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Harrington Staying In Atlanta


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If all we can get for him is a lottery protected 1st round pick then I would welcome him back. He is still young and he can play. Im tired of people ripping this kid. He has more game than anyone on our roster besides Joe. He is our only player capable of scoring in the post.

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If no deal is made by the end of the month, then I would be for signing Al to a 6 year 62 million dollar deal with a Team option after the 4th year.

Then going after a trade of Lue/Edwards for Mihm.

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We don't need Al Harrington, what we need are bigs that play D and rebound.

If you have not noticed, teams are conducting layup drills against us.

well let's break this one down.

opposing guards for the most part were conducting layup drills against us. i would blame three players for that



Joe who isn't quick enough to D up PGs consistently

i have been dead set on getting rid of Harrington. that being said who is available on the trade market at Center that could allow Sheldon to slide down to the 4 and Al to play the 3? if that were to happen Al would have two stoppers behind him.

for those of you who think Al is stunting the youngs boys growth keep two things in mind. One Smoove and Marvin are barely old enough to buy a beer. It's not like they are going anywhere anytime soon. Two neither have proven themselves to be reliable scorers over an 82 game stretch.

The Hawks didn't have an offensive problem last year, they had a defensive problem. I am totally against trading Al to Indy because we will wind up with egg on our face in the end IMO. if you're gonna get rid of him send him far, far away.

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i don't want al back on OUR team

he's a fine player, but he stunts the growth of marvin/smoove/chill and they defer to him too much

he's NOT an efficient scorer; SOMEONE has to get his touches and those people will be as efficient or more efficient than him = more ppg for the team

and our defense is much better

and it'll allow smoove/marvin to grow into superstars

i don't want him back at any price

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On the base, that would put him at about 8 million dollars to start.

We'd still have enough for one more signing.. However, as I said, i'd use that to exchange Lue/Edwards for Mihm.

My team...






With the understanding that Jones may be in the DL

Al is only here long enough to get us a better deal elsewhere and to bring along these younger players.

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Alright, listen. You are a complete moron if you think that the first 3 reasons for us giving up layups is Lue(hurt alot of the year AND not a starter), Salim (a rookie who also did not start) and JJ who is on the Defensive minded Olympic squad. Idiot.

Also, Loose the misleading post titles jag off.

No Center, Harrington's lack of anything that resembled defense. These are two of the more accepted reasons as to why the Hawks gave up so many layups.

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Alright, listen. You are a complete moron if you think that the first 3 reasons for us giving up layups is Lue(hurt alot of the year AND not a starter), Salim (a rookie who also did not start) and JJ who is on the Defensive minded Olympic squad. Idiot.

Also, Loose the misleading post titles jag off.

No Center, Harrington's lack of anything that resembled defense. These are two of the more accepted reasons as to why the Hawks gave up so many layups.

Hello retard.

thanks for your ongoing positive contribution to the site!

The Hawks got torched by the opposing PG night in and night out. We made Brevin Knight look like a hall of famer last year. Brevin Knight wasn't Al's man. If you had been watching the Hawks last year you'd know that Ivey was pulled after 6 minutes every game. Lue logged the bulk of the PG minutes. Salim was the third player in the guard rotation. JJ is on the Olympic team because in addition to be an all-around good player he has the shooting range that was sorely lacking on the last squad. if you think JJ can defend the PG position nightly in the NBA then you should check an illustrated dictionary the next time you have a hair out of place for the word "idiot" if you don't have a mirror handy.

Hawksquawk's site originated the misleading title. check the front page as was referenced in the original post.

Please feel free to crawl back into your corner now and continue to lurk as you have nothing of note to contribute.

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i don't want al back on OUR team

he's a fine player, but he stunts the growth of marvin/smoove/chill and they defer to him too much

he's NOT an efficient scorer; SOMEONE has to get his touches and those people will be as efficient or more efficient than him = more ppg for the team

and our defense is much better

and it'll allow smoove/marvin to grow into superstars

i don't want him back at any price

i totally get your reasoning and agree with it for the most part. i'm just trying to prepare myself for what Billy may have in store for us. having Al return is just another plausible scenario in front of us.

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Let me break it down for you, every team in the league allows penetration from guards...u can't hand check for the most part and guards are quick in todays game..it is not so glaring for most teams because the better teams have bigs that play help D...ZZ and AL are not very good individually, and are worse together.

There will always be penetration by guards....but when bigs come over to take a charge or make a block, you see a great play by a big, and hardly notice that the play was there to be made because of penetration.

