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Espn-Chat with John Hollinger


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Chat with John Hollinger

Welcome to The Show! On Monday, NBA columnist John Hollinger will stop by to talk hoops and all the early movement in the offseason so far.

Hollinger also took a look at the 2007 free agent class, and he says that the class is loaded with talent.

Send your questions now and join John in The Show on Monday at 3 p.m. ET.

Hollinger archives: Columns | Chats

Buzzmaster: (2:55 PM ET ) John will be here soon. In the meantime, check out his recent story on the NBA's free agent class of 2007.

John Hollinger: (3:01 PM ET ) Greetings everyone, haven't been by here in a while. Let's see what's on everybody's minds...


vinny (ny): What do you think of the Knicks signing Jeffries?

John Hollinger: (3:03 PM ET ) It was a slightly more productive use of their money than just setting it on fire, but not by much. Washington essentially replaced his production with a minimum-wage guy in Stevenson.


Matt (Grand Rapids): How does McDyess' role change now that Ben Wallace is gone?

John Hollinger: (3:04 PM ET ) I think he''ll play more minutes than he did a year ago, because Mohammed isn't going to command 40 minutes a night. You might also see more of Detroit's other bigs, especially Maxiell.


Mike (Atlanta): What's going on in the Al Harrington-to-Indiana-but-he-fires-his-agent-before-the-deal-is-consummated saga? Still going to the Pacers? Elsewhere? What (if anything?) will the Hawks get back?

John Hollinger: (3:05 PM ET ) I think he will end up going to the Pacers, yes, as soon as his new agent convinces him there really isn't anything better on the table. All the Hawks are looking for right now is cap relief and draft picks, so unless Harrington wants to play for the Bobcats he's going to have to take the Indy deal.


Mike (No. Virginia): Who do you feel got the better of the Ford-Villanueva deal? Can you see the Raptors nearing .500 this year or even challenging for a postseason spot?

John Hollinger: (3:07 PM ET ) Milwaukee badly fleeced Toronto on that one, as I wrote earlier this summer. Despite that, I do think the Raptors might be better this year, but they're not a playoff team.


Christopher (Phoenix, AZ): Did the Suns do enough to become the class of the western conference?

John Hollinger: (3:08 PM ET ) It all depends on Amare. If he isn't back to his dominating self, then the Suns are a 50-win, one-and-done in the playoffs type of team. If he's 100%, though, they're the favorites.


Jamie (Spokane): If the T-Wolves get off to a bad start do you see them trading KG?

John Hollinger: (3:09 PM ET ) The people I've talked to in Minny insist that KG is such a creature of habit that he would never consent to being traded in the middle of a season. So I'd look for something next summer instead.


Kenny (Raleigh, NC): Who will step into the starting spot to replace Jeffries in Washington? Songaila or Stevenson?

John Hollinger: (3:09 PM ET ) I think it will be Stevenson, because otherwise the Butler-Jamison combo on the perimeter would be awfully slow. Antonio Daniels would also be in that mix.


Nate (Houston, TX): When (if) is Sidney Moncrief going to be elected to the hall of fame? From a rudimentary statistics level, he was superior to Wilkins, Worthy, and Parish, and they all got in. Seems odd that Moncrief isn't in.

John Hollinger: (3:10 PM ET ) There are so many bizarre things about the Hall of Fame, or as I call it, the College Baskeball Coaches And a Few Other Guys Hall of Fame, that I don't even know where to start. They should just nuke it and start over.


Eric, NY: Jason or Jarron Collins? Who is the better player taking their contracts into account?

John Hollinger: (3:11 PM ET ) For those of you competing for the Obscure Question of the Day Award, I hereby declare the competition over.


gill (maryland): what do you think of the Gay for Battier trade?

John Hollinger: (3:13 PM ET ) Great move by Memphis. I thought Gay was one of the premier talents int he draft and was surprised he was still availble to late, and Swift's off year last year helped Memphis land him at a discount in my opinion. You hate to trade a guy like Battier, but the Griz had to do this to snap out of the one-and-done cycle.


derrick (NY): besides Isiah give me the first coach to be fired next year?

