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I say we trade Al for Dwight Howard!


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Seeing that everybody wants to talk about Deals that are not on the table as though they are... This is the deal that's not on the table that I would want the most.

When you guys want to talk about the pros and cons of what's really on the table, let me know!

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I could write a Dwight Howard Manifesto and on every other post, I could tell you how getting Dwight Howard would be so much better than getting what we will probably get...

Then I could tell you that if BK doesn't get this trade done... He should be fired. Or something like that that really makes you think that the other team MUST give us what we want and if BK doesn't pull their arm then it's his fault...

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Al/Marvin for Dwight Howard/Filler.

There's no way that Orlando can deny this trade.

Marvin was a #2 pick overall for Godsakes.

It don't matter what kind of bad contract we have to take back. Hell, we can chip in on the Grant Hill debt... Orlando must see the intelligence in this trade. They would have no choice but to do it!

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If we're going to talk about trades that will not happen,

Let's not talk about a trade for a guy who has done nothing?? We may as well be talking about draft picks. Let's talk about a guy with a track record that we can look at and say "He's going somewhere". That's why I say, let's trade for Howard.

Al/Marvin for Howard.

How can Orlando say no?

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they would laugh at that trade.

They could get a superstar for howard right now IMO.

i highly dought they would trade Howard..to atl, and pay harringon 10 mil, then hope and pray that Marvin that turn out to be special.

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I could write a Dwight Howard Manifesto and on every other post, I could tell you how getting Dwight Howard would be so much better than getting what we will probably get...

Then I could tell you that if BK doesn't get this trade done... He should be fired. Or something like that that really makes you think that the other team MUST give us what we want and if BK doesn't pull their arm then it's his fault...

It's tiring isn't it? I've given up, but in fairness to W at least there are rumors of Bynum being on the table.

Is it out of the realm of possibility that Howard will ask to be traded to Atlanta? What do you guys think are the main things that prevent that from happening?

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You know...

I wrote this tongue in cheek and there were some who took this just as seriously...

I don't think Orlando would ever give up Howard. I think the only way we have a chnace is if he refuses to sign his qualifying offer and sits out until he's traded to us.

WIll that happen?? I really hope that part of BK's master scheme is the secret deal between him and Dwight Howard Sr. and us collecting all these bodies was just us finding enough talent to please Orlando in a forced trade...

However, I don't think so.

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Actually, I just read that NY is going to be shopping Rose, QRich. I think Zeke is desparate for talent that can play now.

I think Zeke's stance on Frye has changed now that he is in charge and his butt is on the line.

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I'm not so sure how far fetched it is for Dwight to end up in Atlanta either. He wanted to play for us so bad, and was nearly devestated when we didn't get a top pick in the lottery. Given that Orlando was not that interested in him, I think we should have done whatever it took to move up to #1 overall and take him.

People have forced trades in the past, and perhaps it is Orlando's destiny to get some of the best players in their early years only to have them leave or get injured. I don't think Dwight is in it for the money, and seems like the type to value dinner at mom's more than a big contract. Also, I think he would love to have a Warrick Dunn type impact on the Atlanta community.

Howard, getting lucky in this year's lottery, and somehow landing KG are my top three wishes for the fortunes of our franchise to change. I like what I see in JJ, Marvin, and Smoove, but I honestly don't see championship potential in that 3some.

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You know its funny I have heard Howard wants to come back to Atlanta but he's obviously not going to say it publically until he's at a point where he can sign an offer sheet here.

Right, and from my understanding Orlando is going to have to make him happy. That means bring in who he wants to make the team a contender. Work the team round him like Toronto's doing Bosh. So far so good...

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rom my understanding Orlando is going to have to make him happy. That means bring in who he wants to make the team a contender. Work the team round him like Toronto's doing Bosh. So far so good...

While we're sitting here bidding our time waiting for Howard to be free agent and choose Atlanta..

I think our CONCERN should be that Orlando doesn't make a strong pitch to JSmoove!

If we continue to try to play JSmoove out of position or to play JSmoove off the bench, what's to stop him from going to play with his buddy?

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Right, and from my understanding Orlando is going to have to make him happy. That means bring in who he wants to make the team a contender. Work the team round him like Toronto's doing Bosh. So far so good...

I don't think Dwight was real happy with Orlando management when they fired Clifford Ray.

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What I meant by that comment was that they did not consider him to be the equivalent to a once a generation player like other #1 picks have been. They were considering taking Okafor instead. I think we would have been able to put together a package to get him.

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