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Not sure this has been posted - Hawks Article

Guest Walter

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With all the BK bashing people should realize that there are times you can drive a hard bargain and this is it. What are Indiana's choices right now? If they back away then all we've lost is a pick and cash. They have to come up with a new plan. We could then offer Al the same as Indy or a shorter contract so he can try again next year. We have a lot of options. You don't panic when you're in the driver's seat.

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Guest Walter

You take us down with them. You don't respond with a yes or no even if you don't want to meet our demands. You just prolong your answer keeping us out of the FA market even longer. Harrington still counts against our cap. We continue to not make moves and do not improve the team.

Whether or not all of this is worth it depends upon the previously rumored "big man". If he's more spin than quality, stick with the hardball. If not, don't wreck another deal for the possibility of a slightly better deal with Indy.


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Guest Walter


How can Al count against our cap when he is not under contract to us? I keep on hearing this statement made, but I don't understand the reasoning behind it.

Until we renounce him or he is signed by or traded to another team a salary of some sorts counts against our cap. Not sure what the amount is based upon.


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I know its fun to play armchair GM but really are the chances that we are 'missing out' on some great FA and the Hawks are the only ones who can't see it. I think the chances are slightly better that waiting is costing us nothing that we're interested in otherwise we wouldn't be waiting.

Sekou's article was typical of fans and writers. Its frustrating to wait because we have no clue as to what is going on. To those in the know its just business. Sportswriters who are in the dark will always claim incompetence so they have something to write about.

So far I haven't seen a player signed that would have made a huge difference in our team.

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How can Al count against our cap when he is not under contract to us?

When you have a the Bird Rights of a free agent his "cap hold" equals 1.5 times his salary I believe.

If the Hawks renounce his rights then the cap space would be available but then they couldn't sign and trade him to another team.

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Read the writing on the wall: BK IS IMPOSSIBLE. All the other GM's in the league know it and it will likely influence those who deal with him in the future. It is yet one more obstacle for the Hawks to become respectable.

Tired of addressing the issue. I think he should run for politics.

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If the Hawks renounce his rights then the cap space would be available but then they couldn't sign and trade him to another team.

Well, no. The Hawks could renounce Al and still use him in a S&T. The problem though is that the Hawks couldn't use Bird Rights in this situation. If they renounce Al, they lose Bird Rights and also can't sign him for one year. They could still S&T though, but they could only use the remaining salary cap space (but only 5 year deal at 8% raises).

It wouldn't make sense for the Hawks to renounce Al at all. For one, it would be a d*ck move to Al. Two, it takes away from our assets. And three, Al likely wouldn't take a 5 year deal at 8% raises.

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I still think the Pacers are the ones holding this up. They are refusing to lower the protection on the pick because they know we can't do anything else with our roster until Harrington is gone.

We have already lost a chance to get Magloire for peanuts from the Bucks. Who knows what else we will miss out on? Meanwhile the Pacers did their own trades while we can't do anything.

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By Sekou Smith

July 31, 2006 01:35 PM | Link to this

Some of you are missing my point. The blame game is something I stopped participating in a while back. It’s useless. I don’t care who is to blame among the owners or anywhere else. What I’m pointing out is that while this whole affair carries on, other teams are busy remaking their rosters and going about the business of building or rebuilding, whatever the case may be. The push now needs to be for solutions to this problem. How do the Hawks get past all this and back into the realm of the relevant? But don’t get anything I write twisted, I don’t care to assign blame here or really think it’s remotely close to reasonable to dedicate anyone in this mess the lone culprit. I think mistakes and miscalculations were made all around.

And any money the Hawks aren’t spending on free agency or anything else is strictly self-imposed. Their avoidance of the salary cap limit has been well documented. Even with the addition of Speedy Claxton at some $6.2 million per season, the Hawks are still roughly $10 million below the salary cap limit.

But like everything involved with the Hawks, everyone has their own interpretation of who’s right and who’s wrong, what draft pick was right or wrong and which free agent acquisition was right or wrong. That’s the purpose of this forum. I’m not here to tell you whom you should or should not like. We’re all grown ups here, for the most part (ha!), so make up your own mind based on the information that you can gather yourself or is presented by others.

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I just have one question. What jersey number will the trade exception wear? Maybe "cap space" and "trade exception" will slug it out over a jersey number.

We don't get a trade exception.

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