John Hollinger: (3:14 PM ET ) If the Hawks' ownership situation gets resolves in favor of Steve Belkin, you can bet Billy Knight and Mike Woodson will get their walking papers within a nanosecond.


Mel (Dallas): What do you think of the Mavericks' additions: AJohnson, Croshere, Buckner, and George?

John Hollinger: (3:15 PM ET ) I'm not really impressed, to be honest. Yes, veteran role players like this can be helpful, but that doesn't mean you have to blow your entire midlevel on them, nor do you need to trade one of your most productive reserves (Daniels) to get players like this.


Michael (Tustin, CA): Will I see Luis Scola in a Spurs jersey this season? Do they even have a roster spot available for him?

John Hollinger: (3:16 PM ET ) Very doubtful. Spurs are already swamped with bigs since they added Butler, Elson and Bonner over the summer, to go with Duncan, Oberto and Horry. Plus any money they pay Scola will cost them double since they're at the tax limit.


D (San Diego): Who do you think should be the starting lineup of the USA Basketball Team? If and when Kobe gets there will he start? if so who gets dropped?

John Hollinger: (3:18 PM ET ) Kobe isn't playing, his knee won't be recovered in time. My best guess at the starting five is Wade, James, Anthony, Paul and Bosh.


Joe Johnson (China): Do you still think I am overrated? Last year that is all you thought of me.

John Hollinger: (3:19 PM ET ) No, now you're just overpaid. Very solid first season in Atlanta, while leaving Phoenix blasted you right back into anonymity.


Julian (Detroit, MI): Minus Ben Wallace do the Pistons make it to the second round of the playoffs? Especially considering they're not playing a 7th or 8th seed this time around.

John Hollinger: (3:20 PM ET ) You're conveniently forgetting that the Pistons still play in the Eastern Conference. That fact alone should pretty much guarantee a trip to Round 2.


Ray (Sacramento): With the signing of John Salmons and the emergence of Kevin Martin in last years playoffs, along with the new coaching staff, where do you think the Kings currently rank among the NBA's elite?

John Hollinger: (3:21 PM ET ) John Salmons can't play. As for the Kings, I think Martin can be an effective replacement for Wells but they still need another body in the frontcourt.


cap'n (crunch city): Can you explain the Suns dropping $21M on Marcus Banks when $30M for Tim Thomas was considered undoable? Thomas seems like an infintely better and more important player for Phoenix, yet they let him walk for only $9M more, and to a conference rival, no less.

John Hollinger: (3:22 PM ET ) Because the back-end risk was much greater with an older player like Thomas than a younger player like Banks. In other words, you're not just looking at what the player will do oin 2006-07, but also what he'll do in 2009-10.


Noah(Santa Monica, CA): Was the price right for Barbosa's extension?

John Hollinger: (3:23 PM ET ) Yes, I thought that was fair. Suns stil face an interesting situation next summer with the tax man, presuming they extend Diaw.


Ryan Daytona Beach: After the ending last year and D. Howard's and Jameers development, do you believe the Magic are a top 5 team in the east?

John Hollinger: (3:24 PM ET ) I think it's more accurate to say that they COULD be a top five team -- in otehr words, if the kids progress and Hill feels OK they could be very good, but I'm not sure I'd bet anything important on it.


Steve Chicago: Is Paxson the best GM in basketball?...he seems to have undone all the bad moves made by Krause in a short period of time?

John Hollinger: (3:25 PM ET ) He's done an excellent job, mostly by realizing that whomever made trades with Isiah was going to end up in a very good position. Best in basketball? Let's not go there until the Bulls have a 50-win season or two...


Chris (Broadview Heights, OH): Are the Bobcats ever going to sign players or just keep cap space for fun?

John Hollinger: (3:26 PM ET ) I don't get it all. Seems to me Bonzi Wells would be an obvious fit there, even if they just gave him a one-year deal to let him play for a contract again next summer.


