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KB, I have witnessed you getting on to everyone from Belkin to Babcock..These guys are also professionals at the highest level..Why is it ok for you to criticize them, but noone can do the same to BK?..

I think it's okay in his case, because he's a hypocrite.

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what a horrible point of view.

I'll take it you think sports writers have no right to exist unless they were good pros? And no one can ever criticize anything michael jordan did?

I could be wrong, but I believe you frequently criticize NCAA and NBA players, and to my knowledge you were never a Div I NCAA athlete or an NBA player. So what's your right to criticize any ball player?

No response?

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There may be people in professional situations that are overmatched, but the only people that have the right to criticize them are those that have the same professional status.

Huh?? That is the most inaccurate post I have read in a long long time. This is not communist country!! You have every right in this world to criticize whatever you want to criticize and you don't have to have the same processional status?? I can't criticize a congressman because I am not a congressman?? I can't criticize the governor because I have never been the governor??

Please clarify yourself? Maybe you meant to say something different.

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Wow, dude. I am very glad that your grandmother questioned the doctor in that situation. Doctors are definately not "perfect". I am starting medical school soon, and I sure hope that the other people I am going to be in med school with don't think that way.

Shoot, the further I get along in school, it seems like I find out how little I actually know.

PS -- I should clarify that questioning doctors can go overboard, though, because many people just refuse to listen to anyone

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Trust me. As you start getting some clinical experience, you will see all the trash that is out there. Most of them are people that abuse the welfare and medicare system, which is something I absolutely despise. These are people that you will give a prescription to, and they won't fill it because they have to buy their cigarettes or their beer on the weekend. It's these people that complain about the cost of health care the most. I went to a town meeting a couple of years ago when the government decided to make some medicaid cuts in Mississippi. While there were some that I feel legitimately needed medicaid, the large majority of these people were nothing but scum sucking leaches off everyone else. It amuses me to see someone griping because they can't pay for their medication, but they can carry on a two pack a day smoking habit.

You will learn about this though. I had 8 years of experience working in the medical field before I got into medical school, so I was exposed to it before I became a student. I worked part time at the hospital while I was in undergrad, and I worked two years full time in surgery before getting into school.

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Wow, dude. I am very glad that your grandmother questioned the doctor in that situation. Doctors are definately not "perfect". I am starting medical school soon, and I sure hope that the other people I am going to be in med school with don't think that way.

Shoot, the further I get along in school, it seems like I find out how little I actually know.

PS -- I should clarify that questioning doctors can go overboard, though, because many people just refuse to listen to anyone

Just make sure that you take some chiropractic classes to balance out your ideas on the human body. I've met so many doctors who have the god complex and can't see an inch past their textbooks. There are many different ways to treat the body.

Also it's funny how close you, KB, and me registered.

When did the new board go live? I remember the old one. Did we have to reregister?

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I agree. Criticism only requires appreciation of an individual's shortcomings in light of the knowledge of the goal or ideal. We can say that Dennis Rodman wasn't a very good scorer because we know what a good scorer is like, and he is not one. It matters not that we are poor scorers ourselves, nor does it matter that he is otherwise a very good player, far greater than any of us.

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I agree that many people abuse the medicare and welfare system. I live in an area where over half the residents are below the poverty line. All of my experience thus far has been in a rural clinic and most of those patients don't have much. Many, like you say, have their priorities in the wrong place.

With this said, I still do not believe that a doctor should think that they are above anyone else. I am from this same rural area as those people that buy beer and cigarettes instead of medicine and don't listen to doctors. There are even many in my family that feel this way. But I am not better than them because I am going to be a doctor. My life could have easily been much like theirs if God had not blessed me with a good support group (ie. family, friends, church) and given me the ability to become a doctor.

What these people need, in my opinion, is to have doctors that they can learn to trust. Doctors that will listen to their patients and find out how THE PATIENT feels. While this will not work with everyone, it will at least work with some. To me, becoming a doctor is not about position and power and being above "scum sucking leaches", it is about helping and teaching those people that have not had the same opportunities as me or have chosen to stay in the dark up until the time I treat them.

In short, I agree that not everyone I see will be a model patient. There will be many that will frustrate me to no end. But that still doesn't make me better than them. It just means that God has blessed me so that I can help those that have cannot, or have decided not, to help themselves.

PS -- KB, It is obvious that you are a talented person just from reading your posts. And I am sure that you will know more about book knowledge than most. But please do not get out into the world seeing patients thinking that you are better than those you treat. Please understand that I am not saying this in a demeaning way. Sorry if I have offended you or misinterpreted your opinion.

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Are you in DO school CHORO44? I am actually interested in chiropractic classes after med school; I think that would be great to learn (learning massage would be cool, too). For now, though, God has led me to where I am at. The school's mission and teaching style fits my personality and goals almost perfectly.

That is definately interesting that so many of us are in school at a similar time. I wonder if anyone else here at Hawksquawk attends, or will be attending Mercer like myself? If not, where do you all go to school?

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I looked into Mercer, but they would only take Georgia residents as students. I ended up in an osteopathic school in Pikeville, KY. It was my choice to go there. I am from Mississippi, but seeing as how I won't give a dime of money to anything associated with the University of Mississippi, I didn't even apply to my in state medical school. Most of the out of state public schools wanted me to be a resident of that state, so I ultimately chose to apply to osteopathic schools.

I chose Pikeville because there was absolutely nothing else to do but study in that God forsaken place. If I had gone to Nova in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, I probably would have flunked out between women in bikinis and the Miami Dolphins.

Speaking of Mercer, I did almost go there for undergrad. I was getting letters from them about playing baseball there, but I chose to stay closer to home and wasn't quite good enough to play at Mississippi State.

Things worked out for the best though. I've spent my first two years of school in Pikeville, KY, getting all of the classroom work out of the way, and they opened up a rotation site that is in North Mississippi, where I'm from. So, all of my clinicals will be done close to home, which is great. I am in the process of setting up an away rotation in Columbus, GA, though. I'm hoping to be there in June of '07. Columbus Medical Center has a family medicine residency program that I am interested in.

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That is cool. I think it is great when you can stay fairly close to home (while not actually being there smile.gif). DO school was something that I seriously considered, but like I said, Mercer was just too perfect of a fit for me not to go there.

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That is cool. I think it is great when you can stay fairly close to home (while not actually being there
). DO school was something that I seriously considered, but like I said, Mercer was just too perfect of a fit for me not to go there.

It's a good thing that Georgia State changed conferences.. otherwise I would have to trash the (once-hated) Mercer Bears repeatedly!

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