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Can we realistically make the playoffs this season


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I was just looking over the the teams in the EC and realized that although we sucked last year. I really could not say that they are 8 teams going into next season that are that far better that us.

These are that teams that are guaranteed a spot.

1. Miami

2. Detroit

Middle Of The pack teams (an injury away from not being in the playoffs )



New Jersey

Chicago (?)

this leaves two slots left for the playoffs. Of all the teams left I don't think that any of them are head and shoulders better that we are. If we would not have gotten off to that bad start we probably would have been in the hunt last season.

So I realistically think that we can make the playoffs next season. I know that there are a few moves left to be made but I think that we could do it.

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I think we will at least battle for the 8th spot at some point this season, although it will take some luck for us to make it. Here are the important factors in my opinion (in no particular order):

(1) We have to stay relatively healthy, especially JJ. This is probably the most important factor.

(2) Josh Smith needs to play at or above the level he was playing over the second half of the season and take some offensive pressure off of JJ.

(3) Marvin needs to consistently score around 15 ppg and take some offensive pressure off of JJ.

(4) Chill needs to continue to improve and hit his outside jump shot, and he can't wait until the second half of the season to start playing well.

(5) We need the additions of Speedy, Wright, and Shelden to pay dividends in terms of improving the defense. The young guys also have more experience and the team will have some continuity, so that should also help our D.

(6) We need to rebound the ball better. Hopefully losing Al and using Smoove, Shelden, and Lo Wright at PF will help us in this area.

(7) We need Speedy to pan out as a legitimate starting PG who can push the ball, get in the lane, play D, and take the pressure of JJ. We also need him to play at least 60 games.

(8) We need to have cofindence and play with a sense of urgency from the beginning.

If we can do all these things then I would not be surprised to really see us compete for a playoff spot.

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If you look at teams that have gone through significant tragedies, it makes them find out what they are made of. The Panthers a couple years ago had a teammate with cancer and they rallied around him and did well. The Hornets last year showed real moxy after the hurricane. And from my own experience given that my wife and daughter have both successfully battled cancer, it causes one to consider what is really important in life. The dark night of the soul causes growth that can't be learned any other way. Adversity brings about maturity in a way that nothing else can. And if you look at our team, Jason's death knocked them on their butts for a while. But after they got up and caught their stride, they became a decent team last year. And you've gotta wonder what that will do to their maturity this year. The word on Smoove's offseason work ethic is a good sign. Maybe we'll be the dark horse who surprises everyone.

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I'll add to your points and say that Zaza needs to improve a bit on his defense. Don't get me wrong. I love his heart and fire but damn! His defense blew most of last year and that cannot happen again if we have a prayer of making the playoffs.

You are dead on, Zaza has to step up and improve his d game or we will witness a "open middle" while he is in the game. His responsiblity on the court last year was one of our weakest areas. That cannot continue to be the case if we are to be a playoff team. Everyone on this team has to improve for us to make the playoffs. I hope there is a little healty competition between team members on who will improve the most this summer. From the looks of things, Smooth is out front.

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I just don't see the playoffs as realistic this year. Too much youth in both the roster and the coaching staff. To get in the playoffs we probably need 39 to 40 wins. That's an improvement of 13 to 14 wins, which I don't think is probable. Its more likely that we'll end up around 36+/- 2 games. Yes, we have an outside shot, but I just don't think its probable.

Woody's in-game management could be the deciding factor coming into the final 20 games. IF he's gotten better by that time then we sneak in, but if he continues like these past two seasons then he'll cost us 5 games (over the season, 2 of which will be in the last 20) and the playoffs.

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It doesn't take much experience to get to the playoffs. Look at Memphis, Chicago, Milwaukee, and Washington. Those were inexperienced teams that made it to the playoffs last year.

I don't think you can blame our coaching staff this year either. Our coaching staff is actually very experienced in playoffs matters. Both Woody and Herb have coached for Larry Brown for years. I think Herb actually was a head coach somewhere himself.

But I don't think we make the playoffs because they will be 8 other teams that can end up better than us.

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We are young but everyone of our projected starters with the exception of Marvin would have had over 2 years of NBA experience. Our back court has over 4 years experience. We still have grizzled vets in Lue and Lo. Unless Smoove and Marvin aren't the potential stars we think they are, we should be a playoff team. The way I see it, we are at least as good as the Bucks, and the Bulls pre-Wallace. If those teams can get decent seeds in the playoffs I know that we are good enough to get 7-8 seed.

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I was just looking over the the teams in the EC and realized that although we sucked last year. I really could not say that they are 8 teams going into next season that are that far better that us.

These are that teams that are guaranteed a spot.

1. Miami

2. Detroit

Middle Of The pack teams (an injury away from not being in the playoffs )



New Jersey

Chicago (?)

this leaves two slots left for the playoffs. Of all the teams left I don't think that any of them are head and shoulders better that we are. If we would not have gotten off to that bad start we probably would have been in the hunt last season.

So I realistically think that we can make the playoffs next season. I know that there are a few moves left to be made but I think that we could do it.

I don't see how you can make the playoffs without a developed second option. The Hawks will suffer some pains on offense at the start of the season...

However, I still think they'll top last years record by 6 or 7 games.

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