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Lightning rod: JJ comments on Chris Paul.


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True, but to be really honest, I could give a fat baby's ass about the other 5-7 teams who passed him up. The fact remains that THIS TEAM KEEPS PASSING UP those kind of players year after year with the exceptions being outnumbered almost 7 to 1. This is been going on since I was in grade school, before BK, before even Babs. When will they get this right for a change?

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True, but to be really honest, I could give a fat baby's ass about the other 5-7 teams who passed him up. The fact remains that THIS TEAM KEEPS PASSING UP those kind of players year after year with the exceptions being outnumbered almost 7 to 1. This is been going on since I was in grade school, before BK, before even Babs. When will they get this right for a change?

So we didn't get it right? Because Chris Paul had a better rookie season than Marvin Williams it means we didn't get it right? Brilliant logic people. You know how stupid that logic is?

Using that logic Keith Van Horn > Tracy McGrady. Damon Stoudamire > Kevin Garnett. Guess what? Van Horn and Stoudamire outperformed those two superstars for their first THREE YEARS into the league. God forbid it takes Marvin that long to emerge, you people couldn't even give him one!

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Guest Walter

Roy has more Pg skills than Foye. Court vision and passing, not simply ball-handling. He would have been a great compliment to JJ. And both Roy and Foye are simply far better, 2-dimensional rather than 1-dimensional, basketball players than SW. If nothing else, they have infinitely more trade value. SW has absolutely very little trade value, perhaps the least amount for a #5 pick.

At one point you didn't like the idea of SW, but were careful not to actually give an opinion about who you thought we should draft so as to not paint yourself in a corner defendinfg either your opinion or BK's differing one.

The short of it is...KB, you'd defend BK if the glove fit.


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Roy was my choice. I think he may wind up being the best player from this draft and having watched him I definitely think he can play the point, especially next to JJ.

I think the Shelden pick is the one that they will really look back and regret more than the Marvin pick. This year was like getting a mulligan after passing on Paul and BK whiffed again.

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Guest Walter

Even in the face of this people will still insist that MW was the right pick.

I have never before seen a star basketball player make an unqualified positive public endorsement of a player so obviously passed over by his team in lue of another player. Never. It's like Clyde Drexler lamenting Portland not drafting and he not getting to play with Jordan.

Unbelievable is right.

Even JJ conceeds the mistake in his own limited words.

Time to move on also, but I'm not sure with SW's drafting fiasco the BK deserves to move on with us.


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Guest Walter

& I can't imagine him being better, much less having a greater positive impact on a team than CP3. Can't imagine it.

JJ, you've broken my heart again.

Why do so many peple buy into the fact that BK is good at drafting?!? I don't get it. He has always drafted very high for very bad teams, but drafting high doesn't mean you draft well. I would consider only Gasol a great pick, much less not a highly questionable one. His second best was JS.

MW and especially SW were huge mistakes. The former for not being the BPA O-R filling remotely a team need, the later being simply a horrible, telegraphed, 1- dimensional, under-height, under-reach, limited potential pick.

I'm honing my frustration in on who it belongs. Not MW, not SW, but BK. If JJ can see it so utterly and so clearly, enough to say it publically despite the known consequences, why couldn't BK?


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& I can't imagine him being better, much less having a greater positive impact on a team than CP3. Can't imagine it.

JJ, you've broken my heart again.

Why do so many peple buy into the fact that BK is good at drafting?!? I don't get it. He has always drafted very high for very bad teams, but drafting high doesn't mean you draft well. I would consider only Gasol a great pick, much less not a highly questionable one. His second best was JS.

MW and especially SW were huge mistakes. The former for not being the BPA O-R filling remotely a team need, the later being simply a horrible, telegraphed, 1- dimensional, under-height, under-reach, limited potential pick.

I'm honing my frustration in on who it belongs. Not MW, not SW, but BK. If JJ can see it so utterly and so clearly, enough to say it publically despite the known consequences, why couldn't BK?


So Nostradumbass maybe you should be the GM of this team since you can predict a players career based off of 0 years starting in the league.

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I think that is where you and I differ Walt.

I think that Marvin was a bad pick in leiu of us getting Paul or Deron.

I think that Sheldon was the best pick we could have made this year.

You may not like Shelden, but he was the most needed player and he was the best player at the 4 position. Eventually, what we will come to realize is that Marvin is a duplicate of Smoove... and we should have gotten Paul or Deron.

We will also come to realize that either Marvin or Smoove should be traded.

I'm not going to talk bad about Speedy Claxton.

However, i like the fact that we were able to address our needs for a defensive big and a PG.

Had we picked say Foye. I doubt we would have been able to get a defensive big. I think we would have wound up paying big money to Lorenzen Wright or to Drew Gooden.

I'm actually happier with Claxton/Williams and money to spend than I would have been with Foye/Gooden and no money.

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There's no denying...

Marvin will probably never match CP3 in terms of impact. CP3 is about to be the premeier Guard of the league. Marvin will have a hard time being the premeier forward on our team.

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It doesn't take a psychic to see how far behind in development that Marvin is to Paul.

Don't call out Walter.. Call out JJ.

Did you read anything that JJ said about Paul??

JJ made it plain as day that Paul is to Marvin what Einstein is to some kid in Physics 201.

Sure, the kid has potential... But Paul is already on a much higher level than Marvin's potential. Paul is about to be the leader of Team USA... to go along with his ROY leading a team with a bunch of no-names...

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Once again, Billy Knight is the only GM in the NBA that can be criticized for doing what every other GM in the entire NBA would have done with the 2nd pick. Take Marvin Williams.

It's absolutely [censored] amazing!

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Seriously KB,

Do you take it personal when people bash BK's picks?

Keith, I've been trying to understand your position on BK and why it's so homerist. I like BK. Honestly I do. But i readily admit that I'm no fan of the 6'9 team. I readily admit that along the way he's made a few mistakes. Even though he's somewhat egotistical, I think he would readily admit that he's made some Mistakes. I think I even heard him on the radio say that he's made some mistakes.

So the question Keith, is...

Why can't you admit that he may have made some mistakes?

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If anybody should be criticize, it should be Utah. They pick Deron Williams over Chris Paul. At least, Marvin Williams was the consensus 1st or 2nd player in terms of talent in the draft. Just wait, Williams will prove to be the 1st or 2nd best player in the draft. BTW, I always liked Chris Paul.

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