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The saga comes to an end.....


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Hey Mark...

In reference to Internet rumors this is what I stated...


Do you doubt that Chicago had a deal to make... as often as it was floated that Ben Gordon or Tyson Chandler could be the bait that they were dangling?

It's too bad that you're crumbling so badly on the other thread that you're looking for Mudderfudder to be an Expert. All he can do is agree with me that these were the INTERNET Rumors...

Do I really need to go back and pull up said rumors?

All rumors are just that Mark. Rumors.

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Getting back to the AL deal, sure it's only business, but realistically AL has to feel like he's been screwed. The blame falls on the Hawks management/ownership.

Once the deal is done I would keep an eye on the Indy pages, AL may just have a few choice words for the Hawks org. Granted he's a great guy - but even great guys can only stomach so much of this kind of stuff...and nobody likes to lose money.

You gotta wonder what kind of message this is sending to the rest of the team. A huge distraction. One would wonder if all of them are counting the days until they can become FA's and get the heck out of Atl. Must be very confusing to a bunch of young guys who cared about him.

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Hey mudder, Diesel thinks you guys would have traded Ben for Al if not for our ownership situation. Any comment?

Not a chance in hell Ben Gordon was getting traded for Al. Chandler certainly, but I never saw the Gordon for Al rumor. Not saying it didn't exist, but I certainly never saw it and Paxson surely isn't that dumb.

I do feel good considering I spent I don't know how many threads arguing with Diesel that Atlanta wouldn't get nearly what he thought they would for Al.

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I'm waiting on ESPN reporting of AL for Watson/Nene... as being more than a rumor.

I can show you many internet Rumors Mark... The point is that that's all that they are... at the end of the day it doesn't matter who floats the rumor. If there is no credible source... And I don't mean " Unknown Source says Hawks deal with Denver is Imminent.".. then It means ABSOLUTELY nothing. It's the same as YOU making it up.

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I don't see why Al was more valuable at the trade deadline if that is your contention.

The thing is we would have been better off trading him then simply because our franchise was willing to take on salary at that time. When that condition changed the nature of what we could get for Al changed.

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Exodus would have you believe a RENTAL is more valuable than a player who you can sign under contract.

That's STUPID.

He's totally ignoring how the ownership focus change changed everything about our offseason...

No use arguing with stupid people.


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The thing is we would have been better off trading him then simply because our franchise was willing to take on salary at that time. When that condition changed the nature of what we could get for Al changed.

So if the ownership situation was stable then we could trade Al for Nene/Watson right now? Or we could trade Al for Artest?

No what changed are that other teams looked elsewhere when the Hawks wouldn't deal before the deadline. The fact is that there aren't that many opporutities out there regardless of the ownership situation.

How many legit offers do you think Wilcox and Gooden got from other teams? Neither Gooden or Wilcox wanted to resign as cheaply as they did but they had no choice.

The ownership situation certainly effects which offer the Hawks choose to pursue. I have to believe it is the reason the Hawks are choosing the Indy deal over the LA deal.

However thinking that the Hawks would be flooded with much better offers with stable ownership is just fantasy.

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Thanks for the info BBP!

I am completely satisfied with the deal. I hope it's an unprotected 2007 first rounder but even if not, any first rounder for a player that could have left us for nothing if more teams had capspace is adequate to me. From a fan standpoint we'd like to get some talented player in return. But as I've read here earlier if you think about the idea of paying some unneeded player $7mil this year to get a team to also throw in a player with similar skills to what we'll probably get with the pick really is just a waste of a lot of money. If we could have picked up Camby or someone like that but took this deal then that is a different story.

Al is a standup guy and I assume he'll leave with no hard feelings. This is a business and he probably felt his days here were limited when we picked up Marvin to go along with all the other players that basically played the same position as Al. I wish him well, but not his team well..lol.

