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Warriors close to acquiring Harrington?


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sounds like we/they might be waiting on the ok from SB. Murphy/1st/the 7ft dude they drafted in rnd 2 this year?

Obryant has been stinking it up in his first 2 summer games but, I would still take him in a second. Obi Kanobi has some desirable skills but is getting up there in age.

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I just read that and I don't believe it because if it's true than Billy sucks at negotiations.We have the best available FA left out there and we get guys that play at positions we already have locked up.I heard Chris Mullin isn't the best GM so maybe we can do what PHO did to us with Joe Johnson.

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I just read that and I don't believe it because if it's true than Billy sucks at negotiations.We have the best available FA left out there and we get guys that play at positions we already have locked up.I heard Chris Mullin isn't the best GM so maybe we can do what PHO did to us with Joe Johnson.

ever thought of that? confused.gif

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Since we can only acquire 1-year deals then how can we possibly acquire Murphy? Even if we could why would we?

I'm hoping there's a third team involved that will take Murphy's contract because the Hawks don't need his contract on the books when it's time to sign our young guys.

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i would be confused by this trade. Murphy is a solid player and would be good for our team as far as rebounding and hussling and even some point production. And honestly i don't mind the contract because we still have plenty of flexibility after his contract.

However, this Pietrus kid hasn't shown anything in the league since he's been here. Murphy isn't enough for Al Harrington and throwing Pietrus in there doesn't make it even. They would have to throw a 1st in there or replace Pietrus with OBryant for me to like the deal.

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I think it was a good market out there for AL. Indiana, Detroit, and GS were the main teams reported. There were also various reports from other teams around the league showing interest in signing him.

Now with the recent ruling, GS might have been the only team BK had started negotiations with prior to going to court and this is the only way to get something out of a SNT.

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The point is that GS, Indy, and Detroit don't really have anything that we want. Well let's just say they're probably not willing to give us what we really want. I'm guessing that this is the problem. I don't really see a great deal happening with either of those teams

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of the two players, I'd say Murphy is less of a BK player than Pietrus. Pietrus is BK's typical athletic swingman who can (notice I didn't say does) play defense and multiple positions. The fact that he hasn't done much (he did average 9 ppg the last two years) might just mean he is in the wrong system.


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I wouldnt mind murphy as well. Gives us what we dont have much of and thats size that can go beyond the arc and while also putting the ball on the floor. Can rebound too.

As far as Pietrus, hes got alot of potential but the hawks have to utilize him (unlike diaw) in the open court. We hear atl is gonna step up to a more uptempo style and pietrus would make sense but if atl plays the kind of game we are used to seeing, I dont think it would be a smart move taking him on.

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I am not a huge Murphy fan, but it will be better to get him than come out of this Harrington ordeal empty handed. I think Pietrus has some potential...hopefully he will be at the worst a solid bench guy.

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And honestly i don't mind the contract because we still have plenty of flexibility after his contract.

Yes, we have flexibility NOW, but in 2-3 years we won't. Plus with the ownership situation as it is there's no way we can take on Murphy's contract anyway.

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With the court ruling, if Murphy were involved then a 3rd team would have to take him.

If we deal with GS, then I bet it is something more like:



Dunleavy 7.4 expiring

and a player - probably Pietrus 2.5

(but it could be Diogu 2.1 or O'Bryant rookie)

and maybe a draft pick (lotto protected #1?)

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I don't see a good deal from anyone after the court ruling, but the one thing all the teams involved have are 1st round picks with Detroit having two. I do not think BK can pull off a deal getting real value for AL because he is limited to what moves he can make

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We could get Murphy if we had begun negotiations before the court ruling. Which sounds like that might have been the case. A lot of folks have not looked favorable on Murphy, but you have to consider what ZaZa produced last year. There would be nights he'd do well and then others when he'd disappear. We have not gotten consistent scoring out of the block in a long time. Murphy would help with this and open up the lane for ZaZa. Wouldn't be surprised to see them announce this deal mid week.

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Not exactly. The Spirit group can't unilaterally take on a contract longer than 1 year; however, Belkin can accept to take on a longer deal under the ruling. Meaning that if Belkin OKs the GS deal we can add Murphy. I can't see why Belkin would agree to that, but he might.

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Pietrus actually has value, in that he has some upside and he has a cheap contract. Murphy has negative value because he is quite the albatross as a slow, poor defensive, 41% shooting PF with a MASSIVE contract.

Pietrus could be turned around in another deal, or he could develop into a decent player. In the worst case, his small contract will expire, and he will walk. Murphy will just chew up cap space for a logn time and make us regret acquiring him.

Wake up people. Murphy sucks.

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