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Thought Process and Arrogance!!!


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I am getting sick and tired of the arrogance of some of you guys on here. I mean some of you crap on our players and praise the garbage on other teams. For instance Zaza put up 12 and 8 last year. Considering his salary that is a steal. He isn't the best defender in the world but you guys are acting as if he can't improve but you are ready to give half the team away for Bynum and the only thing he has everydone was dominate high school kids and dunk on a overweight, broken down, Shaq. We need to start appreciating what we have here. Zaza played hard every night and with AL gone he may very well put up 15+ and 10+ next season. But for some reason that may not be enough for you guys. Teams would love to have ZAZA. But you guys seem to overlook the major flaws that other players have (Dalembert, Magloire, Iverson, Camby, NeNE. Swift, etc. No player is perfect. Same with Marvin and Smooth. You guys get on here and run them down for what they can't do instead of looking at the fact that they are improving. But then turn right around and discuss trades that would get overpaid bums on this team and some of which don't even start for the team that they are currently on or trade for players who are on teams more talented than Atlanta and in the process making that team better and making us a mirror image of the team we trade with (Iverson).

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I agree with whoever said with the exception of KB's rampant manlove of Billy Knight we have a pretty good view of this team as a general rule. Of course the original poster is the one who was railing against everyone here for not agreeing lockstep with him.

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A lot to address in your rant, but I'll just address a couple things.

I think most people recognize that Zaza is a good bargain, while at the same time know that his position needs an upgrade. I respect Zaza, but we need Shelden to be a dominant defense player to overcome his weaknesses. I commend Zaza for his effort though.

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...Considering his salary that is a steal. He isn't the best defender in the world ...

How many positive Zaza quotes has anybody read that don't have something like "considering his salary"...it's because he otherwise isn't getting the job done - but he sucks on defense cheaply - great logic. Go Hawks! Play Lorenzen!

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How many positive Zaza quotes has anybody read that don't have something like "considering his salary"...it's because he otherwise isn't getting the job done -
but he sucks on defense cheaply

Exactly. At some point we have to get guys who can actually play and not just guys who are "bargains".

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Zaza played hard every night and with AL gone he may very well put up 15+ and 10+ next season. But for some reason that may not be enough for you guys. Teams would love to have ZAZA. But you guys seem to overlook the major flaws that other players have (Dalembert, Magloire, Iverson, Camby, NeNE. Swift, etc.

You are not going to win with this crowd! They have already made up their minds that players like Chris Wilcox would be a great addition to the team and we should pay him $7-$10 mil a year eventhough he has not shown consistency offense or defense at no point in his career. We also should have paid Chandler $12 mil a year eventhough the boy can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

Someone asked the question of will we resign Josh Smith when he becomes a free agent. One of the responses was "we may not be able to afford him!" I just laughed to myself realizing that the same person probably put a hundred post on this message board recommending that we sign some back-up player from another team for the same amount and felt good about it.

I agree, these are the most unusual fans that I have ever been exposed to!

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ZAZA is a ripe old man at 22 years of age. Yeah, I guess he can't improve right? Bogut is 22 but everyone is high on him. That's interesting. BTW, if ZAZA were in this years draft he would have been a lottery pick. The same people who love Shelden need to understand that Shelden is OLDER than Pachulia. If Shelden averages 12 and 8 he would be a freaking hero. But not big Z...just FYI there are a lot of teams who would love to have a 22 year old center who put up 12 and 8. But some HAWKS fans don't think thats good enough. They pick apart his game but defend Shelden the superstiff Williams.

I think that I might cut Z a little slack. We are lucky to have him.

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How many positive Zaza quotes has anybody read that don't have something like "considering his salary"...it's because he otherwise isn't getting the job done -
but he sucks on defense cheaply

Exactly. At some point we have to get guys who can actually play and not just guys who are "bargains".

So you want to trade "bargain" for "overpaid"?

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Zaza is a relatively undersized C who shoots less than 50% and plays very poor defense. Other than that, he's a bargain.

He's 6'11", shot 45% because of having to take too many jumpers, and was hung out to dry by poor defense on the whole team.

Zaza is so unfairly criticized around here. Shame he doesn't play for another team so we can all drool over the prospect of overpaying him in an upcoming off-season.

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He's 6'11", shot 45% because of having to take too many jumpers, and was hung out to dry by poor defense on the whole team.

So is that why he was one of the league leaders in getting his shot blocked, because he took too many jumpers?


Show me one starting center in the NBA who shot 45% and blocked only .5 shots per game.

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Zaza with the ball on offense is painful to watch. He needs to get to where he can actually make the medium range jumper because his inside game is fairly useless without that. The "young bargain" could certainly improve and move up to being a mid-level NBA center - but it isn't certain. His post move is usually just ramming into somebody and trying to get a foul call. Many teams have backup centers that are superior to him.

We had to draft Shelden to get him inside D help - that should say something right there. He's 6'11" and plays like he's 6'8".

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I thought a blocked shot doesn't count as a FGA.

Anyways, I haven't heard anyone suggest that we trade or cut Zaza so it's not as if people want him off the team. If his criticism is not valid say why.

Does he play good defense? Is he a good shot blocker? Does he have good post moves?

Zaza is Vlade Divac lite, and there's nothing wrong with that. It still doesn't mean we shouldn't acquire a better player.

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We didn't play good team defense at all last season People had layup drills against us because they first blew past the Hawk player that was defending him. We were a bad defensive team last year and it was more than the fault of ZAZA. If ZaZA was a good shotblocker he would have got them all. If Shelden is the player that we saw at DUKE then he would compliment ZAZA greatly. AS for his shots ZAZA was starting to knock down his jumper a little more late in the season.

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