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It's time to hold Somebody accountable.. Petition.


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When I look at this team i see three problems;

1) lack of talent at center

2) undersized at 3 positions (1,4,5)

3) inexperience

Number 3 I am not so worried about because young players don't stay young. The other 2 aren't so easily fixed.

i think Pachulia and Ren are serviceable at C.

Speedy is undersized? is he gonna be boxing out on free throws or something? Smoove/Shellhead won't be undersized at 250 lbs at the 4. word is Josh is looking bigger.

i don't share such a bleak outlook. I think the team will win 35+ games.

i've been negative lately because they are getting shafted on this Harrington deal. even with that the future is looking better.

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Guest Walter


What I wanted to see is a team that, once it matures, has a chance to contend for a title. I don't see that right now even if Smith and Marvin fulfill their potential.

Parts 2 of your previous post cites a lack of size, height, at adjacent interior positions and part one mentions a lack of talent at the 5.

You can't lack talent and be underheight/undersized in the post and not get your [censored] handed to you at some point. We don't have Steve Nash and D'antoni to work up a short-term gimmick for us. This team remotely as constructed will not contend for a title. This offseason was the one to make the necessary changes towards contention and instead BK was uninspired and directed us towards mediocrity. I have no idea how BK (or anyone else) can undo his many errors without starting all but over. He needs an act of god to force him to make right headed moves at this point.


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The lineup i wanted to see before the draft was






That lineup has size advantage at every position except the 4, and Josh's 40" vertical makes up for some of his lack of height.

That lineup has scoring and defense, 2 of the best shotblockers in the league inside. Any guards driving the lane would have to think twice.

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Guest Walter


The lineup i wanted to see before the draft was






That was a very reasonable lineup to expect as both Roy and Foye were available and Pryz wanted to go where the money was. Keeping ZaZa we could've gone with 2 bigs also. Sign Speedy or Banks with Roy and JJ and you have an excellent 3 guard rotation. Just a very simple lineup to compile and one I would have stood behind.

If Al for Artest was done we could have had:





Pryz/ZaZa/project center

Trade Childress for a project center.

Holy [censored] that is a one year transformation of talent and role diversity. The defense on that team could own teams from day one. Artest, JS, and Pryz each strong defenders or defensive specialists in JS's case at this point. JJ and Roy both solid. Offensively, who could be left alone? No one, not even Pryz as he would be within 5'. Just tremendous. No more work left to be done but finish growing together.

We needed a GM capable of making bold moves and BK is the antithesis of that.


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BK may have put together a team that wont work. However, if it doesnt work this year or even next I still dont see BK being the one to get the ax. Woody will go and then if a second coach of BK's choice cant get it done then BK will go.

As an owner you most want a GM that can build you a winning team. However, you'll be more likely to give that GM a pass if he at least doesnt overspend or get you into a position that is hard to get out of. We do have too many swingmen but they are get tradeable assets. The Shelden pick goes against this, kinda makes you wonder if it was a true BK pick or more of a owner mandated pick.

I think Woody was brought in here just to be a teacher. We didnt want to pay for an experienced coach to come in for the early years of our rebuild. Not to sound to "KB"ish but I still believe that BK is on top of things and on plan. If he still sees Woody making poor coaching decisions this year then Woody will be gone, especially if BK has an experienced coach that he always wanted ready to come in. Actually that is probably the most likely scenario and what BK planned all along. He brings in Coach X to lead us in the playoffs and he releases his friend Woody with a good resume so he can move on to coach somewhere else.

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Guest Walter

At this point it's about building a team capable of contending and so far BK has utterly failed in that responsibility. He hasn't even come close, making the wrong move aligned with conventional wisdom (MW), the even worse wrong move aligned against conventional wisdom (SW), and all but wasting the best potential offseason the Hawk's have had in at least 10 years.

Yes, we have young talent, but if they aren't remotely enough to contend then they are not enough to trade for other players with which to contend (and no mid-1st pick is going to change that).

Woody is a pawn, squarely BK's choice, and should also go unless this team goes very near playoffs and looks somehow promising as a contender, but when a team is in our position, responsibility must rest more with the GM. He is dismantling not tinkering and if HIS design entirely can't measure up then no coach can make it.

BK has constructed an utterly flawed team without long-term contention hopes, many lost out on this offseason. That isn't on anyone but himself.


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Guest Walter


If BK brought in a really good coach, he would've outclassed and he couldn't have that. Water seeks its own level and BK sought a coach that is at or below his own when it comes to class, competency, etc.

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That was a very reasonable lineup to expect as both Roy and Foye were available and Pryz wanted to go where the money was.

There is nothing that suggests that Pryz was going where the money was. He said he liked it in Portland and he stayed there after he felt like they'd taken positive steps.

I also would have taken Foye though.

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There is nothing that suggests that Pryz was going where the money was.

That is ridiculous. Here were his exact words:


"In sports, nothing is certain, and this could be my one shot to make as much money as I can," Przybilla told the newspaper. "I'm not getting any younger."


He was a UFA, his team didn't hold his Bird Rights and he was looking to get paid. A player can't get more available than that.

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When I talked to Jason I asked him about Pryz and he confirmed what I had already known: there was no chance in hell Pryz was coming back to Atlanta after the way BK treated him. BK made the decision to go with Collier over Pyrz.

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Pryz is a stiff, I don't know why there are so many posts dedicated to him. I mean this board talks about Pryz and Mihm as if they were Shaq and Wilt rolled into one. THEY ARE BOTH STIFFS. Pryz will be on the bench in Portland, Mihm plays behind Kwame Brown for god's sake. THEY ARE STIFFS! STIFFS STIFFS STIFFS! When in the F*ck will this board realize that?

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He said a lot of things at a lot of different times. He definitely could have squeezed more than 5 mil out of a team if all that mattered was the cash. The market for 7 footers is retarded in the NBA. He said he loved portland and wanted to stay but was going to bolt unless they made big moves. They made big moves and he stayed.

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Definitely one of BK's worst moves. One thing I don't like about BK is that he seems to make decisions based off emotion sometimes. I definitely believe that he's the kind of guy to burn bridges and hold grudges. Part of the reason I don't think he's a long term solution as our GM.

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Name one ufa agent who has ever taken less money to stay with a team that wasn't a contender. Ever.

Needless to say I can come up with many examples of free agents who left after assuring everyone that they intended to stay.

And where were those quotes about Joel liking the Blazers moves before he actually signed his deal? The bottom line is that nobody offered more so it was easy for him to stay.

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I agree. We have the young players and it appears to me that BK doesn't have the ability or his hands are tied when making a trade or free agent acquisition. If nothing else Magloire would have provided some toughness in the middle and aparrently the price was that high. Lo Wright and ZaZa play NO defense and teams just drive down the middle for layups against the Hawks. We did not address the center need this off season and that is why I have been so vocal about getting nil for AL in a snt.

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