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Entire Recap of the Bernie Mullins Recap


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If Jason Walker heard me say the following he would die of laughter but its true: I agree with Walt. This team is a ship without a rudder with absolutely no idea where it is going. We can not keep duplicating the SF/SG spot and passing up chances to greatly increase the talent at PG/C to do it. If the team, the actual front office, only sees Smoove as a SF then drafting Marvin was a gigantic mistake.

At this point we need to trade Smoove for a PG or true center. They can not afford to let the #2 pick in the draft that every media source and NBA fan just killed the team for taking sit on the bench. That makes Smoove and Chill the odd men out on this team. Trade them for real pieces at point and center.

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Welcome to the light side Brother.

Redundancy does not a good team make. What Bernie Verbalized was the fact that neither Smoove nor Marvin really have a PF skillset.

That being the case, we have Depth (which is good) but we also have to cry about the opportunities we passed up.

As I told many during Marvin's draft year, BK drafting Marvin was a sure fire sign that he didn't trust Smoove..

To which our good buddy Lascar (King of the season ticket holders meetings) said that " Smoove does not have the tools to be a superstar".

Well, Smoove does have the skills and now picking Marvin over Paul looks so foolish that it doesn't matter how good Marvin becomes because he will have to be:

1. Better than Smoove.

2. Better than Paul.

3. Better than Deron.

To live up to his pick.


This is the message I have given from the Beginning.

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Diesel, I can't say I've ever agreed with one post of yours. And this won't be the first, but some points are taken.

That being said, the redundant point is well stated. I happen to think Marvin is going to be a star and soon enough all the Paul talk will stop, but why draft him if you are duplicating positions with young "possible" stars. I don't know what to think, but I can say that if Shelden starts out of the gate, it won't be long before Woody realizes that to have Shelden available in the latter part of the game he can't start. He'll foul out in the first half.

Man, we screwed ourselves....I don't see Shelden starting. I hope not. I'll be at the concession stands until the first few stoppages due to Shelden's fouling. Then I'll hear the subbing of Marvin or Smoove. Time for some basketball!

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I was fine with drafting Marvin if the mentality at that time was that Harrington was gone this offseason and then Smoove starts at 4 and Marvin starts at 3. It would give us an athletic frontcourt, yada yada yada....

Now we are being told a player in Shellhead who looked horrible in the SL is going to be the automatic starter at 4 and Marvin/Smoove get to fight over minutes at only one position. What. the. [censored].

I don't see how they can honestly expect both Childress and Smoove to accept backup roles. They will both be gone once those rookie deals expire and we'll be left with more holes to fill and MAYBE get some crappy mid teens picks back in return. Joy. Just to watch those picks go on 6'9" swingmen who get used for backup role duties.

I have no idea where this team is going.

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You guys (and gals if you're out there) crack me up. You want us to bottom feed for the next three years until our youth gains experience.


Kandi or Wright or whomever the mystery big is will be depth at a position where we are lacking true depth at. Whoever it is doesn't need to start to prove useful to the team. We don't need a superstar at C, we need solid contribution from a player who can somewhat fill the hole downlow and get some freakin' rebounds.

We have our leader, we have our scorers, we have our ball handlers, we have our defenders (or will have soon), and we have depth in every position other than C. We're filling a position of need for, more than likely, a pretty reasonable price. This signing is just one more piece to the puzzle.

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Bernie probably said that because he thinks Sheldon will earn his spot at the 4 from what he's seen of him. you guys trip me out how you pick your favorites over the good of the team.

it will work out either way. it will be a 3 man rotation with Sheldon hopefully getting about 12 minutes a game at the 5.

that leaves 80 minutes at the forward spots assuming Sheldon plays 16 at PF. that's 32 mpg left for Smoove and Marvin with 16 left over for Chillz, etc. Chillz will get some run at SG also.

There is such a thing as...balance. You ever hear about it? Maybe you've heard, Team USA is trying make a go of it this year.

I guess your retarded because were not picking our favorites here dude to be starters at SF and PF. Were picking Marvin and SMoove for the good of the team. I like Sheldon but he is no where near ready to come in and start right away. So what are you talking about again? Your saying its best for the team that Sheldon starts at PF? your the one picking favorites it looks like. hahahahaha

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Guest Walter


If Jason Walker heard me say the following he would die of laughter but its true: I agree with Walt. This team is a ship without a rudder with absolutely no idea where it is going. We can not keep duplicating the SF/SG spot and passing up chances to greatly increase the talent at PG/C to do it. If the team, the actual front office, only sees Smoove as a SF then drafting Marvin was a gigantic mistake.

At this point we need to trade Smoove for a PG or true center. They can not afford to let the #2 pick in the draft that every media source and NBA fan just killed the team for taking sit on the bench. That makes Smoove and Chill the odd men out on this team. Trade them for real pieces at point and center.

