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I say we trade Al for Dwight Howard!


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  • Premium Member

The health concerns about Okafor (which btw are proving to be legit) scared them off enough to draft Howard. I can't blame Orlando after the Grant Hill debacle. I do know that Howard was expecting at first to drop down to Atlanta's pick but it did not happen. Somehow the expectation has settled in that Dwight doesn't want to leave Orlando but that's not all what I've heard.

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I thought you were a reporter..


Howard and Smith are friends, having attended the same preschool and are now Southeast Division rivals. In the days preceding the draft, Howard said, "Josh said he was ready (for the jump), and we're ready to play against one another."

Smith, who transferred for his senior season to national power Oak Hill Academy (Mouth of Wilson, Va.), has known Howard's competitive side while growing up in Powder Springs, Ga. "We played for the consummate AAU program, and for both of us to go in the first round is amazing," Smith said.

You know that they played on the Atlanta Celtics together for a few years and went to pre-school togehter...basically grew up together...

I have a hard time believing that all they are are Cordial.

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Seeing that everybody wants to talk about Deals that are not on the table as though they are... This is the deal that's not on the table that I would want the most.

When you guys want to talk about the pros and cons of what's really on the table, let me know!

*wakes up startled*

uhhh... oh.... i'm sorry. did Diesel just propose another trade?!?! confused.gifgrin.gifconfused.gifgrin.gif

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What I meant by that comment was that they did not consider him to be the equivalent to a once a generation player like other #1 picks have been. They were considering taking Okafor instead. I think we would have been able to put together a package to get him.

it was public news that we did try, but didn't have enough to give em to make it worth it

remember, it was a 5-person draft (howard/okafor/livingston/harris/gordon) and we had pick #6

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For interest. I do propose deals.

However, I present them as proposals.

You have Walter and others walking around as if we have turned down Bynum. Making Manifestos. Saying that BK should be fired if he takes Mihm over Bynum... when the truth of the matter is that Bynum is not on the table. There has been NO Legitimate printed rumor about Bynum being on the table.

So my contention with this thread is...

IF you want to talk about Deals that will never happen, let's talk about us getting Howard.

As you can see, it's more interesting.

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