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Could Gooden be a possibility??


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  • Premium Member


Gooden had dreams of the $60 million deal that Denver Nuggets forward Nene received. Only the Charlotte Bobcats are believed to have that kind of salary-cap room to try to lure Gooden, but they have no need for him.

I think Cleveland Low balled Gooden with their offer. If after the fog clears in the whole AL mess, could we then make an offer to Gooden say 4 year 36 million.

I don't care if we get him. I just want to see Cleveland come out of their comfort zone to resign him.

IF they don't, we get a good young PF, who fits.

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He is overrated. He can rebound but no team seems to want him. He has been traded from Memphis, Orlando and now Clevland is no hurry to sign him. They don't even think he is their best PF. Their future is with Varejao.

The Nene contract was a huge mistake and was very stupid on Denver's part. They could have resigned him for a lot less but they were in too much of a rush to make sure they had insureance for Keyon Martin.

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I think the main problem is that he's a rfa. So any team that makes an offer knows that Cleveland is primed to resign him. As I look at Cleveland, they have a few guys, but they would still have to resign Gooden if he signed with anybody else. The only other team who he could sign with is Charlotte who has about 50 PFs. I think it's good strategy to make a team pay more for one of their fringe stars than to get away with a low ball offer.

Hell, 4 years at 33.6 million. It still gets the job done.

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