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Lightning rod: JJ comments on Chris Paul.


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It doesn't take a psychic to see how far behind in development that Marvin is to Paul.

Don't call out Walter.. Call out JJ.

Did you read anything that JJ said about Paul??

JJ made it plain as day that Paul is to Marvin what Einstein is to some kid in Physics 201.

Sure, the kid has potential... But Paul is already on a much higher level than Marvin's potential. Paul is about to be the leader of Team USA... to go along with his ROY leading a team with a bunch of no-names...

Joe Johnson is also on Team USA should we put him in the HOF.

The bottomline is that you guys are evaluating a player's career based off of their rookie season. In no shape or form should this be done. Once again ask Keith Van Horn or Damon Stoudamire who both looked better than Tracy McGrady and Kevin Garnett for THREE YEARS.

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I'm still amazed at the people who think the Hawks needed a rookie point guard over the best interior defender in the entire draft.

You should have added a disclaimer on this one KB. Here is what Shelden Williams really was....

He was "One" of the best "college" interior defenders; in a weak college draft; full of weak interior defenders. Being one of the best in a very weak class, does not always translate to the NBA. And that is the truth.

Now here is a little more....

Yes, we needed a great post presense. Now the questions:

Is Shelden a great post presense or just a average post presense. Me being a Hawk fan, I hope he is great. Me being someone who follows college ball, I am a little weary of putting the "great" label on Shelden...

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Joe Johnson is also on Team USA should we put him in the HOF.

No, but he's definitely many levels ahead of Marvin right??

This is not a psychic forecast at all. This is telling the truth. Right now, Paul is far ahead of Marvin. PERIOD!

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There's no denying...

Marvin will probably never match CP3 in terms of impact. CP3 is about to be the premeier Guard of the league. Marvin will have a hard time being the premeier forward on our team.

Huh???? Marvin will be the premier forward on this team and will probably be a premier forward in the league. Truly comparing Marvin and Paul in terms of impact is way premature. Lets have this discussion in about 4 years!!

Stop Hatin on Marvin!!! He is progressing exactly the way he should.

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I'm still amazed at the people who think the Hawks needed a rookie point guard over the best interior defender in the entire draft.

You should have added a disclaimer on this one KB. Here is what Shelden Williams really was....

He was "One" of the best "college" interior defenders; in a weak college draft; full of weak interior defenders. Being one of the best in a very weak class, does not always translate to the NBA. And that is the truth.

Now here is a little more....

Yes, we needed a great post presense. Now the questions:

Is Shelden a great post presense or just a average post presense. Me being a Hawk fan, I hope he is great. Me being someone who follows college ball, I am a little weary of putting the "great" label on Shelden...

So Shelden was just the best defender in a mediocre defensive draft eh? He wouldn't be a top defender in any other draft? So I guess averaging 3 blocks per game for 3 years and being the all-time leader in school history in that category along with rebounds is mediocre as well. But none of that is as mediocre as being in exclusie category with names like David Robinson and Tim Duncan when it comes to production of points, rebounds, steals, and blocks for a career despite being in a system were it was disadvantageous for your position on both sides of the ball (perimeter offense and defense approach)

Yeah I guess you're right. Shelden is just your everyday garbage man.

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Joe Johnson is also on Team USA should we put him in the HOF.

No, but he's definitely many levels ahead of Marvin right??

This is not a psychic forecast at all. This is telling the truth. Right now, Paul is far ahead of Marvin. PERIOD!



I don't think you can down Utah for taking Deron. Deron is a good PG who fits their system better than Paul would have.

Sure I can and do...

So you think Deron is far ahead of Paul? If not, why would anyone take the 2nd best pg over the best point guard who is also light years ahead of everyone else in his class?

Your above statement that Deron was ok because of the system does not hold water. You are saying Utah needed a big pg instead of a little one. Does not make sense that they did not need a little pg who is light years ahead and can also pass better than the big one they took. Sounds to me like Paul would have fit their system a whole lot better....

But then again, you may still think Deron will be better than Kidd. If so then it does hold water....

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But none of that is as mediocre as being in exclusie category with names like David Robinson and Tim Duncan when it comes to production of points, rebounds, steals, and blocks for a career despite being in a system were it was disadvantageous for your position on both sides of the ball (perimeter offense and defense approach)

So you think everyone who does great in college will do great in the NBA. You are either very young, very naive, or a little of both. Maybe you are the founder of the Shelden Williams fan club. If so, I applaud your enthusiasm!

I mean honestly, are you saying Shelden is as great as the guys you are comparing him to; just because he had great numbers in college? I hope your right, I really, really do....

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I don't happen to think JJ was dogging Marvin. He's stating what the consensus is on Paul NOW. Where are all the detractors now? All of a sudden Walter and Diesel knew that Paul was the greatest player since MJ? Marvin was the right pick given the number 2 position! Whereas Shelden Williams could have been there at 13, let alone the fifth pick of the draft!

