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OK...I am confused.


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" But it's clear that the increasingly faster pace in today's NBA -- in which athletes like Harrington are so coveted because they can play the 3 or the 4 -- has affected Magloire's trade value"

I took this quote form the Stein chat...but it seems to be the thinking around the NBA that the game is becoming a smaller quicker game. Where traditional 4s become 5s and players are capalble of playing multiple positions. (Shelden will eventully be our starting center.)

My question, why the hate for the Hawks and BK in the media for drafting guys that can play multiple positions.?

Seems like we are a tad bit ahead of the curve, especially in the east.

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A lot of teams are starting to play small, lack of good big men. Heck the Pistons played small and won a championship.

I am saying, if the thinking around the league that the game is becoming smaller/quicker, we should be sitting right where we need to be with this young versatile quick team.

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A lot of teams are starting to play small, lack of good big men. Heck the Pistons played small and won a championship.

I am saying, if the thinking around the league that the game is becoming smaller/quicker, we should be sitting right where we need to be with this young versatile quick team.

the perception will turn around this year if the Hawks can get to the 40 win mark. that's pushing it to the brink.

the Hawks will be the chic pick in two years and this message board will become full of people who were 'fans' all along.

in fact we should come up with a name for them smile.gif

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The hate for Billy on the media's part stems from the fact that he doesn't give them a lick of information until he believes it is time for them to get that information. They also hate the fact that Billy basically snubbs his nose at them. The thing is, most of the guys in the media deserve it. There are very few media personalities out there that don't deserve to be put back into their place.

I imagine that Sekou is one of the few that is in good graces with Billy. Sekou was covering the Pacers during part of Billy's time there, I believe, and I think they have someone of a good working relationship because Sekou isn't going to take the negative spin on everything and isn't going to report anything that is based on nothing but nonsense.

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Yeah, but if let the media tell it, we are in the boat with the Knicks. The media acts as if we have no talent and are going no where fast...I don't think that is the case.

You can not deny the talent that BK has brought here.

Although I may not agree with every move, there is talent in the ATL, young and improving talent.

I am not sold on Woody though, but that's another entirely different post.

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For whatever reason, there are some out there that feel Billy Knight should have produced immediate results despite the fact that he undertook a massive rebuilding project in Atlanta. I don't know of any team that was in worse shape than the Hawks during my time of watching NBA basketball (from about 1985-now) when Billy took that team over. Pete Babcock had driven this team into the ground, and the only hope of getting out of that hole was to blow the entire thing up and suffer through the process of building this thing the right way.

As a result, the Hawks have the youngest team in the NBA, but they also have a boat load of young talent and the salary cap room to help themselves out with veterans. As I have said before, Billy could have opted to go the quick fix route, but that wouldn't have produced a championship caliber team. It may take a while, the method he is using to build this team is what produces championship teams.

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For whatever reason, there are some out there that feel Billy Knight should have produced immediate results despite the fact that he undertook a massive rebuilding project in Atlanta. I don't know of any team that was in worse shape than the Hawks during my time of watching NBA basketball (from about 1985-now) when Billy took that team over. Pete Babcock had driven this team into the ground, and the only hope of getting out of that hole was to blow the entire thing up and suffer through the process of building this thing the right way.

The Knicks are currently in a much, much worse position then the Hawks were pre BK.

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Yeah. Billy's methods are the reason I believe in this process. He is building this team the way I thought it should have been built starting in 1999, when Pete decided to blow that team up. I knew that Pete Babcock building a team through the draft was a scary proposition, but that's what I wanted him to do. We had four 1st round picks in 1999 and could have made out like gangbusters in that draft. Unfortunately, Pete was typical Pete with those picks, and he blew 3 out of the 4 picks he had. What hurt us in the long run was when Pete lost faith in the draft process and started trading our picks like they were nothing. That set us back 4-5 years and put this team into the situation it was in when Billy took over.

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I can take the fact the media thinks we are bad now...because we are...where I have problem is the thinking that this team can't grow onto a good one...because we supposedly have too many forwards ....LOL

Yeah they look at the position we have but these guys aren't Renaldo Balkman. These guys have legit star potential. We actually have three guys with star potential in Marvin Williams, Josh Smith, and Joe Johnson. How many other young teams can say this? I mean I'm not going to be a homer and say Shelden Williams and Josh Childress have star potential but those other three guys definitely have it.

Josh Smith could be a more explosive AK47. Marvin Williams could be the next James Worthy. Joe Johnson could be the next Michael Redd. We could have Theo Ratliff off the bench in Solomon Jones. Shelden Williams could be Carlos Boozer on offense, Elton Brand on D. So yeah we have talent. I don't see why they can't see it either.

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I think the decision to get Big Dog is what really screwed the SAR/JT team from every succeeding (and buy succeeding I mean winning season, not championship). That trade set the franchise back a number of years and necessitated BK blowing the whole thing up. Big dog was on the downside of his career and his skill set was not a good fit for that team. Also giving away that pick cost the team a chance at a good young player.

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It's not that they can't see it. They simply choose to not see it because it is the Atlanta Hawks. If it were the LA Lakers or the New York Knicks, the media would be fawning over the potential that Joe Johnson, Marvin Williams, and Josh Smith bring to those teams.

Oh, and I also think Joe Johnson brings much more to the table than Michael Redd such as size, defense, and passing.

Joe Johnson may be what Steve Smith would have been without the knee injuries.

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It's not that they can't see it. They simply choose to not see it because it is the Atlanta Hawks. If it were the LA Lakers or the New York Knicks, the media would be fawning over the potential that Joe Johnson, Marvin Williams, and Josh Smith bring to those teams.

Oh, and I also think Joe Johnson brings much more to the table than Michael Redd such as size, defense, and passing.

Joe Johnson may be what Steve Smith would have been without the knee injuries.

That's why we have to start winning. Like the Seahawks coach told them, if we win they'll have to talk about us.

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