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I voted mediocre. I agree with him in blowing up the team and starting over but he has had 3 top 6 picks and IMO hasn't picked the right player once, although i think Marvin may make people forget about Paul in time.

This was a key offseason for him and so far I am not impressed although I like the Speedy signing.

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Mediocre all the way. His draft picks are definitely open to question, as well as his ability to build a 'team', as opposed to just a collection of players.

The thing I like best about him is his apparent fiscal responsibility. We've stayed away from giving big deals to average players, and the one player we did break the bank for is worth every penny of that IMO.

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I agree about the attitude as well. I know he isn't focused on PR and he may not even mean to come off like he does. But there is some arrogance there intentional or not. Usually guys who have had tremendous success may appear arrogant. BK obviously has not had that level of accomplishment. So, I'm not sure what the problem is but he certainly acts like he is above it all. I would say its almost like false bravado.

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Good topic.

Name one untradeable contract on our team. For that simple fact, he can't be any worse than mediocre.

Bad GMs have high payrolls full with lengthy bloated contracts. You can't really say that about BK thus far.

This is really what he is at his best at. I look at KMart, Boozer, and Damp...then look at JJ and its apparent to me that BK understands value. We may have overpaid a little for JJ but comapred to the above mentioned three he was a bargain.

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Guest Walter


We know what KB21 and Walter think of BK, but what's the general opinion of the board?

...but his bad moves (SW, MW over Paul) have been (horrendous in one case, very poor team building in the other and) two of the three most significant.


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I don't care about contracts, draft picks, or any particular trade..Its about final results..People got all excited about doubling our win total last season even though we only doubled a a shamefully small number in 13..

I am past caring about capspace, since we never seem to use it..I don't care about the Paul versus Marvin debate, as anyone with any basketball sense knows that the Hawks, Bucks, and Jazz all passed on the most impactful player in the draft, but at this point it doesn't matter.I don't care if Sheldon was the 5th or 8th best player in the draft, he is ours now..

All that matters is measurable improvement in the coming season..If we aren't at least a team in the playoff hunt BK needs to be fired..We can't be a bottom five team again and not have a lottery pick and be content..That would be a total failure in my opinion..Its time for this team to show it has a future..Its time for the "BK" theory of basketball to show it can win..Its all about wins and losses..

People don't have to bash BK or have their head up his ass like a few here..Let his record speak for itself at the end of this season..

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Don't forget BK offered KMart a max deal, he just got turned down..

Its sort of like a guy that shoots at someone and misses, then just goes to jail for attempted murder instead of homicide..He gets a break for being a bad shot when the intent was the same..

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I don't care about contracts, draft picks, or any particular trade..Its about final results..People got all excited about doubling our win total last season even though we only doubled a a shamefully small number in 13..

I am past caring about capspace, since we never seem to use it..I don't care about the Paul versus Marvin debate, as anyone with any basketball sense knows that the Hawks, Bucks, and Jazz all passed on the most impactful player in the draft, but at this point it doesn't matter.I don't care if Sheldon was the 5th or 8th best player in the draft, he is ours now..

All that matters is measurable improvement in the coming season..If we aren't at least a team in the playoff hunt BK needs to be fired..We can't be a bottom five team again and not have a lottery pick and be content..That would be a total failure in my opinion..Its time for this team to show it has a future..Its time for the "BK" theory of basketball to show it can win..Its all about wins and losses..

People don't have to bash BK or have their head up his ass like a few here..Let his record speak for itself at the end of this season..

I agree 100%. Couldn't add anything more.

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That effectively sums up my beliefs as well. This "vision" of his hasn't even broken the *thirty win total!* mark yet and all that matters is the W/L column. We have gobs of cap space we never use, we pass up better options in the draft and apparently we can't even sign off on a simple S&T for Harrington.

I voted for mediocre. I do expect more from my teams than that. If this team does not win at least 35 games this season then Knight has GOT to go.

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