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Al trade better be for a 2007 first round pick.


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I repeat.

If we suck enough to get a top 10 player in 2008 I will shoot myself.

This is the mentality we have to change with Hawks fans. We shouldn't be excited because there are guards available in 2008. We are done rebuilding. What in the *uck are we going to do with a HS/College freshman point guard rookie when we are supposed to be EC contenders by then. We are set at point guard. We have 4 point guards all in their 20's. In fact we are set at every position now. All I want to see added to this team are role player specialist...namely

Another scorer (ala Jerry Stackhouse type)

A defensive specialist (ala Bonzi Wells type)

I don't want any more damn rookies, or developmental players. This is our team






Extended bench: Este, Solomon

NBDL Rep: Ivey

That's it. We are done..that's the lineup. With the exception of some fine tuning BK's vision is complete.

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I repeat.

If we suck enough to get a top 10 player in 2008 I will shoot myself....

Well JB, at least you didn't say where you would shoot yourself or with what :-) The Hawks are a dangerous organization to bet on.

If the worst does happen, I would recommend shooting yourself in the foot....with a rubber band.

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I repeat.

If we suck enough to get a top 10 player in 2008 I will shoot myself.

This is the mentality we have to change with Hawks fans. We shouldn't be excited because there are guards available in 2008. We are done rebuilding. What in the *uck are we going to do with a HS/College freshman point guard rookie when we are supposed to be EC contenders by then. We are set at point guard. We have 4 point guards all in their 20's. In fact we are set at every position now. All I want to see added to this team are role player specialist...namely

Another scorer (ala Jerry Stackhouse type)

A defensive specialist (ala Bonzi Wells type)

I don't want any more damn rookies, or developmental players. This is our team






Extended bench: Este, Solomon

NBDL Rep: Ivey

That's it. We are done..that's the lineup. With the exception of some fine tuning BK's vision is complete.

I think we are set at every position like you say except for the center position. I don't know about anyone else but I don't like zaza being our primary center for the future. Don't get me wrong I love Zaza but I think he is more equipped to be our backup of the future unless he becomes a great defensive player somehow which i don't see happening. I just think with the glut of big men in next year's draft we can make one more pick on a project center that we can groom along with Zaza and Lo Wright. We need the 07pick badly since we don't have one at all next year. If it is an 08pick then maybe we can make a trade to get into next years draft?

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I agree, sadly. This team hasn't sniffed the playoffs since what 1997? God I can't believe its been that long. This team would be lucky to be in the playoffs in two years if the current roster doesn't change.

98-99 frown.gif

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I agree, sadly. This team hasn't sniffed the playoffs since what 1997? God I can't believe its been that long. This team would be lucky to be in the playoffs in two years if the current roster doesn't change.

I strongly disagree. Even with no changes, this team will push for the playoffs this year and definitely make it the following year, no questions asked. That's the good thing about getting solid youth. Your team will improve naturally.

Now if we're talking about contending, then yes, we have some work to do...

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You will excuse me if I find it a bit too optimistic to write the Hawks in arbitrarily into the playoffs when its been eight straight years and growing since we were last in the playoffs. Obviously I want them to do well but I don't think the group we have now is good enough to do it.

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I don't know about anyone else but I don't like zaza being our primary center for the future.

Definitely. And i think they need to make that upgrade this summer. If they don't (Lo is not the answer) they may find it even more difficult to find a center in the future.

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Guest Walter


Pacer Digest board fans are stating that the deal is for a protected 2008 or 2009. We better get a 2007 pick unless Billy thinks that the franchise point guard is in the 2008 draft.

We really needed to get our last project player NOW and resolve our Sf glut. Trading Al with a young talent like Chill for a true, potentially dominant center like Bynum would have accomplished that. If not that then another move, but the point is...we can't keep punting during rebuilding. Rebuilding never gets done putting off the bold move and and not making the hard decision.

We are going to continue to develop a group of guys we know won't play together because a major move is necessary and we will be somewhat forced into fashioning this roster they way the young players as FAs dictate if they remain unhappy and leave. A lost team with no team objective. That's where we're heading. WE sould have put the last potential piece together in a project true center like Bynum. If he pans out as a dominant post player like he should we do not need to make a single change to our team for years. If not, he's still a 7+'er with value.


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I was jiving right along with your sentiments...then I realized something:

how often do 7' centers, regardless of 'potential' really get traded?

Granted, its not an infrequent event, but in considering the question, I realized that most 'centers', especially those with much 'value' are signed as FA's, not traded (and feel free to call me out on this). I'm not completely sure why...but it would seem that with centers, perhaps more than any other position in the league, is a profound representation of the old addage, "the grass is always greener"...

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Even with no changes, this team will be a contending team simply due to the improvements the current players will have. With Marvin Williams and Joe Johnson, the Hawks have two players that a championship caliber team can be built around, and they also have very good auxillary pieces surrounding them at this point with Josh Smith, Speedy Claxton, Zaza Pachulia, Josh Childress, and Shelden Williams. Due to Billy Knight's diligence in building this team the right way, the Hawks no longer have to overcome talent issues. The talent is in place. The only learning curve that this Hawks team has to overcome is the experience curve.

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Quit bothering people with facts, Nick. No one wants facts. They only want to lump what's going on now with what happened with the previous regime. The FACT that Billy Knight is going into year 3 of his rebuilding is irrelevent to them. To them, Billy is also responsible for the Pete Babcock years from 1999-2003.

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The only hole I see is at center. Everywhere else i think they are fine but they won't be legit contenders with a Zaza/Lo center combo.

Considering Shelden/Smith will be getting the majority of the minutes at the 4 and they are both short for the position the Hawks need a center who is a strong defender to back them up.

Offensively I think they are fine as is but defensively the center spot will hurt them.

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You will excuse me if I find it a bit too optimistic to write the Hawks in arbitrarily into the playoffs when its been eight straight years and growing since we were last in the playoffs. Obviously I want them to do well but I don't think the group we have now is good enough to do it.

You sir, know what the hell you are talking about.

There's too many young players on your team. And the veterans tend to leave as soon as their contracts are up. No long term stability will hamper any franchise. It doesn't surprise me that BK is just letting Al walk without trying his damnest to convince him to stay. Why give up Al for a never-has-been M. Williams and a never-will be S. Williams? Al is better than both of your Power Forwards combined. Claxton is one of the most overrated players in the league. There's a reason he's always been a backup, and its not because he was never given a chance. I just don't see how he's going to improve your team by the 15 wins needed in order to make a push for the playoffs.

And to the poster that said that there should be no more rebuilding done to the club- I agree 100%. Use your draft picks as trade bait to aquire some good players. Not this year of course wink.gif

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