teams rebuild. What changes things in the process isn't any "plan" or "vision." See the articles about Krause and his "vision" for the post-Jordan Bulls. Didn't seem like too bad of an idea...not nearly as bad as it turned out.

No, the only thing that changes the NBA fate is that "special" player or core. That's really what it boils down to folks. Something "special." It is that special player who makes a team interesting 99% of the time (with the Pistons being the possible exception). Even the lowliest of teams eventually come across that special talent that they pin their hopes on.

Having endured the wrath of Babcock, I have a particular longing for something special to return to Atl, but I haven't seen that in BK's drafts. Don't get me wrong, I love this team. I also love the talent that Knight has acquired.

But...where is that standout talent?

JJ could be. Smoove may almost be. Who knows what Marvin will be...and Chill has been penciled into a career 6th man only 2 years in. Some of this has to do with ill luck of the "lottery bounce." Moreso though, folks...we have too many forwards. I am excited about all of these cats, but they are all lumped together at the 2/3/4. Chill behind JJ and Smoove. Marvin behind Smoove and Al. And now, we bring Shelden into the mix who may add yet another head on the Lincolin Log "interchangeable" totem.

The point of having talent is not to give talent a breather. You don't want Jordan backing up Drexler. You don't want Duncan backup up the Admiral. You want these guys on the court at the same time. Not neccessarily their talent...but what their presence brings to the floor. You want Kobe/Shaq or Wade/Shaq or Dumars/Isiah or Jordan/Pippen or Stockton/Malone.

If you are Chicago or Detroit and you luck up on a high draft pick... Or if you are a playoff team and manage to uncover a gem late in the 1st or 2nd...then perhaps you want to bench these guys in favor of the vet that got you to the promised lands. As a bottom feeder...it is ridiculous to have your future...your franchise...2 or 3 of your lottery picks...riding the pine.

Speedy/JJ/Smoove/AL/ZaZa = #2, #5, and #6 sitting on the bench.

We've pulled in some great talent, but there is far too much of it in the same general area. It is at this point where ideally, you make a BOLD move and you either find the impact free agent to place where you need it or exchange the redundant talent for an equally promsing talent at a different position.







Some of this must be identified as the CORE. The rest should be, I hate to say it, dealt.

So, I agree with some of what is being said here in the orignial topic. A lot of it in fact. Though, unlike Walt I have a bit more patience. I know that they don't always come into the league and tear sh!t up...but I also know that these players need room to do it in.

We'll see if the versatile 6'8" lineup works...or if we make a bold move somewhere. I have little faith in the "vision" and more trust in what a typical winning team looks like.

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as JJ, Smoove and Marvin. I think it will take a proven All Star or at least a young guy with similar potential for us to give up any of those guys. I think BK plans to build the team around the versatile talents of these 3 guys.

Following those 3, I think Shelden, Chillz and Zaza are seen as nice pieces but they could be moved for the right player/players.

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I'm cool with that; and I think that's more or less what it boils down to for me - making some bold moves to mold the team properly. At the same time, a Smoove/Marvin forward combo is contingent upon one of those guys being able to handle the post.

And again...will the "vision" work?

My heart hopes that we can start those two at the 3/4. My gut thinks it will pan out otherwise. Shelden is the X factor. If the becomes the 2nd coming of Ben Wallace. No problems. If he's better suited at the 4... Here we go again...more moves, and I hope BK can make something happen.

Though, I've heard some talk that he may never start for us? And we knew this going in with the #5 pick for Shelden?


Got no words for that. I'm holding my judgement until the season gets rolling. But I'm not too confident in the vision and have no interest of burning lottery picks on backups.

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Wow Wretch, that was a good post. I think you said that very well, and I agree there's no reason to be angry.

The thing is Marvin was our risk-for-a-superstar-pick. So far it looks like we took a swing and missed. It's not as if BK didn't see that we needed to take a chance to get a big time talent here, it's just that in our draft we didn't have a good option. There is not a history of PGs under 6'0" becoming franchise players, it's easy to see why we didn't take Paul.

Even if we did take Paul, is he really dynamic enough to change the fortunes of an entire franchise? We'll see in New Orleans, I think Paul is a bit overrated at this point.

Apart from that, every other move that has been made has been solid, it's just that we have not had great talent available in our drafts. I really think our best shot is if we have injury problems this year, and end up with a top 3 pick. Our other chance is Josh Smith basically taking it to a level that surprises even us.

At this point we're hoping to be a balanced team like the Pistons, but I agree Wretch, we need 1 or 2 dynamic players here to make our team special.

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...compiled 26 wins last season.

And you think they've peaked?


Walter and Diesel have long played the Rush Limbaugh and James Carville roles here... it makes for a lively board, and it's great to have the strong opinions they bring... but thank goodness for the moderates who bring it all back to center.

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That means

2003-2004 season.

2004-2005 season.

2005-2006 season.

This WILL BE BK's 4th season as GM.

Did you read the article? That isn't his start date. His start date was April 2, 2003.


Knight, 51, who worked under Babcock as the club's Director of Basketball Operations and
replaced him on April 2
, has previous experience as a General Manager from his two seasons with the Vancouver/Memphis Grizzlies. He will continue to oversee the day-to-day operations of the basketball program and will be responsible for all player personnel decisions.

So like I said, THIS IS BK's 4th year. It is really getting old.

We are just starting BK's 4th year and it should be recognized that the Hawks had already thrown away their lottery pick his first year which handicapped him pretty tightly from the outset.

Not saying you don't have a right to criticize or anything, I am just saying that the rebuilding couldn't begin in earnest until the Chills/Smoove draft, IMO.

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I think Marvin is going to be an All Star many times over. He may even become the superstar this franchise desperately needs. I know I'm in the minority here but I see something very special in Marvin and I think he is going to be just a terrific all around player. He just needs experience. He has skills that you just don't see in other players his size already and he is going to get bigger and stronger as he grows into his body and works in the weightroom.

I heard Marvin on the radio last night on 790 with Chuck "The King" Oliver and I don't see how he could have been more impressive. He said all the right things and just displayed a TREMENDOUS attitude. He said that he has been working hard to get stronger and add a few more wrinkles to his game (I think he talked about what those wrinkles were but I missed the beginning of the interview). He said that summer league was the perfect time to work on those wrinkles.

He also said the following:

He likes Woody and thinks he is a very underrated coach. He said that Woody was coaching a bunch of young and inexperienced guys but he did a tremendous job of teaching and motivating them.

He is not worried about the ownership situation, he is just focused on his job of playing basketball and becoming the best player he can be.

The competition at the NBA level is tremendous because EVERYONE is big, strong, athletic and skilled. He had to adjust to that but felt that he was doing much better toward the end of the season.

He hit the rookie wall like all rookies but he pushed through it and he will be ready for that this year.

He is FAR more comfortable now and he has a better understanding of what he needs to do get better.

He is working hard on his game and getting stronger.

Coach (Roy) Williams was a great Coach and he not only taught him how to play effectively within a system he was a great role model.

He learned a lot from May, Felton and McCants.

He said he doesn't go out much and that Ruth's Chris was his favorite place to go out (Oliver was cracking up at that one saying that he was sure a young millionaire in the ATL had a better favorite hang out than Ruth's Chris).

He came across as very likeable with tremendous personality and a guy that could replace JT as the face fo the franchise (Maybe it will be JJ or Smoove but neither of them come across nearly as good as Marvin in interviews).

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