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Falcons vs. Pats


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Two things that really jumped out at me:

1. Norwood can really pick em up and set em down. Something we haven't really had in a few years.

2. Our depth has definately improved. The guys covering the game commented on it. I think our new GM has been there enough years to develop some depth.

Looks like it could be an interesting year.

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We need a run stuffer STAT on that defensive line. Holy God they just got dominated against the run tonight. The only one that did anything at all was Jackson. We need a big veteran fat body on the DL that knows his only role is to fill space and let the other 3 do their thing in pushing upfield.

Am I the only that wonders why Jordan Beck isn't being considered or at least given a chance to start at MIKE and Hartwell let go? Where was Hartwell at all tonight?

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So who should the falcons keep Brain Randall or DJ Shockley? Personally I would like to keep both of them and trade Shaub. Shaub could start for another team. DJ & Randall could sit behind Vick for a few years while they learn but still have enough talent to be good backups.

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Norwood is the real deal. He WAS the offense for two years in Mississippi and even with defenses keying on him, he still racked up yardage.

I didn't get to see the game but I'll give the 1st team defense a mulligan this game. With so many faces up the middle (Milloy, Crocker, Hartwell coming back from injury) it'll take a little more game time for them to get comfortable with one another. It'll be downright scary once those guys get used to playing off one another's tendencies though.

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I think our run D will be fine. It was their first non-practice situation together. I don't expect them to be great in the first game. Just get a better with every game and we'll be fine.

Brooking just sprained his ankle. Shouldn't keep him out much.

Norwood is FAST and he moves VERY well. I wouldn't mind seing this guy on return duty too.

Shockley looked good. He was making good passes, although his receivers were dropping them.

If both of these guys show that they can step up and be solid contributors when needed, I would not be surprised to start hearing rumors of Shaub and/or Duckett being on the blocks.

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1. I LOVE our QB situation. All 4 guys have talent and they all showed some good things. Vick was composed and accurate. Schaub was solid except for that one ill-advised pass that was intercepted in the end zone. Randall has a better arm than I thought. Shockley was incredibly poised considering the situation.

2. I LOVE our RB situation. Dunn, Duckett and Norwood all had some really nice plays. That said, I would NOT trade TJ at this point for Ashley Lelie or Jerry Porter. First, I don't like either of those guys' attitudes but more importantly, I think Norwood is so similar to Dunn that I would still like to have TJ's power running as an option. What MAY end up being the deal is that if DUNN is the one who is too expensive to resign next year, we end up resigning TJ to split time with Norwood. In other words, Norwood becomes Dunn's successor.

3. I saw some good things out of our WRs but some bad things too. Jenkins looked very good but Roddy White missed at least two passes that hit him in the hands. We need him to make the routine plays as well as the spectacular ones. Jennings looked okay but he didn't come up with a ball or two he could have had. I thought Youngblood did well both catching and blocking. Maybe he takes over for Finn. I like his size.

5. The O-Line was very solid. Omiyale and Ojinaka were VERY impressive. They could both be solid down the road.

4. Our run D still needs to get better and it is NOT all on the DT who plays beside Coleman. Coleman needs to get his pad level lower if he is going to defend the run better. A lot of those long runs went right where he should have been. Still, when Lavalais, Lake and Shropshire combined for no tackles and no sacks, it can't be good. I like Tommy Jackson from Auburn best at that spot. In addition, the linebackers and the safeties have to get off their blocks better too.

5. Overall, not a bad effort.

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