Jarron Collins, Utah: I'm better then my brother...He's an overpaid stiff!

John Hollinger: (3:27 PM ET ) Whereas you're just a regularly-paid stiff. Good point.


Jeremy (Cheyenne): I've heard several times that the Pacers are looking to unload Sarunas Jasikevicius. Couldn't the Nuggets use a shooter like that? I don't see how they've improved that glaring weakness so far. Thanks.

John Hollinger: (3:28 PM ET ) I'm not sure the pieces fit together right as far as a trade between those teams. Denver's main trade pawn these days is Ruben Patterson's expiring contract, and I don't think Indy has an interest.


Ro (Tampa FL): Isiah will win 50 games next year! w

John Hollinger: (3:28 PM ET ) Only if he plays 200.


Steve Chicago: What is the worst trade you have ever seen...the one that comes to mind was Brand for Chandler!

John Hollinger: (3:29 PM ET ) Same GM, different deal. Ron Artest and Brad Miller for Jalen Rose and Ron Mercer. Worst deal in the last five years. Going back further, Chris Webber for Mitch Richmond was the stinker of the decade.


Dave (San Diego): Can Steve Nash keep up the fast pace D'Antioni wants to run through another full season?

John Hollinger: (3:30 PM ET ) That was why they signed Banks -- now they have somebody to push the pace while Nash rests. Look for him to play about 30 mpg until the postseason.


JP(Boston): Mr. Hollinger, thanks for chatting with us this offseason and answering my question. With Cuban so front and center with the Mavs, who is their main decision maker in the front office? I don't think I ever hear about their GM.

John Hollinger: (3:31 PM ET ) It's Donnie Nelson -- Don Nelson's son -- and he's quite good at what he does. Most notably, he was the one who first discovered Nowitzki.


ZEKE CHI-TOWN: Sweetney and tyrus thomas is all that's left in Chi from our trade are you sure the Bulls got the better end?

John Hollinger: (3:32 PM ET ) Guess again Zeke. Bulls have the right to switch picks with you in the first round next year, which means you'll get their pick at No. 23 or so and they'll have your lottery pick again.


John (New Orleans): You think all the signings this offseason will push the Hornets into the playoffs?

John Hollinger: (3:33 PM ET ) I think they're in the mix, but it's no guarantee. A lot of clubs in the West will be angling for those last two slots.


Luke (St. Paul, MN): What are the chances the Celtics get a big jump in production from Telfair this year? The 3rd season is often breakout time for point guards, isn't it?

John Hollinger: (3:34 PM ET ) I'm intrigued enough that I'll be keeping a close eye on him. Telfair's 3-point % went up sharply last year, so if that's a sign his jumper is comign around then he could be deadly. And moving to a faster-paced team should help too.


mitchel_houston: Who are the three most underrated players in the NBA right now? Of all time? Cassell maybe?

John Hollinger: (3:35 PM ET ) The most underrated right now is Gerald Wallace. Of all time, hands down, is Bob Pettit. Cassell used to be underrated but now is on the verge of being overrated.


Jim (DC): What about the Joe Barry Carroll and the 13th pick for Parrish and McHale trade...way worse than either you mentioned.

John Hollinger: (3:36 PM ET ) Yes, I was focusing on recent history ... somebody else mentioned the Bill Russell deal with St. Louis.


Brent (Indianapolis): Mercer went with Artest and Miller for Rose, though I would argue including the black hole Mercer doesn't make it any worse, but we did get Travis Best (you're allowed to laugh at that one).

John Hollinger: (3:37 PM ET ) Thanks for the correction, unloading Mercer was indeed the one positive for the Bulls in that trade ... besides the two months or whatever they got from Travis Best.


Jack (NYC): Must underrated: Tay Prince...

John Hollinger: (3:39 PM ET ) Not even close. Classic example of a guy whose underratedness is overrated. As a general rule, players who are on TV all the time are almost never underrated.


James (Dallas, TX): Who currently are the most overrated players in the NBA?

