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Falcon's Defense:


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It's been along time since I was excited about our defense, or anyone's for that matter. We have potential to be very tough and this will make Mike Vick better. It should keep down opponents score, get better field position and more turnovers. Have to applaud the Falcon's front office for going out and getting talent to make it happen.

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I love our front four but I have two concerns:

1. No run stuffer on the front line. Chad Lavalais (never can spell his name right) is not a good run stopping DT. He's just not big enough.

2. I love and I mean LOVE the guy but Lawyer Milloy was cut by the Pats almost four years ago due to his losing a step. The Bills cut him as well. Concerning the speed of the WRs in our division (steve smith, galloway, donte stallworth) it has me concerned. I know Milloy will never play man coverage with a wideout but still. I know he's here just to plug the run but eh I'm worried about his age.

Everything should be fine.

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I think it is a classy thing to have Dion come in and tutor the defensive backs. He also had Magic come in. Demonstrates some thinking that really is focused on taking these guys to the next level.

I will never forget what Bill Walsh said. He wanted to hire Mora for SF, but instead they went with Mariuchi? I thihk we made a great hire.

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1. You spelled Lavalais correct. cool.gif And I agree that we could use a space filler on the line. Big Daddy Dan Wilkinson just signed with Miami (I think) yesterday. I'd be fine with just about any 300+ pound DT to line up next to Coleman. Assuming we get a big body that could tie up the C/G, that would free up EVERYONE else on the D-Line to go 1-on-1 with their lineman. That would make our line that much worse to deal with.

2. I think that with as much speed as we'll have on the field with Hall and Williams (once he takes over the starting role), we'll be just fine. Those two guys can keep up with just about anybody, which makes the addition of a run-stopper like Milloy fit perfectly. Milloy and Crocker can sit back in a 2 deep zone or in the box and I'd be confident with our corners (even if we go with a nickel and have Webster on the field) and their ability to man up.

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I keep hearing rumors that we are at least considering Brenson Buckner or Grady Jackson to fill in the big NT need we have. Our first preseason game had our interior DL getting nailed and moved around badly by the Pats and letting their guards or FB get clean blocks on our LBs. We can't have that and expect to win games.

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