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Is it time to be concerned about Shelden


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Do you know anything about basketball texas pete? Summer league games are very un organized. Hardly any set plays, it is basically a motion offense. That is why guards and wings dominate the ball. If you cannot understand something that simple, go get your knowledge up before you bash players.

Jwest, what do I need links for? Sheldon put up 20/10 both time he playe May his JR year, played solid aganist Okafor in the Semi's his soph year, and owned LA this year. Anyone who watches college basketball knows this. No links are needed.

SW coming from a very methodical program probably is in an unknown jungle. You are right. Even in pick up games he gets more attention than this. You bet he isn't having any fun.

I am just too lazy to look up at the old box scores. I thought you would all the url memorized. laugh.gif

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Marvin had just turned 19...he was drafted on upside. We knew last year was going to be a learning year. Shelden, if you BK lovers recall, was drafted as a ready to go player. We couldn't even bring some guys in for workouts because we needed a player who was ready now. We were supposed to be drafting our starting PF. Remember? It wasn't that long ago...Shelden is playing against fringe NBA players at best right now, the kind of players he should be having a lot of success against.

Shelden doesn't look athletic because he isn't...and he damn sure doesn't look ready. I hated the pick but was hoping for the best. It looks even worse than I thought and I wasn't expecting more than 8 and 6 this year. Shavlik Randolph looks a lot better right now.

We had better make the SNT the deal of the century to make up for our lack of a 1st round pick this year. I thought we traded NEXT years pick to PHX...

Dude it's one game. You're probably the type who would have been calling a wrap to Duncan's career after he was thoroughly dominated in the summer league prior to his rookie year and he was 4 year player. I'm not trying to say Shelden is gonna be even in the same stratosphere as Duncan but you can't judge a rookie after his 1st 2 games in the summer league. I wasn't in favor of drafting Shelden but I'm gonna give him much more than a couple of games at a summer league a couple of weeks after the draft to judge him.

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Why do you use dude in every post, dude? I call it like I see it.
Shelden was a mistake
. It would be nice if I was wrong and it wouldn't be the first time.

But this pick was a huge stretch and we are seeing the signs of a 23 year old "ready" player not very ready.

You can sugar coat this all you want...I couldn't care less. Even if he is proven to be a bust...some will never admit because there is some BK worship here that is really bizarre.

Not trying to make excuses for Shelden, however, let's remember that, in addition to it being his first summer league, he is primarily a post player and it is generally acknowledged that post players have a much more difficult transition to the NBA than perimeter players like Roy and Foye, hence I think it is unfair to engage in comparative analysis at this point.

Additionally, SL games are very similar to AAU competition in that it is very diffcult for inside players to shine, due to the lack of structure. As I recall, Andrew Bogut and Dwight Howard, two highly rated post players drafted in recent years, struggled in SL.

You are certainly entitled to be disappointed in Shelden's SL start and his ability as a player, however, I think an HONEST skeptic should consider a larger sample of MEANINGFUL games before coming to a definitive conclusion of said players NBA career.

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It's just kind of funny how the players "expected" to be good are dominating. Roy, Foye, Morrison, yet here we have Sheldon Williams who we took as a top 5 pick and he looks anything but dominating. I think TexasPete has every reason to be pissed and distraught with Sheldon Williams.

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It's just kind of funny how the players "expected" to be good are dominating. Roy, Foye, Morrison, yet here we have Sheldon Williams who we took as a top 5 pick and he looks anything but dominating. I think TexasPete has every reason to be pissed and distraught with Sheldon Williams.

Let us be honest with ourselves, we were not going to pick any of those players anyway because we already have a lot of players at the 2 and 3.

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It's just kind of funny how the players "expected" to be good are dominating. Roy, Foye, Morrison, yet here we have Sheldon Williams who we took as a top 5 pick and he looks anything but dominating. I think TexasPete has every reason to be pissed and distraught with Sheldon Williams.

I can't help but laugh at people who think they can judge a player's performance based soley off box scores from summer league games.

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judge? Time to take the rose colored glasses off, stats can tell you alot about performance. 6 and 3 7 fouls, look like stats from a role player, not from that of a 4 year senior who was a top 5 pick in the draft.

Answer this for me. Did you watch either of these games?


Now answer this for me. Did you watch Sheldon dominate Lamarcus?

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I'm glad you had to resort to calling me a homer since you have nothing of importance to say. By the way, if you may notice I have never talked Sheldon up on these boards, I am just saying it is funny sitting here watching two idiots trash a player based on two summer league games they did not even watch.

For the record, I wanted either Foye or Sheldon based on who was left to pick from.

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His stat line against Dallas was worst that his 1st game!

6 points, 3 rebounds, 7 fouls

last week Diesel started a thread making fun of O'Bryant's lack of rebounding in his 1st few summer league games...And wanted to know who wanted that bum over Shelden? Well Diesel, What do you think of Shelden vs O'Bryant now?

The think the Board would like a statement soon!

Nope. It would also be time to be excited about Skita right about now...and he really sucks.

