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Not sure what's true or not true...

Guest Walter

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Indy will not give up their young talent any more than we will.

Re Foster: He has intangibles that are very important to our young team. He has maturity, does the dirty work to get the ball in the hands of our young guys and he comes to play every night. Does not take plays off. Tough dude who knows what his skills are and makes use of them. I think he contributes to our chemestry to make the team come together.

All this for a reasonable salary he makes our second team a viable unit. I like this piece of the trade.

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I think Milwaukee is involved.

Magloire has to be included in this trade.

Al said ATL did not want to pay him the 10 mil he wants.

One of the spirit said the best deal on the table was one that was for a player with an expiring contract.

It would fall in line with the rumors of us not getting any players from Indiana.

The Bucks could use another PG (from Pacers)

If this were a simple two team swap, it would not take this long.

We will see!

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Guest Walter


Hey Walter I read on RealGm that they ignored you because you have a negative attitude and hate on everyone.

They said now you are over at Hawksquawk posting all these negative posts and that they feel sorry for Squawkers cause of you.

I didn't make that up that's what i read.

...is a product of two things:

1) his correctly reading that we needed to gut and rebuild. That brings with it a different kind of hope and a more careful scrutiny of moves, particularly high draft picks

2) BK consistently coming close but somehow missing the mark more often than hitting it. Example: Childress isn't alot less than Iggy or Deng but he is less and was less at the time including trade value, MW over Paul especially was a bigger mistake, SW over Roy (or even Foye) and the way he telegraphed the pick = mistake.

I have been both a very positive poster (especially prior to the Childress drafting and subsequent 6'8" selections) and a negative one relative to the general mindset, calling it as I see it. I've been both right and wrong in my assessments. Regardless, with a legit chance to build a title contender comes greater scrutiny and BK has too often bought too much in his philosophy or abandoned it at the wrong time for the wrong player. I believe BK has made some serious, almost inexcusable flaws in judgement when there is considerable hope and yet little room for error. I'm hoping I'm wrong as I say it, but I simply can't invision this team contending for a title. Potentially too many people out of position or too much positional redundancy, particularly with our most "expensive" talent and I don't see a goto superstar among us. That's just how I see it and for the most part, historically and currently the finals participants agree with me. Is that "negative" or realistic? Who knows.


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Guest Walter

Youre a caught red-handed blatant liar and flip-flopper, whose never EVER disliked anything BK's done (even SW who was by no means the BPA)...you have absolutely NO room for judgement.


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i've stated time and time again

a) diaw was one of my favorite hawks players (i had hope that he'd shoot one day)

b) i wanted to trade diaw last spring/summer for ANYTHING that we could get (even a late 2nd) BECAUSE of the fact that he was NOT going to re-sign here when his contract was up; in fact, he was contemplating returning to France before his contract was up

so as much as i liked him, i knew he'd never make it as a hawk and never wanna remain a hawk, thus ANY trade we could do was ok with me; so getting JJ was amazing to me and I look at the trade as only having our 1st as the downside

if we had LEBRON right now and we knew he would NOT return to our team after this year, then I'd be ok with trading him, even tho otherwise he's the best player to have to start your franchise; u can't use situations that WON'T occur in your analysis

diaw was NOT gonna remain a hawk and was NOT gonna become a breakout star as a hawk, so that situation does not apply; him not being traded = leaving this summer; him being traded = jj

which is better? it doesn't matter how good he does since him staying here was NOT an option

Since you can predict the future without any evidence, can you give me tommorrows loto numbers?

or if what you say is true, maybe we should get a coach who knows who to use talent of all sorts instead of giving away a potential all star

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