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Texas Pete is right...


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I must say, I'm on board with Texas Pete too. Sheldon's performance thus far can only mean he has no future with us or any NBA team. I'm disgusted that he was chosen for our team and can't wait to see BK's head on the chopping block. The media will sautee him up and throw some hot sauce on him to keep it hot for awhile. Let's all celebrate the end of Sheldon William's career. Shots of hot sauce for the entire house!! It's on me fellas!!

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You said that I was dissing patrick after 2 games... Being that today is a day of correction, let's correct you!

Here's my statement about Patrick!



So far, Patrick O'Bryant can't dominate summer league.

in 4 games, he's averaging 23 mpg and only 2 rebounds??

I usually don't put much stock into SL but DAmN!!

This is the meat of what I said.

Is it a diss to say that Patrick O'Bryant can't dominate Summer league?

Help me if I'm wrong, but for a 7 foot 250 lber shouldn't a 2 reb effort be mentioned. I was much much less Dissatory towards Patrick than GS fans.

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The media will sautee him up and throw some hot sauce on him to keep it hot for awhile. Let's all celebrate the end of Sheldon William's career.

Uhm... Would that be Texas Pete Hot Sauce??

I think it will only be fitting. Then we can have a Texas Pete for GM coronation!

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If I didn't know better Seano, i would think you were just being disagreeable to be disagreeable??

C'mon now buddy, let's be realistic here. You are obviously making an attempt to be snide and sarcastic in response to what Texas Pete is saying- right? Or do you really believe that one or two games in summer league is an accurate indicator of a player's future potential? Because if that's the case, then I'm sorry- but I'm afraid I just can't help you. laugh.gif

Come on Seano, don't spoil the potential showdown! This is what this board been waiting for. Tex vs Diesel.

Just go grab some popcorn and enjoy!

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Just go grab some popcorn and enjoy!

I'm there, man! 229031_snack.GIF

This will be the showdown we've all been anticipating/dreading- the mother of all battles. It will be like matter meeting anti-matter, but hopefully in this case the universe won't explode. wink.gif

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Mind if I join? Diesel, thanks for the props...

Coming from the man who dissed the franchise of the Hawks as a ripe 19 year old all last year...and now has to watch in horror as the kid turns into a stud right before his eyes. Damn...that's 14,125 posts down the drain. I feel for you.

There is a massive irony going on here...the most hated poster on HS trying to turn everyones attention away from the morass of drivel you wasted your time on here...the tremedous propensity to be dead wrong about so many things.

I'm not in your league yet. I've only wee weed in people's cheerios about one topic. I need time to catch you. Rome wasn't built in a day. Beside's there is too much intellect and knowledge in my posts to ever be in your league!

Thanks again for the props!


Yours Truly,

Texas Pete

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the most hated poster on HS trying to turn everyones attention away from the morass of drivel you wasted your time on here...the tremedous propensity to be dead wrong about so many things.

Eh, hate is a very strong word. It's hard for me to believe that anyone could actually *hate* someone else on a message board- and believe that if they really do feel that strongly about something so ultimately meaningless, then they've probably got other issues going on in their own lives.

At any rate I don't see the point in making things so personal. Diesel is totally harmless. He's just a character, one of those type of people who might annoy you on the surface from time to time, but who you also realize that life would be just a little bit less interesting/funny/quirky if they weren't around. I personally get a kick out of Diesel and all his blather. I think he's very funny. I like him, and don't doubt that I'd like him in real life if ever we were to meet.

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I'm not being literal...damn, Diesel somehow managed to be the victim.

Diesel has that kind of power, believe me. shocked.gif Don't worry, someday he'll get inside your head and get to you too. villageofthedamned.jpg

And then maybe you can join us all at the Temple of Diesel (known affectionately as 'the ToD'), there to learn about his philosophies of 'Pedigree', 'Welfare Mentality', and many, many more. 116863042_871fa10385_m.jpg

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Texas pete..

At the root of the problem, there is no difference in How I feel about us picking Marvin and how you feel about us picking Shelden. For you to criticize me is so hypocritical that it's makes no sense.

I didn't say that Marvin was without Talent. I said, that I would rather have had Paul or Deron. I stayed consistent with that point even to now.

What you are saying is what... we should have picked somebody else.

Welcome to Dieselland.

I have enjoyed... Thoroughly enjoyed watching the board gang up on you for a couple of days the way that it has ganged up on me ALL YEAR.