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he is going to Indiana for less than what the Hawks had offered him to stay. (Every one knows this)

Everyone except Diesel. I refer back to what Al said during the season;


"(Winning is) very important to me," Harrington toldthe Post. "I promise it is. I took winning for granted. It would take a lot for (Atlanta) to sign me back. Obviously, money is No. 1. No. 2, we just have to find a way to get some other players, some good veteran guys in here because I've got to start winning again. "It's the worst, losing all the time. Can't sleep. Can't eat. Your body feels terrible all the time. Winning is very important to me, which is the reason I'm going to go to free agency and just weigh my options."

Reading between the lines it is clear he was willing to take less to be on a winning team.

Diesel made such a big stink about how important a 6 yr deal would be compared to a 5 yr deal. Turns out he will get a 4 yr deal lol.

is this about who was right or wrong on a message board or about winning basketball games? if it's about winning basketball games you should be incensed with Hawks management right now.

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I would have thought the Hawks would have signed Harrington for 40 million, kept him and dealt him off by the mid season trade deadline, which would have put the Hawks in position to help themselves tremendously.

Me, too.


What could BK be thinking right now as we sit in awe, at what we ended up with in return for a guy like Al Harrington?

He's thinking this:


I would have
liked to
have signed Harrington for 40 million, kept him and dealt him off by the mid season trade deadline, which would have put the Hawks in position to help themselves tremendously.

You can bet your bottom dollar that Knight isn't pleased with this trade, but did about as good as you can expect considering the restrictions placed on him.

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is this about who was right or wrong on a message board or about winning basketball games? if it's about winning basketball games you should be incensed with Hawks management right now.

Right now the main thing the Hawks need to become a winning team is a center who can play D.

They passed up the chance to get Nene before the deadline.

They passed up the chance to get Artest before the deadline, who could have been used to trade for a center (Mags at least).

They passed up a chance to get Prz, a UFA whose team didn't have his Bird Rights and also sucked.

They have passed up the chance to get Mihm, who is at least and average starting center.

If you haven't figured out that I am pissed at the Hawks management by now then you really haven't been paying attention.

Of course some here spend a lot of time making excuses, not only for their own faulty predictions but also for the team. It is nothing but a pathetic attempt to deny reality.

I am starting to think they should rename this place Excusesquawk.

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is this about who was right or wrong on a message board or about winning basketball games? if it's about winning basketball games you should be incensed with Hawks management right now.

Right now the main thing the Hawks need to become a winning team is a center who can play D.

They passed up the chance to get Nene before the deadline.

They passed up the chance to get Artest before the deadline, who could have been used to trade for a center (Mags at least).

They passed up a chance to get Prz, a UFA whose team didn't have his Bird Rights and also sucked.

They have passed up the chance to get Mihm, who is at least and average starting center.

If you haven't figured out that I am pissed at the Hawks management by now then you really haven't been paying attention.

Of course some here spend a lot of time making excuses, not only for their own faulty predictions but also for the team. It is nothing but a pathetic attempt to deny reality.

I am starting to think they should rename this place Excusesquawk.

i think it's time we all band together for a common cause.......


I am SO pissed at this deal I can't think straight!

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is this about who was right or wrong on a message board or about winning basketball games? if it's about winning basketball games you should be incensed with Hawks management right now.

Right now the main thing the Hawks need to become a winning team is a center who can play D.

They passed up the chance to get Nene before the deadline.

They passed up the chance to get Artest before the deadline, who could have been used to trade for a center (Mags at least).

They passed up a chance to get Prz, a UFA whose team didn't have his Bird Rights and also sucked.

They have passed up the chance to get Mihm, who is at least and average starting center.

If you haven't figured out that I am pissed at the Hawks management by now then you really haven't been paying attention.

Of course some here spend a lot of time making excuses, not only for their own faulty predictions but also for the team. It is nothing but a pathetic attempt to deny reality.

I am starting to think they should rename this place Excusesquawk.

You missed Anderson. I would have liked to see what he could do. But we failed there too.

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