Despite as much glut at the Pg and Sf positions as we have at the forward position. Portland remade their team in a single offseason. They got the best talent they could in Roy, a TALL post scoring option if not dual threat in Aldridge, cleared room for Jack and Webster (often just as important as getting a player), and resigned Pryzbilla. Their future starting 5 may actually be set!

We on the other hand have NO IDEA! Several years past Portland in rebuilding with higher drafts pick through which to do it, we still don't have a GD clue who plays where . When the front office does report to have aclue, it benches half our young talent in favor of the other half. Worse still, we had a higher draft pick, more cap space and more FA capitol in Al than Portland did and yet we came away with not only NOT a shiny new, better, rebuilt future team but a more [censored] up team after this offseason!

The other example is Toronto. Realizing Bargnani was going to duplicate one of their existing players they traded him for a very good, needed Pg. Ford may or may not be the best candidate given his health history (I did not see him play last year), but that is to be seen. He can't be worse than benching Bargnani.

Others include the signing of Chandler by Charlotte. They got their superstar in Paul. He's gonna run that team like a champ and they know if they just fill in the team needs he'll make everyone one full notch better. They got the best man to fill their young defensive post presence need. He cost them alot, but he did so when they had money to spend, something we won't have in a year or two when TRYING (and I stress that term for obvious reasons) to resign our youngin's.

We essentially have taken a pass on this offseason and we didn't have to. From draft day we should have been making deals, shrewd ones. No one is untaouchable if you plan of potentially benching them! We could have reshaped this roster to resemble a REAL TEAM not a frankenstein one. We are a laughing stock if this is how we are gonna run our franchise. Other franchises can build a team almost overnight with capitol. We had immense capitol and further [censored] ourselves. Just a GD shame.


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I honestly wish I could disagree with you on this but I can not. Our team still has zero low scoring options, one career backup point guard forced into the starting job with a huge injury history (Claxton), now two backup centers to try and be one starting one (Wright/Zaza) and still have a glut of 2/3 players.

At some point we are going to have to trade Childress and Smoove. I just pray we get back something resembling real pieces to our puzzle and not just more duplication of position.

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Guest Walter


I honestly wish I could disagree with you on this but I can not. Our team still has zero low scoring options, one career backup point guard forced into the starting job with a huge injury history (Claxton), now two backup centers to try and be one starting one (Wright/Zaza) and still have a glut of 2/3 players.

Really. I HATE to think about it, but the above is all true.

So many possibilities not explored, opportunities not taken this offseason. The least inspired offseason I can recall. SW was the only bad move, but all told just bland, uninspired, bad GMing. While teams moved forward, we had the most capitol in the league and stayed pat, escpecialy adding nothing that would make us future title contenders.


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Bernie probably said that because he thinks Sheldon will earn his spot at the 4 from what he's seen of him. you guys trip me out how you pick your favorites over the good of the team.

it will work out either way. it will be a 3 man rotation with Sheldon hopefully getting about 12 minutes a game at the 5.

that leaves 80 minutes at the forward spots assuming Sheldon plays 16 at PF. that's 32 mpg left for Smoove and Marvin with 16 left over for Chillz, etc. Chillz will get some run at SG also.

I guess your retarded because were not picking our favorites here dude to be starters at SF and PF. Were picking Marvin and SMoove for the good of the team. I like Sheldon but he is no where near ready to come in and start right away. So what are you talking about again? Your saying its best for the team that Sheldon starts at PF? your the one picking favorites it looks like. hahahahaha

it's you're as in you are not your as in something i posess.

Dear Gutzy's Mom

please watch over little Gutzy as he sojourns into the real world. he will need all the parenting he can get.


Those of us @ Hawksquawk

P.S. illiterate boy...... nobody is picking favorites here. We all have the same goal, winning! Excuse me rather "we" being the realists vs. the Billy Knight apologists.

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Bernie probably said that because he thinks Sheldon will earn his spot at the 4 from what he's seen of him. you guys trip me out how you pick your favorites over the good of the team.

it will work out either way. it will be a 3 man rotation with Sheldon hopefully getting about 12 minutes a game at the 5.

that leaves 80 minutes at the forward spots assuming Sheldon plays 16 at PF. that's 32 mpg left for Smoove and Marvin with 16 left over for Chillz, etc. Chillz will get some run at SG also.

I guess your retarded because were not picking our favorites here dude to be starters at SF and PF. Were picking Marvin and SMoove for the good of the team. I like Sheldon but he is no where near ready to come in and start right away. So what are you talking about again? Your saying its best for the team that Sheldon starts at PF? your the one picking favorites it looks like. hahahahaha

Hey Gutzy, Shelden is better suited at 4 than Marvin and Smoove together.

Shelden is strong enough to play the 4 unlike MArvin and Smoove and he is a true PF.

So for the better to this team is Shelden to start at 4 due to our lack of defense and offense can easily come of the bench if we need it.

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