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Taboo Subject..Chillz


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I don't see where Chill's minutes will come from. We have to figure Speedy will play close to 30 minutes and JJ close to 40. That leaves roughly 30 backcourt minutes split between Chill, Salim, Lue and Ivey.

I think Marvin and Smith will take up all the minutes at the 3.

Where will Chills minutes come from?

I think we should assume that JJ will get a few more minutes rest this season - something more like the 38 mpg that Dirk and Dwayne Wade played last season.

I also doubt that Speedy will play 30+ minutes given his injury history and the quality of our backups - probably high 20s with minutes going to Lue and Salim. I don't see why Ivey would play more than spot time.

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That is because Al was the starting 4. No more Al..therefore Smoove moves to the four. After Marvin's performance in summer league, there is no way he doesn't start. After Smooves performance in the last half of the season there is no way he doesn't start. Therefore the most likely lineup at the beginning of the season will be






Unless we pickup a Wilcox or some other "true PF" Smoove will get most of his minutes at the 4.

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They put him at the 2 because they had Al/Walker at the 3/4.

Al has said publicly, and shown through his play, that he is better at the 3 then the 4. The fact that the Hawks played him at the 4 anyway should give you a clue where they think Smith should play. Remember than Al played the 3 the majority of his first season here.

I am not saying I agree but there is no question, looking at the teams actions, that they view Smith as more of a 3 than 4. And after the way he played after the break at the 3 he is basically a lock to start the season there.

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I think we should assume that JJ will get a few more minutes rest this season - something more like the 38 mpg that Dirk and Dwayne Wade played last season.

I also doubt that Speedy will play 30+ minutes given his injury history and the quality of our backups - probably high 20s with minutes going to Lue and Salim. I don't see why Ivey would play more than spot time.

If JJ plays 38 and Speedy 28 that leaves 30 backup minutes in the backcourt.

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Chill and marvin take up the 3 minutes and Smoove and Shelden the 4 minutes. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

people refuse to believe that smoove/marvin could play pf

however, they WILL be our forward tandem, which means one is at pf and the other at sf

chill will be the primary backup at sg/sf positions and smoove will also play some sf besides just pf and shelden will play some center besides just pf (assuming he pans out, of course)

pg: speedy 25, lue 20, ivey 3

sg: jj 35, chill 8, slim 5

sf: marvin 25, chill 17, smoove 6

pf: smoove 20, shelden 20, batman 8

c: zaza 25, shelden 5, ?????

there is lots of room to move some of those numbers around to give chill/marvin/smoove/shelden even more pt

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If you listen to BK interviews he says that he sees Smoove as a 4 that will play some 3. And Marvin as a 3 that can play some 4. This year Childress will probably be the #1 player off of the bench to either take Marvin's place, or Smoove's place (which slides Marvin to the 4) depending on who is the hot player or fatigued or foul trouble..etc.

Shelden will come in second for the other forward that was left on the floor, either Smoove or Marvin. And when we go small he will spell Zaza (unless we pick up another center)

It is pretty damn simple.

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I'm sorry, I just don't see Smith being any better than

Childress. As far as Childress not being "in the same stratosphere", there just isn't a significant difference in the production between the two. Smith blocks shots, but other than that is nothing special on defense. Smith shoots a very poor percentage, and jacks up way too many 3's. I'd like to have Magloire, but I don't think he's worth any of the "young guns." Maybe I'm mistaken, but it seems to me that Childress was much more of a clutch player at the end of games. Childress has more "basketball smarts" than Smith, as far as I'm concerned. Plus he's not given to lapses in concentration or a questionable attitude. Bottom line for me is, I don't want Magloire bad enough to give up either of the Joshes or Marvin. Every team needs a good sixth man, and to me, they are worth their pay as well as starters, especially when they log similar minutes.

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the actual outcome will be somewhere in between

smoove will play 'forward'

marvin will play 'forward'

shelden will get pf/c mins

chill will get sg/sf mins

slim will get pg/sg mins

jj at sg almost always, but can play pg as well

zaza at center always

speedy at pg always

so speedy/jj/marvin and smoove/zaza may be our starting lineup

all of our backups play 2 positions and they domino down the lineup: pg/sg = slim, sg/sf = chill, pf/c = shelden

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I'm sorry, I just don't see Smith being any better than

Childress. As far as Childress not being "in the same stratosphere", there just isn't a significant difference in the production between the two. Smith blocks shots, but other than that is nothing special on defense. Smith shoots a very poor percentage, and jacks up way too many 3's. I'd like to have Magloire, but I don't think he's worth any of the "young guns." Maybe I'm mistaken, but it seems to me that Childress was much more of a clutch player at the end of games. Childress has more "basketball smarts" than Smith, as far as I'm concerned. Plus he's not given to lapses in concentration or a questionable attitude. Bottom line for me is, I don't want Magloire bad enough to give up either of the Joshes or Marvin. Every team needs a good sixth man, and to me, they are worth their pay as well as starters, especially when they log similar minutes.

