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History... Rumeal Robinson for Mookie Blaylock!


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I guess it's good to cite some of our favorite teams favorite moments... This is probably the best trade in the history of the franchise.


Hawks Score Big Point in Nets Deal

USA Today -- November 4, 1992

By Peter Vecsey

Picking up where they last let us down, the bountiful Nets solved Atlanta's pointless guard situation Tuesday by bestowing much-coveted Mookie Blaylock on the Hawks in return for the privilege of taking much-maligned Rumeal Robinson off their hands.

But who's quibbling?

Aside from having established himself as a capable playmaker and outside scoring threat, Blaylock is only one of the NBA's elite defensive specialists.

Of course, there are no guarantees; it might take Blaylock more than one practice and a pregame walk-through to beat Morlon Wiley for the starting job.

What a score for the Hawks and eyesore for the Nets!

All Robinson accomplished during his two-year Atlanta stay was to alienate teammates. Particularly Dominique Wilkins, who resented being ordered around and critiqued by someone still smelling of milk.

On the other hand, teammates rarely enjoyed playing with Robinson. It might have had something to do with his unwillingness to share the ball, passing only after exhausting all other options.

In fairness to the Nets, Robinson's presence won't compromise coach Chuck Daly's floor exercise. He doesn't have to rely on Rumeal's remedial playmaking skills. He has Kenny Anderson going for him. Robinson can concentrate on backing up Drazen Petrovic at off-guard, where it's felt he'll be more comfortable and dangerous.

It would've made more sense, though, to keep Blaylock around to complement Anderson, to be used as daily competition, reinforcement and a growth stimulant. At least until Kenny establishes himself as a durable leader who can't be shamelessly abused on defense.

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I loved Mookie ( I am also a Sooners fan ) but a better trade then that was obviously getting Dominique from Utah.

That was my thought, too. This was Babcock's best trade though and an absolute steal for the Hawks.

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Well, I loved getting Nique.

But we gave up John Drew.

Even though Drew was a crackhead, He was still the man (with Dan Roundfield) before Nique came. However, how can you argue with any trade that gets a legend??

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However, how can you argue with any trade that gets a legend??

That is the bottomline for me. Drew was a good player but was never all that great for the Jazz as he was in his prime years for the Hawks. That makes it a huge win for us, IMO. Nique was just so good that it more than makes up for the better talent we spent to get him.

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Nique had sat out one year. He was willing to sit out another. I wonder what he was doing?

We make a big deal out of Steve Francis with his lip stuck out.. Imagine how Utahians must have felt about Nique sitting out the whole year and forcing a trade.

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Dont forget that Kevin Willis for Steve Smith AND Grant Long trade he pulled off. Smith was our best player in the last 20 years besides Nique. The Mookie trade was awesome to. Babcock was a decent trader and signed some good free agents but he was a horrible drafter.

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People concentrate on Pete's draft snafus but disregard his ability to "win" trades and sign free agents.

Babs won a few trade like the Mookie trade and the Smitty trade and I would even say the Reef trade and the Deke to Philly trade.

But he lost a lot too..

Like the Ken Norman trade,

The Big Dog trade,

The Long/Augmon trade.

and his free agency management sucked too.

He lost Danny Manning to Phoenix.

He found Koncak with a large contract.

He found Crawford with a large contract.

He found Hendu with a large contract.

He lost Laettner.

His biggest free agent success was Deke.

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