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All of a sudden Walter and Diesel knew that Paul was the greatest player since MJ?

That is Disel's stance now....but if you go through all his old post, Deron was a hands down, no brainer, hall of fame pick....

And I am supporting Shelden now. All I want is to be completely wrong and ignorant. And for Shelden to turn into a bigger and better version of KMart or Boozier...Go Hawks!

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So you think everyone who does great in college will do great in the NBA. You are either very young, very naive, or a little of both. Maybe you are the founder of the Shelden Williams fan club. If so, I applaud your enthusiasm!

I mean honestly, are you saying Shelden is as great as the guys you are comparing him to; just because he had great numbers in college? I hope your right, I really, really do....

I said nothing of the sort. I'm saying given his impressive track record in college it's not exacty fair to write him off as a bust because he didn't produce in a few pickup basketball games. People seem to want to throw the name Marcus Fizer around but Marcus Fizer wasn't nearly the college basketball player that Shelden was which is why I think these comments are absurd.

No Shelden Williams may not be the next Elton Brand but we're talking about a guy in Shelden who not only had one of the most impressive careers in school history but NCAA history. At least give the man a chance to show that his game can transition to the pros. Evaluating his performance of the RMR is not what I call giving him a chance.

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Guest Walter


Once again, Billy Knight is the only GM in the NBA that can be criticized for doing what every other GM in the entire NBA would have done with the 2nd pick. Take Marvin Williams.

It's absolutely [censored] amazing!

Not for this team, NO WAY. I don't see most GMs making that pick FOR THIS TEAM.

I can't most certainly say, none would have picked Childress over Deng or Iggy.

Absolutely none would have picked SW! (much less telegraphed it)

So basically, it doesn't matter what other GMs would or wouldn't do, you acquit BK even thought the glove fits!


BK could put a dead rooster in a **** fight and and you'd say how much you like fried chicken strips. Mmm Mmm BK. That's some mighty tasty ass whupping you servin' up.


PS I don't know what the hell that last part meant but it sounds about right.

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Guest Walter

The best part might be that you argued we didn't need a true Pg (which Speedy isn't even really) next to JJ and now your arguing we shouldn't have gotten a much better basketball player in Roy (over SW) because you insist upon a true Pg (or at least someone short you can call a Pg).

Roy the best at making all Blazers better

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Meehan: Roy is as good off the court as he is on it

U niversity of Washington coach Lorenzo Romar had a nickname for Brandon Roy that summed up the mature guard's impact on and off the basketball court.

"I used to call Brandon 'the Provider,' " Romar said Wednesday, "because he was always concerned about others, always wanted to provide for them. He was that way on the floor, too. He is definitely a giver."

Romar first saw Roy play when Roy was a senior at Seattle's Garfield High School.

"I had heard he was talented," Romar said. "I expected to see a guy who could score 30 when he wanted. But what I saw was a guy who could score, but scoring was not his identity. I thought the way he played, he could be a point guard someday."

Someday is today for the Trail Blazers. Roy's performance in summer league games in Las Vegas, where he ran the point superbly, portends the 6-foot-6 guard might fill that job for the Blazers for years to come.

During the predraft glut of calls from scouts and NBA executives, Romar spoke to one general manager who said his team was more interested in acquiring veterans than rookies.

"I told him that by January, Brandon will be a veteran," Romar said. "He is just that ready to play in the NBA."

During his career at Washington, Roy played and defended at all five positions. Whenever Romar needed something done, he turned to Roy -- whether it was rebounding or guarding a hot player in the post or on the perimeter.

Roy's intelligence and feel for the game made him stand out. Roy didn't join the team until January of his freshman year, but at his first practice, Romar says Roy learned the entire offense in 45 minutes. And when Roy was on the court, he showed a rare ability that distinguishes great players: He always made his teammates better.

"Players who can make plays for themselves and for others are special," Romar said. "From day one, Brandon had that ability."

Roy showed it in Las Vegas.

"He makes the game easier for his teammates," Blazers president Steve Patterson said. "We think he has a tremendous upside. We think he is going to be very, very good."

How good? Let's put it this way: By New Year's, Roy not only will be starting in the backcourt, but he also will be Portland's best player...

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My quote is below and I never metioned summer league. I onoly mentioned his college career. Summer league means squat to me...


He was "One" of the best "college" interior defenders; in a weak college draft; full of weak interior defenders. Being one of the best in a very weak class, does not always translate to the NBA. And that is the truth.

Now here is a little more....

Yes, we needed a great post presense. Now the questions:

Is Shelden a great post presense or just a average post presense. Me being a Hawk fan, I hope he is great. Me being someone who follows college ball, I am a little weary of putting the "great" label on Shelden...

I am not writing Shelden off as a bust. But I am not ready to sign off on him being a great NBA starting quality PF either.

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You mean to tell me that you don't understand the difference between a pure distributor vs. a scoring PG.

You mean that you can't tell the difference between Jason Kidd and Isiah Thomas?