John Hollinger: (3:40 PM ET ) I wrote a column about this and got a torrent of messages in my inbox, so let's not go there again just yet.


RL (LA): I've watched Devean George for the last several years with the Lakers and not once did I consider him a strong defender. Now the Mavs sign him and are touting him as Griffins replacement as defensive stopper? Huh??

John Hollinger: (3:42 PM ET ) Not sure he's being billed as the stopper -- that will be Buckner's role. But they like having somebody who can hit those corner 3s and stretch the D a little -- they could have used that in the Finals last year. Unfortunately, George doesn't bring much else to the table.


Randall (Milwaukee): What do you see coming out of the new Bucks team this year and in the upcoming years with Redd, Bogut, and Villanueva together?

John Hollinger: (3:43 PM ET ) I think they have a very exciting future. Dont' forget about Gadzuric and Mo Williams either. Now Terry Stotts has to prove that he's the guy to coach them.


Roger (Santa Ana): How far do you think the Lakers will make it in the playoffs (if they make it) and do you think the acquisitions will help at all?

John Hollinger: (3:45 PM ET ) I thnk the Lakers will be one of the teams fighting for that last playoff spot, presuming reasonable healthy from Kobe. As for the offseason, I wasn't a big fan of the Radmanovic deal -- not sure what he does that Brian Cook didn't already do for about 1/4 the money.


Cole(UT): Kirilenko is the most underrated, he does it all.

John Hollinger: (3:46 PM ET ) Two years ago, I would have agreed with you, but his past two campaigns haven't been quite as strong.


Cole UT: I'll give you 5 dollars if you answer a Jazz question

John Hollinger: (3:46 PM ET ) You can send the check to ESPN.com, Bristol, CT.


Jeff (NJ): Assuming health, do you see the Redick/Bogans combo as constituting a major upgrade over Stevenson?

John Hollinger: (3:48 PM ET ) Redick will give Orlando something different with his shooting, so in that sense he should help quite a bit. Bogans is about 95% of what Stevenson was, so I wouldn't expect a big difference there. So basically, it depends on Redick.


Scot (Portland): Marion is underrated.

John Hollinger: (3:48 PM ET ) Considering he led his team in points, rebounds, blocks, and steals, and yet one of his teammates won the MVP award while he got nary a vote, I would have to agree.


Michael (Tustin, CA): 95% of NBA players are overrated. They lack fundamentals whatsoever and that is the main problem with the NBA today.

John Hollinger: (3:50 PM ET ) Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Billy Packer to the chat room.


Matt,MPLS : What do the Timberwolves do with the 8 players they have under contract that all play the 1 or 2 guard position? They are extremely thin in the front court and two of those guys don't offer much but hussle.

John Hollinger: (3:52 PM ET ) You mean Justin Reed's multi-year deal doesn't solve their problems? .... Minny has more bad contracts than any team in the league, and as you mentioned they're concentrated in the backcourt, so it's creating a roster crowd. McHale has his work cut out in digging out from this mess.


Antoine Walker (Miami): Hi John, I'd humbly like to nominate myself as the most overrated player in the league. Thanks.

John Hollinger: (3:52 PM ET ) You would have been my top pick a few years ago. Now, you're so renowned for being overrated that I'm not sure you're overrated anymore, if you get my drift.


Matt (USA): No Team USA questions yet? Are we going to win a gold at the world championships or what?

John Hollinger: (3:54 PM ET ) We had one question earlier, but we're still 12 days away from the main event. USA has to be the favorite, but in a single-elimination tournament nothing is guaranteed. Argentina, France and Spain should all be very tough.

John Hollinger: (3:54 PM ET ) Folks, that's all the time I have. Thanks for all the great questions and we'll do this again soon.

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No. It wasn't JJ.

I would like to see Hollinger break down the list of 2s who are overpaid if he thinks JJ is paid too much. Comparing him to Redd and Hughes, JJ looks like a bargain.

My favorite line:


vinny (ny): What do you think of the Knicks signing Jeffries?

