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Boxscore of the game is up


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Salim with 17 shot attempts doesnt surprise me this guy loves to chuck shots. This summer league games are meaningless I expect Marvin to get his share of points since Woodson called the summer league team his team no one else out there other Salim can score so his 22 doesnt surprise me one bit they are also playing against alot of bench warmers.

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Salim has not(at least not yet) chosen to use summer league as a stage to showcase his ability to run a team.

Shelden goes 1 of 6 from the field and 60% from the line, with one lone block.

John Edwards with only two rebounds and two fouls, those 7 feet have to be good for something.

Marvin definitely has become more agressive, and may be creating that 'killer instinct' seperating good players from great players.

Solomon Jones definitely knows how to use his fouls, with 7 total, but could this hint him being foul prone?

Grundy had a decent game, and seems to be a more passing, less scoring Salim.

Everyone else is not worthy of mention.

If Shelden Williams can play his worst and still end the game with 8 pts and 5 reb, he will put up good numbers when he plays just decently.

Solomon Jones neeeds more minutes and touches, we need to see if he can control the fouls, and handle being an option on offense.

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Well, I won't trust a boxscore that writes C for Cedric Bozeman. No way!

Well, also I don't want to comment about this:

Biggest Lead Hawks 0, JAZZ 30

Anthony Grundy is always producing somthing in his limited playing time. It may be a garbage time but he's always efficient. I didn't see him playing so much but I'm curious about Grundy.

Happy to see Corey Violette in summer leagues. Last year he was at Fenerbahce Istanbul. Good guy, an athletic, inside-outside threat PF. Anyway, he won't make NBA.

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I don't trust sumnmer leaue boxscores as a source for telling me who well someone played and I really don't trust them if the game was a blowout. Most of us didn't watch the game so we don't know how many of those points cam after the game got outta hand.

Summer leagues are good for keeing the nba discussion fresh doint the summer but I don't use it to judge a player ever since Tim Duncan got abused by Ostertag. From cnnsi:

Two Western Conference team executives separately raised the memory of Tim Duncan being abused by Greg Ostertag at a summer league during Duncan's rookie year. "I remember people saying, Maybe this Duncan kid can't play," T'wolves GM Jim Stack recalled. "But there is an adjustment process that all players have to go through, and it takes a little longer for some than others."

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We got outrebounded 42-20.

What's worse about it is that we started Salim, Marvin, Shelden, Edwards, and Bozeman. 2 Centers, 2 Forwards. and still got killed on the boards. - Naturally not many assists either. What the F is Woody trying to do? Maybe he was trying to see if he wants to keep Bozeman or Edwards. Based on the boxscore, I'd let them both go.

(If they play again, I hope we put Batista on Aroujo. Someone will end up in the hospital.)

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Randy Foye. Brandon Roy. Billy takes Shelden Williams. That is all you need to know. Oh yeah, he shut his draft down a month early for this great piece of work.

Shelden was drafted because he was the most ready? Yeah, he is ready...for some serious pine time. Woody will have to play him as a hack and rebounder off the bench. The dude doesn't have the offensive skills to score in the league unless he puts a lot of work in...too late for this year. Its easy to see why our GM was so in love that he was the only GM to shut down his draft.

For those who think that Summer Leagues doesn't matter...your right. Unless you look like you can't play at all against the weak competition and look lost at the pace of the game...and the athletes give you problems. That is when the Summer League DOES matter. Last time I checked ALL the top 6 other than Shell passed their summer tests with ease. Our guy looks like Marcus Fizer. One last thing...Why do coaches like Woody and GM's like BK always quote Coach K and how sold he was on this kid? I keep hearing all of these Coach K quotes about how much praise he had for him...and if Coach K said that...well...he must be good.

Coach K desperately wants his guys to do well. He is hardly the person to talk to because he isn't going to tell you the real deal. He wants you to take his guy. Our guys take it as gospel. I had a conversation before the draft with one of our owners about my concern about drafting Shelden. He didn't deny our interest in him...I then sent him an email detailing why we should take Randy Foye. In his response he stated how much Coach K thought of Shelden...I warned him that Coach K was not exactly objective when it came to his players.

We now have another high lottery player who will spend most of his career coming off the bench. When you really look at Shelden's offensive game...he isn't close to ready. He has no low block weapons and muscle isn't going to work very well with his height. That is the irony...our staff doesn't even know when a kid is really ready. Their were 2 great guards that were ready...and they both play great defense to protect the paint. And we draft this muscle bound kid who lacks the athleticism to thrive in the league. The best part is BK knew last May...no need to consider anybody else. This is why we don't win basketball games...this team better get the deal of the century in the AL trade. We aren't nearly as set as many posters here believe.

BTW, Salim is not a PG. Last year. Now. In the future. BK said he would be...I knew after watching him last year that PG is not his gig. Why does this boob keep drafting players and insist that they play outside their skill level? I can't wait to hear about Chill at the 2...its coming. Gotta squeeze this collection of players out their somewhere...even if its not where they really play.

With BK as our GM you can kiss this team goodbye.

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I knew BEFORE the summer league. I was waiting for your love affair with this boob to come out and defend him. Shelden Williams type of game is not ready for the NBA. Period. He wasn't ready in March, April, May, June, July...and he won't be ready to substantially do much this season. All we can hope is that he can play some defense and help some on the defensive boards. Shelden is not the player we were seeking when we drafted him. GM's should know that...stop defending this guy. You defend every every lousy move he makes. He never makes a bad move right? Your credibilty defending him is lousy. Take your rose colored glasses off...BK is a crap GM who drafts players without regard to where they fit. And he doesn't even have the good sense to take the BEST players. He is ALWAYS leaving much better talent on the table for those picking behind us. He is a bad joke and Woody is his handpicked tool as HC. Is it any wonder why we are terrible?

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