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Maybe we should change the name to HawkBitch.


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My wife and I have agreed to cancel our satellite service, and since we already can't get Internet service where we live, I'm pratically forced to go outside.

Good for you. I say more power to you too!

I also know how it feels to sacrifice a luxury, as I've gone without watching television for almost a year now. It started out because of a bet I lost with my wife, and then just kind of continued on from there. I really, honestly don't miss it. We still have two televisions in the house, as I don't expect my wife and my boys to give up TV just because I've chosen to do so- especially in the winter if the weather's bad and there's not much else to do. And it's nice because my boys practice their own form of self-moderation, both of them would much rather be outside riding their bikes or skateboards, playing, going swimming and fishing, sledding or skating in winter, just doing whatever. So it's not like they're glued to the tube at all times, cause if they were I'd probably have some issues with that.

I've found that by giving up TV I have much more time to read books and magazines and listen to music, much more time to participate in outdoor activities, much more time to spend with my wife and boys (provided they're not watching TV, cause then I'll be in another room). grin.gif

So if anybody ***cough Diesel, Exodus cough*** ever tried to chide me with the popular refrain around here of "Well you're obviously not watching the games", I could only respond "Yes you're right, I can only listen to them on the radio". cool.gif

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So if anybody ***cough Diesel, Exodus cough*** ever tried to chide me with the popular refrain around here of "Well you're obviously not watching the games",

If you ever lump me in with Diesel like that again I will track you down and give you the Deliverance treatment in front of your family.

Seriously though the only person here who doesn't watch the games is Hotlanta, who has readily admitted it. The "you're not watching the games" nonsense is just a copout Diesel uses when he is getting punk'd in an argument.

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If you ever lump me in with Diesel like that again I will track you down and give you the Deliverance treatment in front of your family.

Hahahaha. sm-LOL.gif

C'mon now Luefan, just admit it. You get a kick out of Diesel, you know he's ridiculous and funny, and you can't tell me you don't enjoy arguing with the guy. wink.gif

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He doesn't argue with me any more. He has learned his lesson. I have punk'd him too many times.

It was kind of fun but it wasn't really much of a challenge though. He does a pretty good job making himself look stupid. He doesn't need my help.

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I'm trying to help make things better by ignoring some of the posters on here. I simply don't click on their posts. It works real well.

That is a horrible strategy unless you are an ostritch. I forget who said this (I want to say JS Mill) but he said something like "it is best for the majority to listen to what the minority has to say. There are two things that can happen, one you will accept what they say and it will benefit you because you hadn't thought of that. Or two, you reject what they say and that only re-affirms your position and makes it stronger." A rough paraphrase but I think you get my point.

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