It's true that Paul would have done well in Utah.... However, Utah's offensive scheme is one that is made for guys like John Stockton rather than a guy like Isiah Thomas.

I do expect that Deron will eventually be the next Jason Kidd. I'm not ashamed by that statement either. I told you that Paul would win ROY. I told you that Paul would be good right out the gate. I also said that Deron would be as good as Jason Kidd.

Read here.


think Marvin will be the second coming of Lamar Odom without the drugs...

He will be a very skilled player but not a player with the personality to carry a team. I just don't see the superstar mentality in Marvin.

I still believe that Deron will be as good if not better than Kidd, especially in UTAH. IN Utah, Deron will be put in the same system that Stockton played in and the difference between Deron and Kidd is defense and FG%.

I still believe that Paul will be ROY and if he remains Durableenough he will show better than Howard and Okafor last year. I think Paul will be the first 18-20 ppg rookie that has played since Lebron.

Mark it down, take a picture remember it!


I think when you look around in 3 yrs, there will be 4 top PGs...

1. Deron

2. Paul

3. Telfair

4. Nelson.

Because of Deron's defense, I think he has a chance to surpass Kidd. Like Kidd, he can run an offense. Like Kidd, he can put the ball where he wants it to go. Like Kidd he has a very high BB IQ. Like Kidd, he's a winner.

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You mean that you can't tell the difference between Jason Kidd and Isiah Thomas?

No I am not telling you Deron is Kidd or Paul is Thomas. What I am saying is Paul was a great pick and Deron may well be only an average to a little above average pg in this league. So in my book anyone that took Deron over Paul was a idiot.

That is all I was saying. You are the one who thinks every top 5 pick is a bust or a hall of famer. Not me by any means...

I majored in Psychology Diesel and you have a addicts way of thinking. Its either all or nothing, everything is black or white, every big time draft pick is either the bust of a lifetime or the best player to come along since Kidd. There is not a lot of grey area in your post and thinking.

I see Paul and Marvin as the two best picks in the draft now. Bogut is a strong 3rd and Deron could wind up being another Tinsley. A nice PG with good size but certainly not Kidd like.

That is not a knock on Deron. You take away Tinsley's injuries and he would be a top ten performing pg over the last 5 years. But it is a knock on taking him over Paul, a big knock...

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So effin what! Chris Paul is not a Hawks and will not be a hawk so stop
cryin about it.

That about sums it up. At least JJ was confident enough to address the issue truthfully isntead of tiptoeing around the subject and trying to downplay the draft decision.

Let's face it, CP3 is a better player than MWill from last season. That's long gone and from the looks of it we drafted a pretty decent forward in MWill.

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The Marvin pick is much more justifiable to me than the Shelden pick. Chris Paul is hindsight 20/20 drafting. There have been two guys of his stature that impacted the game in the past 25 years: AI and Isaiah Thomas.

Portland traded out of the 3 spot, Utah drafted Deron, and a couple other teams could have moved up and didn't. Why were teams not clamoring to draft CP3? Because he could have been an undersized Marbury getting pushed around by everyone on the court night after night. Now after we see his production, people think everybody should have known. Leading up to the draft it was a different story however.

The Shelden pick bothers me more because on the surface it was a reach. It was going against the same drafting philosophy that caused us to pick Marvin last year. We needed to take BPA or move down and take Shelden.

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That is Disel's stance now.

So Now, I never said that Chris Paul was going to be Rookie of the year and I never said that Chris Paul was going to be the first 18-20 ppg rookie since Lebron??

This is no all the sudden Revelation Buzzard. I said it to you so therefore you should know!

Why don't you do this... Quit your lying. Learn to be honest and tell the whole truth!!

Read it for yourself.


I still believe that Paul will be ROY and if he remains Durableenough he will show better than Howard and Okafor last year. I think Paul will be the first 18-20 ppg rookie that has played since Lebron.

Mark it down, take a picture remember it!

Quit your misleading.

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The problem with both of your evaluations is that you use the crowd to determine how good a player will be...

"The Crowd", Columnist, GMs, and scouts have been wrong so often that they are probably the worst people to rely on for a good indication of how a player will fare in the NBA. Need we bring up the Olowakhandis and the Darkos that the crowd was firmly behind?

That's why a GM has to work basically inside of his own box. He can't allow himself to be swayed by the crowd. Mainly because the crowd doesn't know anything. If you followed the crowd at one point Shelden was 17th on the mocks.. and Rudy Gay was #1. At one point Marcus Williams was #4. All the crowd can do is be spinned by agents who are paid to convince the crowd that their man is better than what they should be seeing.

I applaud BK for picking the best player for the Hawks in Shelden Williams. Shelden has a track record that is well established. If you've watched him play, you know that he will get the job done. Too often, people who come here to argue about a player is argueing about a guy who they've never seen play. Not many of you guys followed Villanova. But you're building a case on what you've been told or what you've read. BK made his decision on what he knew.

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