GTFU, what clutch play have you seen from Childress (where there was that one breakaway dunk in the final second)

Smoove has hit game clinching shots, made game changing defensive plays with so much regularity that it is hilarious. We didn't win a game last year where Smoove wasn't a major factor. There has been plenty of games though where I forgot that Childress was even on the squad.

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I think we should assume that JJ will get a few more minutes rest this season - something more like the 38 mpg that Dirk and Dwayne Wade played last season.

I also doubt that Speedy will play 30+ minutes given his injury history and the quality of our backups - probably high 20s with minutes going to Lue and Salim. I don't see why Ivey would play more than spot time.

If JJ plays 38 and Speedy 28 that leaves 30 backup minutes in the backcourt.

I will project something like:

Speedy 28 mpg

JJ 38 mpg

Marvin 31 mpg

Josh Smith 34 mpg

Zaza 30 mpg

Salim 14 mpg

Lue 12 mpg

Chills 22 mpg

Shelden 22 mpg

Batista 7 mpg

Edwards 2 mpg

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pg: speedy 25, lue 20, ivey 3

sg: jj 35, chill 8, slim 5

sf: marvin 25, chill 17, smoove 6

pf: smoove 20, shelden 20, batman 8

c: zaza 25, shelden 5, ?????

This lineup has Smith playing 26 minutes, Marvin 25 and Shelden 25. Not happening. All those guys will get 30 at least.

And the idea that Smith will play only 6 minutes at the 3 is silly considering how well he played there last year.

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Zaza 30 mpg

Salim 14 mpg

Lue 12 mpg

Chills 22 mpg

Shelden 22 mpg

Batista 7 mpg

Edwards 2 mpg

They made it pretty clear that they felt Zaza played too many minutes last year so i expect that number to go down.

If Salim plays only 14 minutes then JB will really lose it lol.

No way Shelden plays only 22 minutes. That is less than Marvin got last year and Marvin was a known project.

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You also have to remember the "Diaw factor" when it comes to trading any of our young guys. BK would likely be scared to death to trade Chillz just because Chillz might go out and be a quality starter somewhere.

Personally I think it would be best for Chillz if he was traded - developmentally-wise...but I don't think BK would have the guts to take that chance. Too much potential for criticism.

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First of all, I don't know what GTFU means, but same to you.

I remember many instances where Childress came out of nowhere to get an offensive rebound, and score. Smith may eventually be a better player one day, but the jury is still out. I'd trade Smith before I'd trade Childress.

What exactly is it that you think is so special about Smith any way? Yes, he has a freakishly high vertical leap. There are a number of people with great athletic ability, but they are not all great players. He is a dunker. So was Cliff Levingston. So is Gerald Green. Do you remember Darnell Hillman from the old ABA days?

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pg: speedy 25, lue 20, ivey 3

sg: jj 35, chill 8, slim 5

sf: marvin 25, chill 17, smoove 6

pf: smoove 20, shelden 20, batman 8

c: zaza 25, shelden 5, ?????

This lineup has Smith playing 26 minutes, Marvin 25 and Shelden 25. Not happening. All those guys will get 30 at least.

And the idea that Smith will play only 6 minutes at the 3 is silly considering how well he played there last year.

it's simply a framework to tweak and play around with to illustrate how they can all get mins

u have batman's 8 mins at pf and u have 18 unclaimed mins at center to play with

u also have injuries (speedy anyone) etc that will be a factor

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First of all, I don't know what GTFU means, but same to you.

I remember many instances where Childress came out of nowhere to get an offensive rebound, and score. Smith may eventually be a better player one day, but the jury is still out. I'd trade Smith before I'd trade Childress.

What exactly is it that you think is so special about Smith any way? Yes, he has a freakishly high vertical leap. There are a number of people with great athletic ability, but they are not all great players. He is a dunker. So was Cliff Levingston. So is Gerald Green. Do you remember Darnell Hillman from the old ABA days?

My bad I meant GTFO

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Zaza 30 mpg

Salim 14 mpg

Lue 12 mpg

Chills 22 mpg

Shelden 22 mpg

Batista 7 mpg

Edwards 2 mpg

They made it pretty clear that they felt Zaza played too many minutes last year so i expect that number to go down.

If Salim plays only 14 minutes then JB will really lose it lol.

No way Shelden plays only 22 minutes. That is less than Marvin got last year and Marvin was a known project.

Bump Shelden up a few minutes and Zaza down a few in my projections, then.


Shelden 26 mpg

Zaza 26 mpg

I do think that Salim will get squeezed for minutes more than last year, though. With Lue healthy and Speedy added there just aren't going to be as many minutes available for him.

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