You can't go back and take the high road with Marvin while you are taking the low road with Shelden. It doesn't work that way. I throwed you a data boy... I even said you were right...

Sarcasm of course. However, I didn't criticize you for your feeling on the Shelden Pick. I criticized you for your quick judgement.

So have at me. Remember, you're trying to make me out to be the bad guy. The only problem is that today.. We are the same guy!

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Well, I'm pledging allegiance to the flag....one nation..under...OH almost forgot the topic.

I'm in the "We shouldn't have picked Shelden" fan club. I'd love to be the original member. So if Diesel can make a million Marvin trade threads...TexasPete can! (I think Marvin will be the man by the way!).

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My two cents. Diesel know good and well when Marvin was struggling in Summer League last year he was talking about bust and all other types of negative BS about Marvin.

Now I am different, I still think Shelden will turn out to be a good pick for us and I am not going to judge him until the ENTIRE SEASON is over and I wish others including Diesel would do the same....yes even with Marvin Williams.

Diesel was way way way too early to even remotely trying to evaluate this guy this year and being as young as he is you can't truly evaulate Marvin until 3 year out.

All these trades you are throwing out on Marvin is ridiculus. Deep down you know that Marvin is the real deal and will eventually be a stud for the Atlanta Hawks. So why are you hating on this Marvin?? Good thing you are not a GM because you would have traded away a future All-Star player. Trading him would be 18 times worst than what Diaw ended up looking like.

You trade Marvin you minus well move the franchise, he probably has the highest potential than anyone on our roster!!!

Out of integrity for yourself and credibility, don't put Marvin in anymore of you BS trades!!

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Diesel know good and well when Marvin was struggling in Summer League last year he was talking about bust and all other types of negative BS about Marvin.

See, this is what you call a faulty assumption. Actually, it's a lie. During summer league last season, I had absolutely nothing to say about Marvin's future. Go back and check the record. Hell, it may be the case that I didn't even post at this time last year.. I love how you guys figure that because Marvin Struggled I had something negative to say. I don't even believe in SL games having any worth at all except to keep fans longing for the game interested.

I have taken the time to find every post I made about Marvin during that time period.

Here's the search:


At this time, I kindly ask that you please stop spreading Misinformation about what I have said unless you have a quote of me saying anything about Marvin and Summer League.

Thank you.


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Dude, you have been hating on Marvin since day 1. Actually, you were hating on Marvin even before we picked him.

How many Marvin trade post and negative post have you written about Marvin? Too many to count!!

The bottom line is you need to let all of the Marvin trades and negativity rest. Let Marvin develop into the player most people think he will turn out to be.

He showed in the second half of the year he will be a stud and to think that he is so young is mouth watering!!

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You said that I said something about Marvin's Summer League performance.

To my knowledge I never did. I beg you to find that.

as far as how I feel about Marvin... That's not even related to what you were talking about.

However, for the record, I still hold by my standard... I will think that he's not worth the pick until he shows to be better than Deron, Paul, and Smoove.

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I don't think Marvin is ready to start and may never be.

This was posted by you right after last year Summer League performance. You attacked him vigorously in this post after Summer League.

You tried to come back and say your hate VENOM in this particular post didn't have anything to do with his Summer League play, but I think most people knew where this renewed sense of hate for Marvin was coming from. He didn't play well and this was your opportunity to bash Marvin even more!!

You have so many negative post on Marvin, you would need a year to go through them. You have an unbelievable number of negative Marvin post.

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First Emeans...YOUR purpose was to cut and snippet and just ignore everything I said..

So, let's get the whole message here...


If trading Al gets us Magloire or Nene, I'm for it... If not, we keep Al. We should be in no hurry to get Marvin on the floor. I don't think Marvin is ready to start and may never be. Also, I think JJ needs another scorer on the team (proven scorer) so that his game can be good!

When asked specifically if what I had said above was about Marvin's SL showing, this is what i said:


It has very little to do with Summer league.
I think that Marvin is just a product of the hype machine. He didn't play well in college vs. Good competiton plain and simple. I think he has a lot more question marks in his game than he does facts...

If there's ever a case where you have twins, I think Marvin is the twin of Tim Thomas.

Chillz may have started off slow, but Chillz was a guy who had led his team and had shown the ability to play big against Big competition. The only teams that Marvin has played Big against or Iowa St., Oakland, and Hampton... Excuse me if I don't believe the hype!

Thanks again Emeans for showing that you only want to be right and not honest!

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