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We need to be loyal to the Franchise


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No self respecting fan should want an owner who has done the things that Belk has done already.

Belk didn't go to court to get his OK on all deals.

Belk went to court to get all deals stopped.

He has purposedly tied the hands of the sitting GM in the middle of the offseason.

That type of owner is not interested in a competitive team...

You are correct. Belkin has shown his true colors in this. He doesn't want the team - it's just business and revenge. The league ought to flat out ban him.

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If I could change teams I would....I can't... I am a Hawks fan, I wish I could turn it off, especially if that clown takes ownership...but it is the team ...the jersey...that I am a fan of.

What I don't get is how a fan can say I am not a fan of that a team anymore...so you would not be concerned or interested in how the Hawks are playing....or peek at the box scores...or watch any games?

My point exactly. For those who are so anti-Belkin what are you going to do when Belkin owns the team..can you still love the team when they are owned by someone you hate?

I love the franchise period. And truth be told we don't know how he will run the team. He is expending a lot of legal expense in order to gain control of the team..would anyone who had no passion for the team fight for control over it the way that he has? He isn't fighting over the Lakers, Celtics, or even the Knicks. He is fighting over the Hawks and the Thrashers, teams that AOL basically gave away.

Much of our opinion of Belkin is based upon the Joe Johnson trade and the point of view of the other owners who have a vested interest in the outcome.

Just being objective.

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If I could change teams I would....I can't... I am a Hawks fan, I wish I could turn it off, especially if that clown takes ownership...but it is the team ...the jersey...that I am a fan of.

What I don't get is how a fan can say I am not a fan of that a team anymore...so you would not be concerned or interested in how the Hawks are playing....or peek at the box scores...or watch any games?

My point exactly. For those who are so anti-Belkin what are you going to do when Belkin owns the team..can you still love the team when they are owned by someone you hate?

I love the franchise period. And truth be told we don't know how he will run the team. He is expending a lot of legal expense in order to gain control of the team..would anyone who had no passion for the team fight for control over it the way that he has? He isn't fighting over the Lakers, Celtics, or even the Knicks. He is fighting over the Hawks and the Thrashers, teams that AOL basically gave away.

Much of our opinion of Belkin is based upon the Joe Johnson trade and the point of view of the other owners who have a vested interest in the outcome.

Just being objective.

He's handcuffed the team from making really any moves. This entire thing is a circus and he's caused most of it. You think he gives a shyt that the Hawks are laughed at by every non Hawk fan? Not a chance.

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I will always be a Hawk's fan, but with a Sterlingesque owner it would be hard to get behind team and be excited about them. You know in the offseason you are screwed. Your only chance is to draft a Lebron James, and even then they might be traded.

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We don't know if he will be a Sterlingesque owner. He must be smart enough to know that he can't survive that way in a city like atlanta. There isn't the fan base that would allow him to survive that way. There is also no local TV contract that would allow him to exist that way.

We cannot conclude that he'd be Sterling because he didn't want to send 2 draft picks for Joe Johnson.

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You have officially lost it.

I think your perspective probably would make you one of the greatest fans of all time. Today it became 100% obvious that Belkin is a cheap ass punk, and you are still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe a fantasy that he could be a great owner.

What does he have to do for you to see it?

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Disclaimer: I know nothing about the law

I believe that the higher up the legal food chain you go the more you get judges who have the power to say "you're an ass and not acting in the spirit of the agreement. you lose loser". Its our only hope.

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well despite the fact that Belkin has made the other owners look like simpletons to this point, there are still 2 things in their favor:

a) Belkin really did abuse the system in automatically challing the evaluation and slowing things down on purpose so the deadline was missed - they might win the appeal

b) Stern is a strong commissioner, the league would have to approve Belkin as an owner

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if Belkin owns the team, i will hope the team wins. but i will not purchase merchandise, season pass or attend games. i would only watch a game if it's on tnt free. i would even go as far to say as i would send a letter of hate for belkin to stern or a sportswriter every time i had a free moment to do so.

if he started to look as if he gave a sht, which he wont, then maybe i'd spend cash on them.

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Not to mention that the whole thing started from a lawsuit he brought that had no basis and was thrown back to the league and he was removed. I think somewhere a judge will make them restart the buyout of Belkin from the beginning with a clear agreement of the timeframes. It's the only fair thing and its what Belkinass agreed to to begin with.

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This thread reminds me of the simpsons episode where homer goes to space and the chips and ants get released and an ant floats in front of the camera.

Kent Brockman goes:


Ladies and gentlemen, uh, we've just lost the picture, but what we've seen speaks for itself. The Corvair spacecraft has apparently been taken over, 'conquered' if you will, by a master race of giant space ants. It's difficult to tell from this vantage point whether they will consume the captive Earthmen or merely enslave them. One thing is for certain: there is no stopping them; the ants will soon be here.
And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to remind them as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves.


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We need some Nationally Televised Games for once! How long has it been since the Hawks had a game on ABC, TNT, Or ESPN. I really hope the NBA guys give us at least 1-2 games this year if teams like the Rockets, Raptors, Sonics , Celtics, Twolves and Warriors can get over 2 games each I believe we belong there too.. We are one of the youngest teams in the NBA who have alot of young flyers who can turn into superstars in this league. I have no doubt will be one of the most exciting teams to watch next year. We need fans not only in the Atlanta but around the world!

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Almost choking here, can't stop laughing..

The league doesn't put the Atlanta Hawks on tv because they actually want people to watch. Blowouts are no fun for the audience. You are one of the youngest teams, but that doesn't quite mean good does it? If your teams gets say.. 5 games from the playoffs, then maybe Stern will put you guys on tv.

The Rockets, Raptors, Sonics , Celtics, Twolves and Warriors will all have better records than you this year. The only teams that will be worst are Toronto(just barely), Portland, New York, and Charlotte.

Maybe next year you guys will be given more games. When Belkin (thankfully) will fire Knight for screwing up the franchise, and that bum of a coach of yours. Don't even know his name, all I know is that Diaw said he was horrible.

Keep your chin up.

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This thread reminds me of the simpsons episode where homer goes to space and the chips and ants get released and an ant floats in front of the camera.

Kent Brockman goes:


Ladies and gentlemen, uh, we've just lost the picture, but what we've seen speaks for itself. The Corvair spacecraft has apparently been taken over, 'conquered' if you will, by a master race of giant space ants. It's difficult to tell from this vantage point whether they will consume the captive Earthmen or merely enslave them. One thing is for certain: there is no stopping them; the ants will soon be here.
And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to remind them as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves.


That is perfect!

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all I know is that Diaw said he was horrible.

He had the audacity to insist that Diaw take open shots and layups when he was on the floor. Diaw needed a kick in the rear to get his career in motion and to become offensively assertive on the floor. Good for him and the Suns that he did but the problems with Diaw in Atlanta were a two-way street where both parties were to blame.

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