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If you had read what I said about Obryant, I didn't say that SL predicts he will be a bum. I said how can a 7 footer play 30 minutes and get 2 rebounds consistently in SL?

So far, Shelden has 7 rebounds. That's probably more rebounds than Obryant had playing the whole Reebok pro S averaging over 20 mpg.

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But this pick was a huge stretch and we are seeing the signs of a 23 year old "ready" player not very ready.

You can sugar coat this all you want...I couldn't care less. Even if he is proven to be a bust...some will never admit because there is some BK worship here that is really bizarre.

Of the projected "bigs" coming out this year, it's pretty clearcut that Shelden was the most proven (read: most ready) player. Yes I feel he's more ready than Bargnani, Thomas, or Aldridge to provide interior defense and a low post offensive presence. No I don't feel he's ready to step in and be a force on the court. It doesn't matter how ready you are coming into the NBA; the difference in speed, talent on the floor, and gameplanning is more than enough to hinder even the most ready player.

Who was the last "big" to come out and produce right away? Stoudemire? I love how you look past the obvious - I think Shelden is ready enough to soak up 20+ minutes a night, not ready to put up 20/10 - then since you're so right about that you're able to conclude that it's only because of BK worship that posters here liked the pick.

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Alright let's get this right. Shelden does not have to be ready now, he does not have to be ready in the preseason, he has to be ready to go when the actual Regular Season starts. I guess all of you haters forgot that these games don't count. Only the games beginning in October count. So, maybe you can try and actually be a fan of the team. You are calling yourself "fans" aren't you?

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Without a doubt. Yeah I have a little homerism, but that's what you get growing up in GA. I love everything Atlanta except the Jackets (I'm from Athens).

When it comes to these forums, I look at all the opinions out there and I can say what I say feeling comfortable that I made an informed decision; not one based on homerism or BK admiration. Hell, I've been arguing with plenty of people that we should bring over Iverson! cool.gif

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Take a look at what the NJ rookies did in 5 games.

Marcus Williams 16.6 pts. 8.0 Assist

Josh Boone 10.6pts., 7.8reb, 61%fg

Eric Williams 10.2pts, 5.6reb.

E. Williams was undrafted. Our #5 selection is 3 for 12 from the field in two games. I'm worried!

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Well, I wouldn't go to the exact extreme that TexasPete is, but I was in the wagon that hated Shelden - PERIOD! The pick was awful and that's just my opinion. I'm not basing anything on his play in college...He dominated blah, blah blah, he was outplayed by blah, blah, blah.

What I'm trying to do is find a ray of hope in him because I do feel like he'll be a role player his career. I think he'll improve, but I don't like his stat line, Summer League or not. When you don't like a player that doesn't mean you're not a fan. I bleed the Hawks so I support Shelden, but I am objective unlike some people!

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OK, lets get this right. If Shelden can't score against guys who aren't even going to play in the NBA, he is not going to make a mircale transformation in 3 months when the comp level gets multiplied by 5x. He had 7 fouls last night which is an indication that he is either out of position or not athletic enough to get into position.

To the person who asked about domination against Aldridge, so what? Aldridge will be a project further away than Marvin was last year. Let me ask you...did you see Marko Killingsworth piss in Shelden's face for 35 minutes against Indiana? That was all Shelden. Marko scored 36 points on 15-19 shooting point blank in his face. We were all commenting watching that game that Shelden looked like an unathletic slug and would not do much in the NBA. Marko muscled him all night long. Newsflash: Marko is not near what he will see in the league.

Finally, to the poster who said that we didn't have as much need for a guard and Shelden was the most ready big man...WTF? Going into the draft our guards were lue, grundy, ivey, and salim. Two of those guys don't belong in the league and the other two are hardly complete packages. We needed a scoring combo guard that could share the backcourt and also DEFEND other guards from getting into the paint. I hear all this stuff about protecting the paint with Shelden...how about preventing people from getting into your paint with a guard like Foye?

We drafted a career role player at 5 and will watch as guys that we passed up shine in the league. We are going to have to listen to crap ad nauseum about how we passed up two great guards when we had a hard need at the guard spot.

I wasn't expecting Shelden to tear up the lousy front lines in the Rocky Mountain Revue. Frankly, he isn't that type of player. But what the RMV has clearly demonstrated, whether BK homers want to acknowledge it or not, is that this kid has struggles with athleticism and the NBA front lines are made up of athletes. His shot blocking will not transfer over much either.

Two games in the RMV does not make a career. But Shelden's weaknesses are already being exposed for all to see. This is NOT how the #5 pick who is 23 and has 4 years of college under his belt is supposed to show. Its just not. And we can all wait for this to play out...in the end their will be few here who don't consider Shelden a bust. There will be several who won't admit it regardless because they idolize the GM.

Shelden Williams was a bad pick. Now. Tomorrow. In 6 months. And during the next few years. His game does not translate to the league. But our brilliant GM settled on him back in May without truly taking the draft process seriously. He thinks he is smarter than everyone else. He is obviously not...I can't wait to hear the spin come out this week. Frankly, I'm tired of these clowns telling us all to be patient with players that they shouldn't have taken in the first place.

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