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Does Al say screw it?


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Thank god, another sane person..Some feel sorry for AL, and some praise him for handling the horrible pressure of not knowing where his 7 or 8 million dollar paycheck is coming from..

AL has remained classy and I credit him for that..As far handling pressure and feeling sympathy try a teacher that is struggling to pay their mortgage or the policeman trying to figure out how to send his kid to college..AL has made somewhere between 40 and 50 million already during his career and is about to make 57 million more..Give me some of that kind of pressure anytime..

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I hope you post when that article comes out Bballprincess. I have my own suspicions what the context of "financial difficulties" truly means, I am fairly confident Miller has at least mismanaged part of Al's money or cost him an endorsement but the only thing I feel safe to say for sure without my own editorial opinion is that Al left Miller not over getting more money in this deal. That was already agreed to. Its getting an agent in Tellum he feels safer in trusting with his financial future.

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Just like the DUB mag feature article?

Hahahaha, you always hate on BBP and normally I would try to somewhat defend her if I thought she had some basis. But, it is getting harder and harder to believe her when apparently there was no DUB article.

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Just like the DUB mag feature article?

Hahahaha, you always hate on BBP and normally I would try to somewhat defend her if I thought she had some basis. But, it is getting harder and harder to believe her when apparently there was no DUB article.

It's shocking isn't it?

There is a distinct difference between just "having access" and being a journalist.

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"financial irregularities" in regards to Miller handling Al's money.

You are in the ball park....As I am limited to what I can say cuz of non-disclosures I have agreed to due to a pending feature story.

Just like the DUB mag feature article?

Actualy, no. DUB is car lifestyle magazine, and I really couldn't go over 850 words, so there's not much I could do about getting into the details that much about his career. 850 words is not a "Feature Story" I'll post the story I wrote but if you know anything things change. It makes no since to put one basketball player in a football player issue. I have no control how they publish their issues.

When they put out the Basketball player issue then you will see the article that I have posted.

But the "Feature Story will be for a NBA Magazine, and it will be for the Jan/Feb issue.

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you mean the story you just posted excepts from? So much for those NDA's eh?

OMG! I frown my face up in disgust. I thought you were more intelligent than that. You obviously don't pay attention to what is written on this board. Why don't you go back and re-read what was going on. DUB is not a NBA MAGAZINE. This has nothing to do with the NDA's that i'm subject to with an up comming feature story that has NOT been written yet.....you know what? I'm not going to explain myself.... I can't win for loosing. It's always something with yall. It's even worse comming from you!:(

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What makes no since?

That a writer could have such a poor command of the english language.

U, lay off me. Please don't start up with me again. My writting ability on this site has nothing to do with my predication of the english language. It's a mindless mistake, that does not show up in my work.

This is a relaxed format....... tongue.gif

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I would think that as a writer you would take extra effort to exhibit good grammar skills, regardless of the forum. It stands to reason that it would make your job, and the job of those that proof you, much easier. That's just my observation though.

and for the record, I have yet to "start up" anything with you.

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I would think that as a writer you would take extra effort to exhibit good grammar skills, regardless of the forum. It stands to reason that it would make your job, and the job of those that proof you, much easier. That's just my observation though.

and for the record, I have yet to "start up" anything with you.

Your observation is appreciated, but those who proof me don't have to worry about those "mindless" mistakes. Because they are not their when I'm in work mode. So you see any of those types of errors in the actual article? No, you don’t.

If you were trying to offer up some constructive criticism then cool, I can handle that, but you seem to have a problem with the way you talk to people. In life how you say things are more important than what you say to people.

I'd be willing to bet that people always or have always told you about things that you say, or how they've perceived something you have said, and you've had to go back and say, "No I didn't mean it like that"

It's cool to be presumptuous, but bring the level down from a 10 to a 6. Then you would be alright

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I would think that as a writer you would take extra effort to exhibit good grammar skills, regardless of the forum.

Chillz, I consider myself a writer (and an English teacher who has said command of the language), but I couldn't care less what I sound like on here.

Most writing experts and theorists will tell you that writing is heavily affected by situational (register) factors. Good writers can "flow well" in a variety of genres.

Regardless, I'm not sure that being commander of such a wacky language as English is necessarily a compliment anyway... wink.gif

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My sister is a writer and her emails don't contain many errors. She just writes correctly automatically, as do you.

You're right, your sister sounds a lot like me...a natural writer.

But, I've found out over the past few years of graduate school that many writers "feel" their way through the first few drafts. A LOT of people worry about grammar and word choice as a last resort...for better or for worse.

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