Better defensive teams make penetration difficult, no team can prevent it, you have to have bigs that move their feet, ZZ + AL =layup drills. Why spend money on Al when Smoove can play that spot better defensively.

Al post up game is really exaggerated, if you watched, he was more of a jump shooter last year.

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Let me break it down for you, every team in the league allows penetration from guards...u can't hand check for the most part and guards are quick in todays game..it is not so glaring for most teams because the better teams have bigs that play help D...ZZ and AL are not very good individually, and are worse together.

There will always be penetration by guards....but when bigs come over to take a charge or make a block, you see a great play by a big, and hardly notice that the play was there to be made because of penetration.

Better defensive teams make penetration difficult, no team can prevent it, you have to have bigs that move their feet, ZZ + AL =layup drills. Why spend money on Al when Smoove can play that spot better defensively.

Al post up game is really exaggerated, if you watched, he was more of a jump shooter last year.

i have been dead set on getting rid of Harrington. that being said who is available on the trade market at Center that could allow Sheldon to slide down to the 4 and Al to play the 3? if that were to happen Al would have two stoppers behind him.

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..it is not so glaring for most teams because the better teams have bigs that play help D...ZZ and AL are not very good individually, and are worse together.

There will always be penetration by guards....but when bigs come over to take a charge or make a block, you see a great play by a big, and hardly notice that the play was there to be made because of penetration...

Well those guards won't be doing layup drills on us this year. Shelden will step up and go for the block. He'll keep those pests out of the lane...(at least for 10 minutes or so until he get's in foul trouble, then we can bring in Este for the next 10 minutes, then ?)

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If you went that route, then Marvin and Smoove would both be benched, why?

Eventually, maybe two years from now, I think Shelden will be our starting center...he really does not look or play like a 4 in todays game.

We need a big man that can play D, that we can rent for 2 to 3 years.

Magloire would have been the answer for this year.

I'm thinking the Kandi Man will be who we sign....not sure he is the answer, but we let every other big go to someone else.

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we move Al Harrington to Indy for a first rounder in 2007, a mulligan on a BK mistake, and 3 million $ since our owners are two steps away from Skid Row and the welfare line.

I've made the counter argument so let me make this one.

Smoove and Marvin are our starting PF and SF. JJ is starting in the back court with Speedy. Zaza is still our Center. the only thing that has changed on this squad is Speedy is on the outside (don't use his defense as an argument over Lue now since penetration is a supposed given in the NBA), and Marvin is replacing Al in the starting lineup. What did Marvin do defensively last year other than collect a bunch of fouls? confused.gifconfused.gif

am i supposed to take some scouts' opinion on what Marvin will be in 5 years over what my eyes tell me I'm seeing on the court defensively?

If our defense doesn't improve with Al gone as everyone is suggesting and our baby forwards hit some bumps in the road we could be looking at another 26 win season. in fact it's more likely we'd win 26 game next season if MW/Smoove don't play out of their minds with the current team than 36.

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If you went that route, then Marvin and Smoove would both be benched, why?

Eventually, maybe two years from now, I think Shelden will be our starting center...he really does not look or play like a 4 in todays game.

We need a big man that can play D, that we can rent for 2 to 3 years.

Magloire would have been the answer for this year.

I'm thinking the Kandi Man will be who we sign....not sure he is the answer, but we let every other big go to someone else.

Sheldon is like 6'7" using my tape measure. LOL

Phx can run small ball teams out there but until we get a Steve Nash on our team we'll be run out of the gym with SW at C. what was PHX record last year W/O Nash? it was bad.

P.S. i obviously want Al gone also but there are two sides to every story. what if I am wrong and the Hawks yuck it up next year? I'm thinking out loud w/this devil's advocate stuff.

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...If our defense doesn't improve with Al gone as everyone is suggesting and our baby forwards hit some bumps in the road we could be looking at another 26 win season. in fact it's more likely we'd win 26 game next season if MW/Smoove don't play out of their minds with the current team than 36.

I try to stay optimistic, but part of me says you might be right.

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Are you prepared to pay Al 60 million to get the defense you can right now from Marvin/Smoove, Al has been in the league a while, has not played a lick of D...I will take my chances with Marvin/Smoove.

Ah Hah!!!! anybody remember the Jewish guy in the barber shop Eddie Murphy played on "Coming to America?"

you make a good point, as do I when I look at another potential 26 win season.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think this franchise can really take another season like that after all that has happened over the past 2 years?

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