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Celtics Fans Remember Joe Johnson


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I remember when this trade went down. It was your classic "we don't need this decent young cat, let's trade him for this decent vet, fill a need, and make a push." I hate those kinds of trades...almost as much as I hate trading of All-Star calibre players for mediocre, mid/late 1sts + garbage.

Happens all the time with players and picks...

People get anxious and start looking at what they can deal that MIGHT give them a boost. In the same way, people are looking at Chillz right now. While I do agree that he probably is the odd man out, and will probably get traded, the minimum we should ask for in return is a young player of equal potential.

Otherwise...get ready for the media to rip us for dumping yet another talent and reserve a thread for people to (T_T) and complain about another "boneheaded" trade of a player we could have really used.

If Boris makes you guys sick, wait until you see what Chill is going to do with the right team.

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It was your classic "we don't need this decent young cat, let's trade him for this decent vet, fill a need, and make a push."

I was just trying to convince Bucks' fans on the same thing (re: Magloire). You don't trade cheap, productive young players to fill minor needs unless you're one player away from the NBA title.

Just say no to Magloire -for- Childress.

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This is the same situation that we see with Chillz but to an even greater extent with Marvin. Those who think Smoove and Marvin play the same position want to do the same thing that Boston did when they traded JJ and trade Marvin for someone who plays a perceived position of need.

I think trading Marvin (or Smoove) would be a HUGE mistake at this point unless we are getting a young ALL STAR caliber player in return and even then, I would be VERY careful.

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Good thing BK hasn't shown any signs of trading either. I don't think BK want to trade Marvin because it will show he messed up and passing on Paul. BK like Marvin too much. I don't think the owners will let Smoove go because of how popular he is among the fans. I am sure Bruce has seen plenty of evidence of Smoove popularity on this board and Realgm.

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I don't want to trade Smith or Marvin but Chill is definitely the odd man out here in Atlanta. He will never start over JJ or Marvin so why not trade him for a huge hole at center, upgrade at point or a big upgrade at PF?

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I don't want to trade Smith or Marvin but Chill is definitely the odd man out here in Atlanta. He will never start over JJ or Marvin so why not trade him for a huge hole at center, upgrade at point or a big upgrade at PF?

Because there's a chance that Magz will be nothing more than just a one year rental. Whereas Chillz can give us solid production as our sixth man for a few more years.

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I don't want to trade Smith or Marvin but Chill is definitely the odd man out here in Atlanta. He will never start over JJ or Marvin so why not trade him for a huge hole at center, upgrade at point or a big upgrade at PF?

Because there's a chance that Magz will be nothing more than just a one year rental. Whereas Chillz can give us solid production as our sixth man for a few more years.

That's why we ask for a 2007 first rounder in case Magloire is a one year rental. We would be getting his Bird rights in a trade which means we'd have the choice to S&T him next offseason for players/picks as well.

Chill will not be here beyond his rookie contract. He's too good of a player to accept being a 6th man on a sub 30 win team for the prime of his career. We'll have to S&T him when his rookie deal expires.

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Chill will not be here beyond his rookie contract. He's too good of a player to accept being a 6th man on a sub 30 win team for the prime of his career. We'll have to S&T him when his rookie deal expires.

A lot of things could change in two years

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