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Pacerbord claiming JUST $$$$$$$$$


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WTF BK!!!!! Even Senko has said he have recieed soem nice offers in his latest blog but why would we do just cash for AL. Makes no sence , oh wait, to BK it does...

Doug in OH

Last Online: Today 08:50 PM

Join Date: Jun 2004

Location: In search of "ONE GOAL" Pacers can obtain

Age: 37 Re: Channel 13 Says Al is a Pacer

folks - my source is as reliable as one gets who is not named Bird, Walsh, or Carlisle... could there be a player, I guess... but he was not aware of it at the time... just the cash cash cash

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By Sekou Smith

July 20, 2006 10:07 PM | Link to this

That’s the problem with these deals, something that’s talked about isn’t necessarily something you “could have had.” All sorts of deals are discussed and only a very few ever get to the stage of being on the table. And even fewer of those ever actually get done. It’s frustrating for sure, deals that make sense to all of us in theory that never come to fruition. But that’s why rumoring about these things is such perverse fun.

I can tell you right now that a player like David Harrison would not be on the table. That would be like the Hawks trading Josh Smith, Marvin Williams or one of their other promising young players. Why move a guy who still has potential to grow into something you like for a guy with a much higher price tag and no real mystery left? Let’s face it, we’re in an era where what might be is always sexier than what is.

I’ve refrained from pointing out how absurd it is for people to assume that a player like Harrison in Indiana or Bierdins or O’Bryant in Golden State is involved in any deal. A smart team holds on to those guys and moves the guys with higher price tags. That’s just smart business.

Now, back to this deal for Al. The only thing I can see that isn’t to like about the deal is that you couldn’t move him to a Western Conference team. You never like to trade players within the conference. It always turns out bad.

And in terms of what you get in return, a draft pick, if it is indeed included in the deal, is what you hang your hat on. Because I don’t think Indy is giving up any of it’s promising young talent. Me, I’d love to have a guy like Jeff Foster on my team. Anyone who thinks Foster wouldn’t be an upgrade in terms of your frontcourt depth hasn’t paid close attention to the league. He’s a workhorse and a guy who’s going to play his tail off every night without fail. Those guys, at his price, are hard to come by these days.

But that’s me playing fantasy GM again. And that’s all it is, a fantasy. For me and all of you.

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I'm leaning that Sekou is suggesting it not only is totally unlikely that Harrison is part of the deal, but additionally that Foster is almost as unlikely tho he's on Sekou's wishlist.

So, do we not come out of this with a big at all?

I'd told myself, "you're probably going to be disappointed," but if it's essentially just the draft pick -- even though the draft pick in a vacuum is a wonderful thing to have -- it's going to be a gut punch.

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If BK moved Al for just cash, I would find him, dread his fro, and then strangle him with it.

Yeah, that'd be kind of crummy- but I'd still prefer just straight-up cash than taking back a bunch of bad contracts. I'd have preferred to let Al just walk rather than do that.

Besides, it seems really unusual, and you'd have to wonder if it's even allowable under league regulations. We'll see I guess, but as of right now I'm considering the rumor of Al for cash alone to be pretty sketchy.

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The only way I can see this being a trade just for cash is if Al agrees to a contract that starts out at whatever that trade exemption is ($7.5 million, I believe). Even then, I believe the Pacers will at least be giving the Hawks a first round pick.

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Indy has too many guards and I think they move one in this deal. Foster and a PG make perfect sense. The draft pick is really what would put this over the top.

If BK gave away AL and got essentially nothing back that would add to the growing perception by many in the media that we aren't the best run outfit in the world. If he gets a good deal he can put us in the playoff race. We need some more help.

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I could live with just cash and a pick, though unfortunately the pick doesn't look to be too high a one at this point...but ya never know. Anything can happen. It would be nice to get Foster cause he's very reasonably signed and he's a very useful player, but even if we don't get him I'm not going to be jumping out any windows.

The main thing going into this whole process was I just didn't want to see us get boggered down with a bunch of bad contracts, not with our young guys coming up on needing to be re-signed in the very near future, plus what looks to be a really, really strong FA market next summer. BK did a great job clearing out all those bad contracts, thus the pain afterwards. I don't want to see us get back into that position ever again.

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82. Can cash be included as part of a trade package?

Players can be traded for cash, and cash can be included in trade packages.
The amount of cash is limited to $3 million.
The cash is NOT considered when matching salaries under the Traded Player exception.

In a sign-and-trade arrangement, if the contract contains a signing bonus, then any amount of this bonus paid by the signing team counts toward the $3 million limit (see question number 76).

Based on my interpretation of this rule, it doesn't look like Al can be traded for "just cash", since he will likely triple the $3 million limit.

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Guest Walter


What about cash plus a trade exemption? If the exemption was for for $7m, that would total up to $10m, about what Al was expected to sign for.

Would both be assets not hindered by any judges ruling. If this is the deal perhaps the judges ruling is having more impact on what we can get in return for Al than I thought. I would really like Harrison in on this.


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