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without a doubt, setting up for the next deal...


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based on yet another confirmatory article (sekou's 7/28), we are looking to make the deal without taking on salary. as we will be below the cap, we can make a deal to take on magloire for whatever milwaukee wants (i.e. they don't have to take on additional salary). if the deal goes down as follows, I think BK will actually look like a genius...

Deal #1

Al + Edwards for unprotected 1st and cash

Deal #2

Maglorie for Salim (notice how Salim didn't play the back half of the RMR)

Net Yield:

Al+Edwards+Salim for Magloire+1st round pick

Hawks come out ahead by regaining a pick and meeting a primary need...

Hawks 12 man Roster

C Magloire/Zaza/Esteban/Jones

F Smoove/Williams/Williams/Zaza/Childress

G Johnson/Claxton/Childress/Lue/Grundy

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I think it's bad speculation on deal #2.

I don't think that Salim didn't play because we were dealing him. I thought he didn't play because he was hurt.

Here's what I know.

BK has said: Marvin, Smoove, Chillz, Shelden are not being traded, "Those guys are our core".. he stated that on 790 with Chris D.

I think Salim could be traded... I just think that us making a deal and crying about "Cash" says something about the state of our ownership. Maybe they take this season to not spend any "Big" money.

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Ownership and Bernie Mullin have repeatedly stated that they have given the OK to spend up to the cap. Billy has stated that just because you have money to spend doesn't mean you should spend it.

Just because we have $12 million available doesn't mean we should go out and sign some half a season wonder to a big deal that hurts our ability to keep our own players down the road.

A deal for Jamaal Magloire is very feasible after this deal is done, as long as we aren't trading any of the core assets to get him. Jamaal is in the final year of his contract, so his deal won't take the Hawks out of a better free agent market next year, and it also won't hurt the Hawks ability to give Josh Smith, Josh Childress, and Marvin Williams the extensions they should get over the next two years.

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diesel, you're right about the cash statement. when have you heard of a deal being held up by the amount of green being offered.

something is up. i think BK is likely securing deal #2 and using "cash" as an excuse. making the deal with indy make no sense unless we have deal #2 guaranteed.

the buck's gm stated a couple have teams have been in serious negotiations about magloire - you know they are going to move him (how could they not after the stuff they've put out in the press?) - the question is what will it take? once we nail deal #2 (will it be lue + batista? or maybe salim + jones), the "cash" issue will suddenly resolve...


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I think the deal makes sense even if they don't have a second deal lined up.

Sure. Jeff Foster has a manageable deal, but to get it to work with him, we were going to have to take on an undesirable contract. I think that was the issue Billy looked at the most. He didn't want either Jamal Tinsley or Sarunas Jasekevicius, who are the two players that would have likely been included.

With this deal, the Hawks give themselves the flexibility to make a deal for an ending contract like Magloire's and keeps them in the game when it comes to free agency next offseason....where there will be a much better market.

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yeah, but a deal #2 would make this so much more palatable. i hate to make any decisions based on media perspective, but if we trade al for a pick and cash we are going to look like cheap idiots; whereas if we pull the trigger on deal #2 the same day, all of a sudden we get magloire (or wilcox) and a 1st for al (+/- salim). suddenly, you can't help but like what BK has done...

marc stein did say watch for the hawks to end up with magloire...


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The media can spin it anyway they want to. I think any intelligent fan would realize that not taking back contracts like Troy Murphy's or Jamaal Tinsley's is a good thing.

I do agree that the Hawks are probably in the drivers seat when it comes to getting Jamaal Magloire. I don't know that he is a long term fit or if he will even start over Zaza Pachulia, but his contract is not one that will hamper this team's future. Plus, the fact that this is a contract year for him could get him to play the way he is capable of playing and not like he has the past two seasons. At worst, he gives the Hawks a sign and trade chip for next offseason.

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I think Mags would start over Zaza. In fact, with Batista and Jones, we could probably run the following starting/substituting line-up:

C: Magloire/Bastista/Zaza/Jones

PF: Zaza/Shelden/Smoove/Jones

SF: Smoove/Marvin/Childress

SG: Johnson/Childress/Grundy

PG: Claxton/Lue/Ivey

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Billy Knight could be wanting more money because they want to bring David Anderson over from Russia. They know it might take giving him a contract like Zaza's before he would come to the states. I would love to pick up Magloire and Anderson. I think we need both. From what I have read. Anderson runs the floor well which fits into the style we want to play although Magloire has the better post game.

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Flava is right.

It's probably a case that BK is really waiting to see if he can get Magloire. IF he can't get Magloire, he's probably going to take Foster/1st for Al.

What would be stupid is for us to think that trading Al for absolutely nothing but a pick would be a good thing. Weather you like it or not, if Al goes to Indy.... they might be in the playoffs. I think Playoff positions in the east will be premium, but Al, JO, Jax should power that team into the playoffs.

So basically you're talking about our second lead scorer for a pick that will be somewhere in the 20s.

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Is this without a doubt thing speculation or is there another source?

I do agree that it makes sense, but with the ownership in the throws of legal bs nothing really makes sense. All the pieces are there to fit together for the Mags deal becuase the Bucks don't want to take on any signif salary. However, as mentioned, I would have to consider Wilcox. It's likely he could be had for less money and signed for a longer deal. Or perhaps, since Sealte has several young bigs and is concerned about the cap, they would make a deal to send one of them to us. Either way we need another big. And the extra cash could be used for Andersen.

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I don't think it is likely at all. Chris Wilcox is floating around $60 million over 6 years as the contract he wants. It's more likely that he will simply sign the one year tender with Seattle and become an unrestricted free agent next year.

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Don't get bitter. Indiana tried to trade Harrington for what they're giving us a couple years ago.

Magloire could very well get us some assets next year.

I think the Wilcox demands have gone out the window. He could be signed for $35-40 million at this point, not sure.

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