John Hollinger: (3:03 PM ET ) It was a slightly more productive use of their money than just setting it on fire, but not by much. Washington essentially replaced his production with a minimum-wage guy in Stevenson.

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I hope he likes the taste of crow;

"Johnson is a fine, durable player who has improved every year, plays solid defense, can handle multiple positions, and is a deadly shooter. That said, he might be the league's most overrated player. For somebody to offer a maximum contract for the next five years for Johnson's production is beyond ludicrous. For two teams to fight over who gets to do so . . . um, they know he's not that good, right?

This fact should become very obvious once the halo effect of the 2004-05 Suns goes away. The mirage that is Johnson's stardom was a combination of Phoenix's fast pace and Johnson's extremely high minutes. When people see that he averaged 17.1 points per game, had a 47.8 mark on 3-pointers, and can play the point, they assume that Johnson is a star in the making. But Johnson's per-minute stats tell a different story. His 17.3 points per 40 minutes are nothing special, and despite all the 3s his TS% was unexceptional because he gets to the line so rarely. None of Johnson's other numbers are strong selling points either, but Atlanta's $70 million act of desperation got him superstar money anyway.

Other than 3-point shooting, defense is Johnson's best asset. His Defensive PER was very solid and his ability to guard the opponents' top perimeter threat every night was a key to the Suns' defense. He is big for his position and can defend any position other than center because he's so versatile. Johnson's other primary asset is durability. He hasn't missed a regular season game in over three years and rarely needs to come out of games, which is greatly helpful to a team like Phoenix that had no bench.

Those skills make him valuable and perhaps make him worth more than the midlevel exception.(LOL) But contrary to popular belief, there is nothing in his track record to suggest he'll ever be a star-caliber player. As a result, the team that paid $70 million for him is getting a bologna sandwich when they thought they ordered filet mignon."

This was a case where stats don't really tell you the story. A lot depends on the circumstances.

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Joe Johnson (China): Do you still think I am overrated? Last year that is all you thought of me.

John Hollinger: (3:19 PM ET ) No, now you're just overpaid. Very solid first season in Atlanta, while leaving Phoenix blasted you right back into anonymity.

You wanna know what Hollinger doesn't realize?

That although JJ's cap hit is 4 years, ~$55.4M, he's only due to be paid ~$44.1M.

Year 1: $9.6M

Year 2: $10.5M

Year 3: $11.5M

Year 4: $12.5M

Would you pay JJ this kind of money? I would. Considering his average of 22/7 after the break, is that really overpaid either?

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Yeah for the first time in a LONG time, the first month is huge for us, and will go a long way in determining our season. Usually we didn't stand a chance. This year we can come out and establish ourselves with a winning record and set the tone. If we blow the first month, we'll be in for another long season.

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He's "perhaps" worth more than the MLE. ROTFL

So, it's not a sure thing? He might be worth more than the MLE, but then again, he might not. After all, only fine players like JOHN F-ING SALMONS get the MLE. OH, my sides.


Oh yeah, and Jared Jeffries, too. ZEKE! YOU DA MAN!


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ZEKE CHI-TOWN: Sweetney and tyrus thomas is all that's left in Chi from our trade are you sure the Bulls got the better end?

John Hollinger: (3:32 PM ET ) Guess again Zeke. Bulls have the right to switch picks with you in the first round next year, which means you'll get their pick at No. 23 or so and they'll have your lottery pick again.



SOME KNICK FAN THINKS IT WAS A GOOD TRADE. WOW THAT MADE MY DAY. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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They traded 3 lottery picks (if you include Sweetney) for the *right* to make Eddy Curry their personal albatross.

That has an outstanding chance to go down as the absolute WORST trade in NBA history. I'm not even close to exaggerating here.

I wouldn't go that far. The absolute worst trade in NBA history would take something like the Bulls landing Oden and both Oden and Thomas panning out as expected and leading to multiple championships.

You have to beat out the JBC for McHale/Parrish among others.

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