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Taboo Subject..Chillz


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Whenever anyone mentions trading Chillz to fill a hole there is am immediate swarm of "noway we love Chillz" posts..My question is why?..He is a good guy, he is a decent player, but he will never be a starter on the Hawks..He is not in the same statosphere as Smoove, Marvin, or JJ talentwise..He is NOT a good defensive player..He is a nice off the bench enery guy..However, if you can trade a bench player for a surefire starter at the 5 why wouldn't you do it?..Is it because he was a number 6 pick?..Is it because he is just a good guy?..I am searching for the reason because I don't see a good basketball reason not to trade Chillz for Mags if that is a possible deal.

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I actually haven't really seen that. I would say that with the exception of Nicholas and maybe a few others, most of the board seems to agree that Chillz will probably have to be traded at some point in time to adress a need. That's how I feel.

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I have given up on Chill since we brought JJ on the team. He has no starting role on this team nor will he ever start for us. I believe he'll leave as a FA to start elsewhere. It is only smart to trade a backup player if it means we can fill a glaring hole at center.

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I actually haven't really seen that. I would say that with the exception of Nicholas and maybe a few others, most of the board seems to agree that Chillz will probably have to be traded at some point in time to adress a need. That's how I feel.

I agree. If we keep him that is fine because he is a good, versatile player. However, it we could get a starting center or some other consideration that is more valuable to us than an efficient and versatile reserve (which has real value) then we should do the deal.

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It's not fair or honest to say he's only an energy guy and that he's not in the same class as Marvin and Smooth. Last year he showed that he is a LOT better at some things than Smooth is. I also disagree about him not being a good defender. He's a far better defender than Smooth, he just doesn't get the sexy blocked shot stats that Smooth does. But beyond that, he is a much better, more controlled defender than Smooth. He's also a far far far better shooter, from anywhere on the floor, than Smooth is.

I think the reason that you have some who are so hestitant to trade him is because you need players like him to win. Guys who aren't worried about stats and will never complain about role or stats or minutes or touches. They know what it is to be part of a team and win as a team and are content to "do whatever it takes" as long as it means wins. If the rumors of Smooth's attitude "issues" are true, this is a huge and important difference between them.

If trading him meant getting a legit, dependable 5. well sure, we'd be fools not to. But if we're talking about a marginal player or a prospect 5, I'd say no way. Simply because Childress has the ability to be an impact player in more ways than one.

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I think Chill has great value around the league and is still very young himself with room to improve. AND no I wouldn't trade him for Magloire straight up! Chill has way more value than Magloire at this point in their careers. Maglorie is a solid NBA center but he has no more upside and looks lazy at times when i've seen him play. If we were to trade Chill for Magloire they would have to throw in a pick or another player to complete that. Thats my opinion!

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he's one of the best backups around and we can only start 5 players...unless u are getting a better pg who will be here long-term than speedy or a long-term legit starting center that addresses our needs, why trade him for another backup?

he can/will get 25mpg and puts up 15/7 when al/toine aren't in the game...he's a great rebounder, often jumping up in between 2-3 opponents to grab the rebound and he's an on-floor leader for our team; he's also a smart player and plays a valuable role that any playoff team would love to have

there is a reason that more gms are inquiring about chill than any other hawk

now that al is gone (we hope), look for chill to soar next season

it's gonna be a blast to watch the improved marvin/chill/smoove trio along with jj and speedy

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It takes more than 5 guys to be a good team. I'm more concerned with the attitude that if we have 2 good players at the same position then its a logjam.

If it was really true that Chill is not a starting quality player as an NBA swingman then why would anyone trade a starting caliber center, the hardest position to fill, for a bench swingman, the easiest position to fill.

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I don't see the good defender in him..He gets abused by qucker 2's and isn't strong enough to handle 3's..He is a smart player and can do alot of the little things that are important, however, you can those those things from cheaper players with less trade value..

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I think Chill should be kept since ultimately the Hawks will have to make a decision about keeping either Marvin or Smoove since they will both want to start at small forward. Chill then is essential as he would be the depth behind whomever is kept between Smoove/Marvin.

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I just have to ask why some of you think Chill would take less money and less playing time to stay on Atlanta when several teams would be after him to be a starter with more money on (probably) better teams. Why exactly would he resign in Atlanta? Any player that's not going to stay in Atlanta needs to be dealt if we can get a good return on value.

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I love Chills as an almost perfect 6th man and I wouldn't trade him for Magloire straight up if Malgoire will only stay for a year. Also, I'd rather trade Shelden than Chill. BUT, if we could get Magloire plus a pick from the Bucks then I'd have to say we should go for it.

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It takes more than 5 guys to be a good team. I'm more concerned with the attitude that if we have 2 good players at the same position then its a logjam.

If it was really true that Chill is not a starting quality player as an NBA swingman then why would anyone trade a starting caliber center, the hardest position to fill, for a bench swingman, the easiest position to fill.

Because the Bucks have a logjam at big man with Bogut, Magloire and Gadzuric. And Magloire makes a sht load of money. So basically they want to do with Magloire what we are doing with Harrington.

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I don't see where Chill's minutes will come from. We have to figure Speedy will play close to 30 minutes and JJ close to 40. That leaves roughly 30 backcourt minutes split between Chill, Salim, Lue and Ivey.

I think Marvin and Smith will take up all the minutes at the 3.

Where will Chills minutes come from?

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